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Seeing the Forest for the Birds

Steve Hagenbuch looked up from a thicket of glossy-leaved shrubs and said, “Given the buckthorn problem here, I think single-tree selection might be the best approach. Group selection…

Lumber, Chips, and Sawdust: For Sawmills, There’s No Such Thing as Waste

A few years back, I saw a very cute ad that featured a photo of a couple of toddlers. The script read, “Come see what we saw.” I wondered what it was that they might have seen, and…

Two Centuries of Timber and Trampers: Where Recreation and Logging Coexist

My friend Dan reached out with the long hardwood branch he had found, placing it in the midpoint of the stream we were attempting to cross. He passed the pole-like branch from hand to hand,…

Wood Chips Keep School Warm

Well before first light on an icy winter morning, a tractor-trailer unit wheels out of the yard at the Claire Lathrop sawmill in Bristol, Vermont, and heads for Barre Town Elementary and…

Red Oak, Black Cherry and Great Blue Herons

Jon Raymond had some problems. About 100 of them, each one covered with blue feathers. Those who know him might not have found this surprising. He is on the board of directors of the New York…

A Forest Full of Energy: Wood Grows as a Major Fuel in the Northeast

Since the time of the first humans, wood has served as an important fuel source. We relied upon it first for heat, today for electricity, and tomorrow maybe for liquid fuels. Wood used simply…

Wolves as Neighbors: A Lesson from Transylvania

While Romania is clearly not a part of the territory we normally cover, we believe that the writer’s observations in this article are relevant to the ongoing debate about the role that large…

The Curious Blue Jay

"It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds." —Aesop, Fables: The Lay and the Peacock Of all the birds that regularly visit backyard feeders, none is more easily…

A Forester’s Pursuit of Excellence

Everything we do – or don’t do – in a forest is forest management. Many of today’s foresters strive to provide excellent forest management. But what exactly does that mean?…

The Mystery of Pease’s Mountain

On a spectacular summer day in July, three of us – all botanists – gathered our gear together at a remote trailhead in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Dorothy Allard, Annie…