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A Winter Tussle

Last weekend, there was a tussle in the lilac bush in our front yard, and when the snow settled, what was revealed was one weasel and one very agitated red squirrel. The weasel ducked into the…

Winter Waterfowl

I have yet to hear of any snowy owls nearby this winter, although they’re on the move in the Northeast; Cornell’s eBird site includes recent sightings along the New England coast,…

Ancient Gifts

Recently, I’ve been learning about ancient forests. This started when a teacher I met at an educators’ conference gave me a chunk of shale covered in fern fossils from the…

Barn Cats

Like a lot of rural kids, my introduction to furbearing animals came through trapping. It’s not an easy endeavor ever – especially when you’re 12 – so the powers of the…

Using More of a Deer

I’m a big proponent of cutting up your own local venison – the local in that phrase used to distinguish between a deer someone shoots near their home and a deer they might take in…

Planting Hope for a New American Chestnut

During the first decade of the 20th century, New York Harbor teemed with steamships delivering new arrivals from overseas. Between 1900 and 1910, the Statue of Liberty welcomed an average of…

A Bird in Hand

In the winter issue (arriving in mailboxes any day now), there’s a supernatural tale about a fateful encounter between a logging camp villain and a gorby – one of the many names…

Portrait of a Forest: Men and Machine

Over the past five years, photojournalist George Bellerose has spent thousands of hours photographing and interviewing loggers and others whose jobs, one way or another, connect to the forests…

Conference Recap

This year’s Northern Woodlands Conference, held at the Hulbert Outdoor Center in Fairlee, Vermont, featured a great mix of workshops and presentations, all related, in one way or…

Puffball Season

This autumn seems an especially good one for mushrooms. Our September Reader Photo Gallery includes a number of fungi photos, and a one mile walk in my family woodlot this past Sunday revealed…