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Decorative woodsy background

October 2023

Your October photos showed late season migratory birds, colorful foliage, and fall fungi. In North Haven, Connecticut, Ross Lanius documented a sobering view of three EAB-created hazard trees, while in Vienna, Maine, Sue Mayotte found a hazard of another kind in an exposed wasp nest. We love the sculptural look of Mary Hartt’s common merganser, and check out Steven Arcone’s surprising image of the capillary fringes of dew drops on a spider’s web.

This gallery appears in our bi-weekly e-newsletter. Sign up here!

This gallery is made possible through generous support from the Larsen Fund.

October 2023 Photo: Bob Malbon
Hyde Park, VT. “Loon yoga.” | Photo: Bob Malbon
October 2023 Photo: Jill DeVito
Windsor, VT. “Eyelash cup fungi (about the size of my pinky fingernail) at Mt. Ascutney State Park.” | Photo: Jill DeVito
October 2023 Photo: Linda Reed
Constantia, NY. “Oak leaves in October rain with tiny maple seedling.” | Photo: Linda Reed
October 2023 Photo: Mary Hartt
North Maine Woods, ME. While the photographer was out looking for moose, “this common merganser asked to have a photo taken.” | Photo: Mary Hartt
October 2023 Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. Dew soaked bumblebees. | Photo: Chantal Caron
October 2023 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Trout Run, PA. “White birch with red maple leaves in the background produces a beautiful scene.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
October 2023 Photo: Stephen Fox
Concord, NH. “Herald moth (Scoliopteryx libatrix) on raspberry. I was so impressed with this critter, I let it have the raspberry.” | Photo: Stephen Fox
October 2023 Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “Fly fisherman casting his line in the Warner River.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
October 2023 Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “A single milkweed bug on seeds.” This is late instar nymph. | Photo: Ross Lanius
October 2023 Photo: Chris Demers
Northeast Kingdom, VT. “Thirsty bull moose pausing on a beaver dam.” | Photo: Chris Demers
October 2023 Photo: Steven Arcone
West Lebanon, NH. “Connected dew drops, showing capillary fringes, on a grass spider’s web.” | Photo: Steven Arcone
October 2023 Photo: Diane Thureson
Marshfield, ME. “Pickerel frogs are some of the most beautiful in color and pattern. I often see them out and about this time of year perhaps in preparation for the winter rest.” | Photo: Diane Thureson
October 2023 Photo: Bill-lee Abbott
Francestown, NH. “Moosewood.” Other names include striped maple and goose foot. | Photo: Bill-lee Abbott
October 2023 Photo: Kelly Stettner
Springfield, VT. “A love-fest of late-season meadowhawk dragonflies on Muckross Pond!” | Photo: Kelly Stettner
October 2023 Photo: Banner Moffat
Vinalhaven, ME. “Mushroom tree.” | Photo: Banner Moffat
October 2023 Photo: Cori Hill
Westford, VT. “My reflection in a stream bubble.” | Photo: Cori Hill
October 2023 Photo: Dawn Brooks
Monterey, MA. “Goldenrod hooded owlet on goldenrod in Beartown State Forest.” | Photo: Dawn Brooks
October 2023 Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. “This beautiful ruffed grouse posed perfectly for me.” | Photo: Tom Grett
October 2023 Photo: Mary Hartt
Etna, ME. “Driving into our woodlot after more rain I saw this reflection in the road.” | Photo: Mary Hartt
October 2023 Photo: Margie Manthey
Wolfe Lake, Ontario, Canada. “This white oak leaf shows that photosynthesis is ceasing.” | Photo: Margie Manthey
October 2023 Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “A ruby-crowned kinglet perched in a nannyberry (Viburnum lentago) shrub.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
October 2023 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Sugar Hill, NH. “Two colorful fruit bodies of the blue-stain and lemon drop fungi were found together on a rotting log. The fruit body of the blue-stain fungus is only seen after prolonged wet periods.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
October 2023 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Bristol, VT. “Walking fern on a rock wall in a forest preserve in Bristol. This is the first walking fern that I have seen in Vermont!” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
October 2023 Photo: Jill DeVito
Windsor, VT. “Another brightly colored fungus? No, this red eft found a room with a view!” | Photo: Jill DeVito
October 2023 Photo: David Humphrey
Stamford, CT. “Mushroom ladder.” These are resinous polypores. | Photo: David Humphrey
October 2023 Photo: Skip Stanger
Etna/Hanover, NH. “Baby snapper, found in grass nowhere near water on 10/25/23.” | Photo: Skip Stanger
October 2023 Photo: Ross Lanius
Hamden, CT. “Danger, three dead white ash killed by the emerald ash borer (EAB) leaning on a tree.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
October 2023 Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Amazing what appears after the leaves active, almost 2-foot long bald-faced hornet nest right along a trail!” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
October 2023 Photo: Igor Zlokarnik
West Kingston, RI. “Lichen growing on a branch along a river.” | Photo: Igor Zlokarnik
October 2023 Photo: Karinne Heise
Hopkinton, NH. “Orange peel fungus popping up in a recently logged area.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
October 2023 Photo: Greg Shute
T1 R11, ME. “The cliffs on Fourth Debsconeag Lake.” | Photo: Greg Shute
October 2023 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Fly amanita, one of the mycorrhizal fungi that has a relationship with the roots of trees -- in this case with a white pine’s roots.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
October 2023 Photo: Jill DeVito
Windsor, VT. “Yellow birch along the Slab Trail near the summit of Mt. Ascutney.” | Photo: Jill DeVito
October 2023 Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Acorn.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
October 2023 Photo: Susan Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Changing colors.” | Photo: Susan Lichty
October 2023 Photo: John W. Blaser
Brewster, NY. “Catamount Mountain from Taylor Pond, Adirondacks.” | Photo: John W. Blaser
October 2023 Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Shaggy mane (Coprinus comatus) just beginning to show why it's also known as shaggy ink cap!” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
October 2023 Photo: Stephen Fox
Canterbury, NH. “Woods road leading to Morrill Pond in fall colors.” | Photo: Stephen Fox
October 2023 Photo: Cori Hill
Westford, VT. “Camouflage.” | Photo: Cori Hill
October 2023 Photo: Nancy Halloran
Waterville Valley, NH. “20-foot ladder to the top of Goodrich Rock.” This is one of New Hampshire’s largest known glacial erratics. | Photo: Nancy Halloran
October 2023 Photo: Jeff Pickett
Cumberland, ME. “Dragonfly.” | Photo: Jeff Pickett
October 2023 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Franconia, NH. “Common brick top mushrooms.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
October 2023 Photo: Joyce Layne
West Stoneham, ME. “Milkweed seeds ready to disperse in the breeze on a cool October day.” | Photo: Joyce Layne
October 2023 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Underhill, VT. “Fall colors in Underhill Center with Mt. Mansfield’s forehead beyond.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
October 2023 Photo: Jane Ogilvie
Middlebury, VT. “Cute little golden-crowned kinglet.” | Photo: Jane Ogilvie
October 2023 Photo: Kathleen Demers
Willington, CT. “Late autumn afternoon on Taylor Pond.” | Photo: Kathleen Demers
October 2023 Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. “While paddling on a remote lake in the northern Adirondacks we enjoyed watching this otter.” | Photo: Tom Grett
October 2023 Photo: John W. Blaser
Brewster, NY. “Red pine close-up, Massawepie Lake, Adirondacks.” | Photo: John W. Blaser
October 2023 Photo: Leif Tillotson
Eden, VT. “Reflected autumn colors.” | Photo: Leif Tillotson
October 2023 Photo: Sue Mayotte
Vienna, ME. “Wasp nest at Kimball Pond.” | Photo: Sue Mayotte
October 2023 Photo: Mary Hartt
Baxter State Park, ME. “Early in the morning after moonset.” | Photo: Mary Hartt
October 2023 Photo: Jack Nelson
Plainfield, MA. “Luna moth caterpillar on a beaked hazelnut bush.” | Photo: Jack Nelson
October 2023 Photo: Richard Philben
Gil, MA. “A great blue heron and a great egret share a log in Barton’s Cove.” | Photo: Richard Philben
October 2023 Photo: Patricia Liddle
Lanesboro, MA. “Young of the year porcupine by the side of road up Mount Greylock.” | Photo: Patricia Liddle
October 2023 Photo: Nancy Halloran
Presidential Range, White Mt. National Forest, NH. “View from the top of Mt. Washington as seen through the smoky haze from the wildfires in Canada.” | Photo: Nancy Halloran
October 2023 Photo: Richard Philben
Shelburne, MA. “A beautiful autumn day.” | Photo: Richard Philben
October 2023 Photo: Steven Arcone
West Lebanon, NH. “Two-millimeter-long, male, six spotted orb-weaver feeding on fresh bundled prey. What’s in the bundle?” | Photo: Steven Arcone
October 2023 Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “Walking by the pond at the height of the fall colors the sun came out briefly and rendered this reflection.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
October 2023 Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Outliers — wild blueberries in late October in the Great North Woods?!?” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
October 2023 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Honey mushrooms.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
October 2023 Photo: Ken Hatch
Ryegate, VT. “Autumn wetland and upland from Lower Symes Pond.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
October 2023 Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. “A Canadian lynx from northern Maine.” | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
October 2023 Photo: Jane Ogilvie
Ripton, VT. “Blue headed vireo seen in the Green Mountains of Vermont one fine day in October- perhaps getting ready to leave.” | Photo: Jane Ogilvie
October 2023 Photo: Stephen Fox
Canterbury, NH. Waxcap mushrooms. | Photo: Stephen Fox
October 2023 Photo: Cathy Tallen
Heath, MA. A spring peeper, “about the size of the tip of my finger, and from afar looked like a gray part of a leaf.” | Photo: Cathy Tallen
October 2023 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Essex Town, VT. “Partridgeberry and fallen leaves.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
October 2023 Photo: Igor Zlokarnik
Stoneham, ME. “Fungi on trunk on slope of Lord Hill.” | Photo: Igor Zlokarnik
October 2023 Photo: Jack Collins
Chaplin, CT. Raspberry and praying mantis. | Photo: Jack Collins
October 2023 Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Pileated woodpecker at the base of a cherry tree.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
October 2023 Photo: Ken Hatch
Rochester, VT. “Bingo Brook in the Green Mountain National Forest.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
October 2023 Photo: Sue Mayotte
Vienna, ME. “Blowing in the wind.” | Photo: Sue Mayotte
October 2023 Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. “My wife Nancy with our two corgis enjoying a remote Adirondack lake.” | Photo: Tom Grett
October 2023 Photo: Karen Stocker
Granville, MA. “Turkey tail mushrooms found on a decaying tree branch in Granville State Forest.” | Photo: Karen Stocker
October 2023 Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Red squirrel.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
October 2023 Photo: Judy Sweet
Lincoln, NH. “One of the many stunning cascades and rock formations along the trails at The Basin.” | Photo: Judy Sweet

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.