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Decorative woodsy background

What in the Woods is That?

Mystery in Yellow

No, this balsam fir is not changing colors as part of fall foliage. What does explain its yellow needles, the undersides of which hold the answer?

Game Cam Selfie

Last week, a game camera in Strafford, Vermont, captured this wildlife selfie. What are we looking at? Or, rather, what is looking at us?

The Humming Tree

The photographer was drawn to this tree (in mid-July, on a rich site) by a loud hum coming from its canopy. What’s the tree species, and why was its canopy humming?

Unlucky Three

What does this hemlock branch, beech sapling, and hunting camp have in common?

Christmas in July

Deep in a Vermont forest, we discovered these gift-wrapped tips of Christmas ferns, and only Christmas ferns, among other nearby growing fern species. Who did it?

On the Hood

This scene was seen the morning after a rain storm. What are the orange items on the hood of this vehicle? (Fun tiebreaker: guess the vehicle make and model!)

Mystery Unfolding

Sandy Dannis captured this photo back in May. The plant has since unfurled. What is it?

Ash Woes

What caused the unusual cluster of growth on this ash tree? (Hint: it isn’t emerald ash borer.)

By the Mark

What caused the orange mark on this Ostrya virginiana tree (known by many common names, including hophornbeam, hardhack, and ironwood). It looks like a poor boundary blaze, but it’s not.

Mystery in Lyme

The Lyme (NH) Historians, located opposite our office on the Lyme Common, are currently exhibiting historical artifacts related to logging camps and log drives. And that is your hint for this…

Tree Flower ID

Three tree flowers, all collected April 25 from one field in central Vermont. What are they?

Oddball Oak in NY

This Bonsai-like oak forest was seen in east-central New York. What caused the seedlings to grow like this?

Burning Time

It’s that time of the year when woodpiles are nearly gone. We pulled a few pieces from what we have remaining: can you tell us (left to right) what species we still have left to burn?

Twisted Trivia

Thanks to Sandy Dannis for sending along this artistic photo. Do you know what it is?

Lakeside Stumper

This group of trees grows along the shoreline of a lake in far northern New York. What species are we looking at?

Maple Rings

Patricia Liddle took this photo recently in Canaan, New York. Any idea what caused these horizontal deformities in the maple?

Mystery in the Mountains

What are these football-shaped objects, about .75 inch to 1 inch long, scattered on the snow of a dry site in the Taconic Mountains of Vermont?

Diamond-Studded Mystery

Winter Tree ID: Do you know what tree this is, with diamond-shaped bumps along its lower trunk?

Crazy Ice

Tom Norton sent along this photo at the end of December, with the following note: “Today my wife and I were walking near the Ompompanoosuc River in Thetford, Vermont, and were surprised to…

Sketchy Scars

Jerry Milne sent along this photo taken in Connecticut. The scars, seen on the uphill side of the trees, are about 30 years old, and they all got their start at the same time. Do you know what…