My hometown of Putney, Vermont, has a small pre-K through 8th grade school. With its single-story of cheery classrooms, a playground, and ball fields, Putney Central School (PCS) resembles…
Bear Necessities: A Second Chance for Orphaned Cubs
It’s a chilly morning, a few days after the spring equinox. The sun seems stronger than it did even a week ago, although snow still crunches underfoot. The forest is on the cusp of…
There and Back Again: Tracking Broad-Winged Hawk Migration
Every spring, raptors migrate by the hundreds of thousands from Central and South America to their northern nesting grounds, and every autumn they migrate back again, along with their newly…
Transit to Trails: Bringing People to Nature, One Bus at a Time
Societal divisions in America get a lot of press: left vs. right, coastal vs. flyover, religious vs. secular. Another division has day-to-day impacts on people’s lives but receives…
Payments for Forest Carbon
This article is the last in a four-part series that focuses on forest carbon. A companion series, beginning this spring, will focus on climate change impacts and adaptation in forests.…
Creating a Hand-Hewn Dough Bowl
Surrounded by hardwood forest in northern Vermont, I process five cords of firewood annually for my family’s use. As gratifying as this work can be, I’ve often found myself wanting…
Lessons in Wood
An Innovative Program Prepares a New Generation of Loggers
It has been raining all summer in northern Maine, the 10th wettest summer on record, and this Wednesday in August dawns overcast, the low gray clouds plump and threatening to overspill at any…
Bark Beetle Galleries
Have you ever wondered what makes the meandering paths etched into fallen trees and logs, just beneath the bark? Although many insects tunnel through wood, bark beetles create some of the most…
A Bird in Hand: The Art of Woodcarver George Calef
Woodcarver George Calef has fond memories of sitting at his grandmother’s knee, almost 80 years ago, as she looked out the window at the birds flitting around her birdfeeder.…
A Colorful Late-Fall Ice Show on a New Hampshire Pond
A note from the editors: An abridged version of this photo essay appears in the Autumn 2023 print issue of Northern Woodlands magazine. We were fascinated by Steven Arcone’s detailed…