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Chipmunks and Truffles - A Recipe for a Healthy Forest

While on an afternoon hike last fall, I sat down at the base of a large tree to take in what might be going unnoticed. Within seconds, a chipmunk appeared from behind a pile of large rocks.…

Cavities are Good

Never mind the dreaded news at the dentist’s office – cavities are good! Dead, broken-topped snags full of large and small cavities aren’t worth anything at the mill.…

Big Reed Forest Reserve: A Place Out of Time

We were maybe 10 minutes down the trail when Nancy Sferra made the announcement. “We’re now officially in old growth.” A few steps had taken us from one type of forest, a…

Trout Fishing on the Cultural Divide

Ethan Pond, a small pond high in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, is not only where a trout-fishing addiction began for me, but it’s also where some of the earliest observations of…

Seeing the Climate Through the Trees

Forests are complex systems. The Earth’s climate is a complex system. When you put them together, you get something even more complex. Complexity upon complexity, as it were. It’s…

How Did the Moose Cross the Road? Reconnecting a Broken Landscape

Jens Hilke, a conservation planning biologist with the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, stood beside his colleague, James Brady, a biologist with the Vermont Agency of Transportation…

Grave Diggers of the Insect World

A regular chore of mine is to dispose of the mice and moles trapped in our home. I place them on a 4 x 5-foot patch of dirt and rock – which I have named the grave site – beside my…

Grazing in the Woods: Bringing Silvopastures to the Northeast

His assignment was to train gauchos to be loggers. That’s what the Peace Corps hoped Brett Chedzoy would accomplish in Argentina in the 1990s. “I wasn’t too…

Blood Sisters

Walking in the New Hampshire woods, I mark my trail with eau de DEET. Chickadees twitter judgmentally in the hemlocks: “She’s wearing the CDC-recommended, permethrin-impregnated…

A Hayfield Home for Northern Pike and Wild Trout

On the western side of Vermont, the Otter Creek wanders leisurely through hayfields before easing into Lake Champlain. Wildlife abounds, with shore-nesting bald eagles and ospreys,…