The centerpiece of this issue is a mishmash story on deer and deer hunting – the hunting bit as important a cultural touchstone as we have in the rural Northeast, a culture that’s…
Editor’s Note
Editor’s Note
Extreme weather was a big theme in the 2018 news cycle. People died from heat waves in Montreal and Tokyo, of all places. Parts of the Carolinas endured their third “historic”…
Editor’s Note
People don’t like to talk about money for all sorts of sensible reasons. But since the financial details of a story are crucial to our comprehension of it, there’s a point when…
Editor’s Note
“It’s like loving someone with a terminal disease,” she said, her long, thin fingers brushing the tree’s rivulet bark. Our daughter’s in a front pack on her…
Editor’s Note
I’m writing this in late January, right about the time that we’re starting the woods work for the coming sugaring season. Ours is a family maple operation that my father and…
Editor’s Note
We cut about 10,000 feet of white pine last winter off a little nob in the south end of the sugarbush. This summer we’ve been turning the logs into lumber for the home we’re…
Editor’s Note
A subscriber from southeastern Vermont, Katie Bowen, contacted us in the spring to ask advice about the problems she and her husband, Mark, were having with neighbors who were complaining…
Editor’s Note
It’s important for a boy to have older male role models who aren’t their father. When I was growing up, Ed Colvin was one of those men in my life. Ed was my neighbor and my best…
Editor’s Note
Growing up, I never got along that well with school, but I always loved to read and especially loved to read hunting stories, which were their own genre back then. Wilson Rawls’ Where…
Editor’s Note
For those of you who aren’t following the battle to ban bear baiting in Maine, here’s a quick recap: Animal rights groups are pushing a ballot measure that will ask voters this…