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Peak Hobblebush Season

Tom Thomson shared these painterly images of hobblebush in fall color. He took these photos high on Mount Cube in Orford, New Hampshire, where he and his wife Sheila manage their land for both…

It’s Foliage Season, Look Down

There’s a lot to see on the forest floor in October, if you can look away from this year’s brilliant canopy display. Noticed on a recent walk: wildly variegated patches of…

Feathers and Shadow

Every winter, as we plan the next Northern Woodlands Conference, we search out a few speakers who don’t, at first glance, have much to do with northeastern forests. These…

Wild Animals and Bears

A landowner set up her game camera along a stream, and made the tactical error of telling her kids where it was located. Several hours after the first image was taken, a mother bear and two…

Nighthawk at Dusk

This is a grainy photo of an exceptional subject: a common nighthawk twisting in mid-air to capture an insect. The light conditions were poor; photographer Tig Tillinghast was only able to get…

Nary a Chilly Discourse

Driving around in September, you see walls of firewood wedged between yard trees, covered with scrap metal and ready for battle. Porch racks are piled high, and in many rural towns, people are…

Last Call For Monarchs

We recently received this photo for the August readers’ photo gallery, along with this explanation from Bonnie Honaberger: “I found this chrysalis on the ground, thus the straight…

Bats on the Wing

Yesterday evening, a bat found its way into the Northern Woodlands building and flew into my office. It careened around the room for several revolutions and then (as far as I know) found its…

Camera, Eyes, and Heart

Sean Beckett, who will teach a photography workshop at this year’s Northern Woodlands Conference, shared this image of Sterling Falls near Stowe, Vermont. Sean is the Staff Naturalist at…

The Loons of Lyford Pond

Recently, subscriber Diana Hayes encountered a group from the Vermont Loon Conservation Project at Quimby Camp in Averill, Vermont. Diana was pleased to see biologist Eric Hanson in this…