There’s never been a summer school quite like this one. Instead of cinderblock walls, picture an outdoor classroom where towering white pines overlook a beautiful lake. Instead of bookbags…
Saving Herbie: New Life for a 217-year-old American Elm
There was no saving Herbie, at least not literally, not after its caretaker saw the unmistakable spread of Dutch elm disease in the upper reaches of its crown. Frank Knight – he’s 101…
Too Many Whitetails?
Bill Schmidt, of Elysian Hills Tree Farm in southeastern Vermont, says his current deer problem is not as bad as it was twenty years ago. Back then, the deer had a habit of congregating in his…
Slolly, Sprinklers, and Mackinawed Men
Almost 100 years ago, Dr. Edward H. Risley, a Boston doctor and registered Maine guide, left the city for a January journey to his “Leetle Cabain,” a oneroom camp in Maine’s…
Got Fern? Controlling Native Invasive Plants
Exotic invasive plants get the headlines, as they crowd out native species, deprive wildlife of food, and generally devalue the Northern Forest. But in certain cases, native plants can cause…
Rake and Splay: How I Learned to Make a Windsor Chair
A decade or so ago, a friend showed me his copy of a book called Make a Chair from a Tree. Now who could possibly resist a title like that? With its step-by-step procedures for making a…
Woods for the Woodcock
Dawn, in early November: stepping outside, I hear a twittering from on high. Against the brightening sky, I glimpse a small bird with a rounded head and a long, pointed bill. On rapidly…
The Burning Question: Is Biomass Right for the Northeast?
Like a forest fire that appears to be contained before exploding into an inferno, biomass has gone from being a topic of interest primarily to foresters and energy experts to one that can draw…
Earning Its Keep: Finding Sources of Income from Your Land
There was a time when people who lived in rural areas and owned acreage made their living from the land. Subsistence living was neither an alternative lifestyle nor a quaint anachronism. It…
Wild Farms: Woodland Gardening in the 21st Century
In the spring of 1780, Jonathan Carpenter and his cousin set out from their home in southern Massachusetts to start a new life in Pomfret, Vermont. On May 13, they bought 100 acres of land,…