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The Outside Story

The Patchwork Life of the Brown Wasp Mantidfly

Last July, I crossed paths with an insect that looked like the living embodiment of my favorite drawing game. Using folded paper, players add to a communal image without seeing previous…

How Severe Flooding Impacts Aquatic Life

July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded worldwide, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Rising temperatures associated with climate change have dramatically…

The Many and Varied Ways Caterpillars Avoid Predation

In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Alice stumbles upon a large mushroom. She peeps over the edge and encounters a caterpillar “smoking a long hookah, and taking…

The Wonders of Aerial Insectivore Flight

When I worked at a barn one summer during college, I marveled at the swallows that nested in the structure’s eaves and corners. I watched the iridescent birds swoop, flutter, and dart…

Jesup’s Milk-Vetch: A Rare Beauty

A few ledges along the Connecticut River are home to a rare plant commonly known as Jesup’s milk-vetch (Astragalus robbinsii var. jesupii). In fact, this species, which has been listed…

Native Cherry Trees: Spring Beauty, Ecological Gold

Each spring, cities from New York to Texas celebrate the spectacular blooming of ornamental cherry trees. In many cultures, the lovely, delicate pink and white cherry blossoms symbolize…

A Young Red Squirrel Grows Up

Years ago, a hitchhiker found a baby red squirrel beneath a tree and brought it to the nature center where I worked as a naturalist and wildlife rehabilitator. The squirrel kit had not yet…

Learning the Language of Birding

The shift begins around the time we turn the clocks ahead, a gradual transition from winter’s steady chorus of chickadees, squawking jays, and crows cawing over the compost pile to…

Headwater Streams Are Vital Sources of Clean Water

For nearly 15 years, I have been exploring the headwaters of a river near my home. The entire drainage area, encompassing all the streams, rainfall, and snowmelt that pass into a single river,…

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns: Stalkers of the Shallows

If you take to the water this spring, there’s a good chance you’ll spot a great blue heron, New England’s most recognizable large wading bird. But you might also see one of…

The Tale of a Lake Tsunami

The sharpest contrast between rivers and lakes is in water movement. While rivers flow inexorably downhill, lake water movement is more subtle. Anyone who has weathered a storm on a lake,…

The Fascinating Adaptations of Frogs

Frogs have hopped about Earth since before the time of the dinosaurs, and it shows. Celebrated for their amphibious lifestyle and cacophonous choruses, the long arc of frog evolution has…

Coming April 8: A Total Eclipse of the Sun

In the cosmic dance of heavenly bodies, no phenomenon possesses the drama of a solar eclipse, when the moon passes directly between the sun and earth. In the path of totality, where the moon…

For White-throated Sparrows, Opposites Attract

In the wild, finding a suitable mate is no simple matter – and it’s an extra complicated affair for one familiar resident of the woods and underbrush. With its chunky build, boldly…

Maple Sugaring Adapts to a Changing Climate

Boiling maple sap into syrup is a time-honored tradition in the Northeast, to the olfactory delight of anyone who has spent time in a steamy sugarhouse while inhaling the sweet maple scent of…

A New Invasive Zigzagging Across North America

There’s a new invasive insect zigzagging its way across North America. First reported by citizen scientists in Quebec in 2020, the elm zigzag sawfly (Aproceros leucopoda) has now spread…

The Humble Acorn: A Feast for Wildlife

In a big mast year for oak trees, it seems like there’s a constant barrage of acorns thwacking roofs, parked cars, and – sometimes – unsuspecting humans. These falling nuts…

How Ebbing Snow Cover Affects Plants and Animals

When it comes to winter in the North Country, brown is not beautiful. Climate change has brought sudden and extreme fluctuations in weather along with a dramatic decline in the amount of…

A Tale of Two Grosbeaks

Last February, several evening grosbeaks, which we rarely see here, visited our feeder. About the size of robins, the males were yellow with black and white wings, a black tail, and a bright…

Red Velvet Mites in Winter

Bright red, soft, and velvety… no, I’m not describing a Valentine’s Day decoration, but a red velvet mite. Built like eight-legged, scarlet Beanie Babies, red velvet mites…