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Decorative woodsy background

March 2023

Frequent themes in your March photos included maple sugaring, vividly colored winter skies, and the return of blue herons. Tim Larsen captured an encounter between a barred owl and an exceptionally brave (or foolhardy?) red squirrel, Tom Grett shared the winter woods adventures of Adirondack corgis, and Kirk Gentalen took a great macro shot of blooming dwarf mistletoe. Check out Karinne Heise’s photo of an otter and its reflection, and Frank Kaczmarek’s beautiful image of a deer in snow.

This gallery appears in our bi-weekly e-newsletter. Sign up here!

This gallery is made possible through generous support from the Larsen Fund.

March 2023 Photo: Tim Larsen
Moretown, VT. “Barred owl and red squirrel.” | Photo: Tim Larsen
March 2023 Photo: Kirk Gentalen
Tenants Harbor, ME. “The slap.” | Photo: Kirk Gentalen
March 2023 Photo: Emily Benson
Jackson, NH. “One of our sap buckets hangs quietly beneath the moon and Venus.” | Photo: Emily Benson
March 2023 Photo: Ed Patterson
Near Creekside, PA. “Common mudpuppy - trapped as part of a research project on mudpuppy distribution. After measuring and recording vital statistics they are released back into the stream.” | Photo: Ed Patterson
March 2023 Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. “On our way to go sledding with our 3 corgis in the northern Adirondacks.” | Photo: Tom Grett
March 2023 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “An exceptionally mild winter saved on firewood!” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
March 2023 Photo: Kirk Gentalen
Tenants Harbor, ME. “Eastern dwarf mistletoe - male flowers in bloom.” | Photo: Kirk Gentalen
March 2023 Photo: Judy Sweet
Ashfield, MA. “Pussy willows were a welcome sight on March 5, along with the warm colors of the barn in an otherwise stark winter landscape.” | Photo: Judy Sweet
March 2023 Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “Harvesting fir saw logs and leaving lots of woody debris behind. The debris will add diversity to the available habitat and aid in the establishment of new growth by holding moisture in the soil through partial shading.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
March 2023 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Elimsport, PA. “A male hooded merganser displaying to a nearby female.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
March 2023 Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “Much to my surprise a wood worm had bored a cavity and died right where the wood parted when I split it.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
March 2023 Photo: Ann Griffin
Lancaster, NH. “Bohemian waxwings love crab apples.” | Photo: Ann Griffin
March 2023 Photo: Gordon Gould
Passumpsic, VT. “Activity in the log yard. I brought in and dumped a load of fir logs which is laying behind my one-ton. The semi in the background is being loaded with spruce and fir logs and will truck them out to a mill.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
March 2023 Photo: Christy Butler
Cheshire, MA. “Birds on a wire.” | Photo: Christy Butler
March 2023 Photo: Bill Arnold
South Kent, CT. “Overnight we got steady snow, no wind, and a constant 32 degrees. The result is breathtaking. Soon the sun will come out and begin to melt it away but now the trees have feathers.” | Photo: Bill Arnold
March 2023 Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Bad hair...err! Bald eagle hunting along the upper Connecticut River.” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
March 2023 Photo: Emily Benson
Jackson, NH. “Our sap bucket quietly hangs empty outside while we boil the sap into syrup inside our barn.” | Photo: Emily Benson
March 2023 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “A whitetail foraging during snow flurries.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
March 2023 Photo: Ross Lanius
Hamden, CT. “Spring has arrived along coastal Connecticut with the return of great blue herons. Stick by stick the heron builds or repairs a nest for the chicks that will be hatched later in the spring.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
March 2023 Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “A reflecting otter.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
March 2023 Photo: Leif Tillotson
Swanton, VT. Sunset over lake ice and tree line. | Photo: Leif Tillotson
March 2023 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “A pair of wood ducks in a shrub wetland during migration, although some stay to nest in an adjacent wooded wetland.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
March 2023 Photo: Sheryl Gebauer
North Clarendon, VT. “Field of wind made snowballs after a recent storm.” | Photo: Sheryl Gebauer
March 2023 Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Merrimack, NH. Leaves and ice. | Photo: Jackie Robidoux
March 2023 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Northeast Ohio is the maple sugaring capital of the state. 2023 was an exceptionally productive year with extended periods of temperatures above freezing by day and below at night.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
March 2023 Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. “Our corgi, Dahlia, enjoying a snowy forest deep in the northern Adirondacks.” | Photo: Tom Grett
March 2023 Photo: Christy Butler
Lee, MA. “Sunflower silo.” | Photo: Christy Butler
March 2023 Photo: Jared Katz
Richmond, VT. “A (presumably, based on footprints) female bobcat stares calmly into the lens.” | Photo: Jared Katz
March 2023 Photo: Jill DeVito
Rockingham, VT. “A pair of bluebirds, checking out a brand-new box.” | Photo: Jill DeVito
March 2023 Photo: Ross Lanius
Hamden, CT. “Early after the osprey returns, courtship begins. Great time for action pictures. The action will slow down for a good month after breeding during incubation. Then active chicks.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
March 2023 Photo: Ken Hatch
Bethel, VT. “Bird feeder raiding red squirrel.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
March 2023 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Stowe, VT. “Time for sugaring!” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
March 2023 Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “Spring bluebird puffed up in a last blast of winter.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
March 2023 Photo: Leif Tillotson
Swanton, VT. A quiet lake scene. | Photo: Leif Tillotson
March 2023 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lincoln, NH. “A small pile of feathers is all that remains of a bird that had fallen victim to an unknown predator.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
March 2023 Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Merrimack, NH. “Waiting for spring, great blue heron.” | Photo: Jackie Robidoux
March 2023 Photo: J.P.
Lancaster, NY. “Repurposed sugar maple tree trunk.” | Photo: J.P.
March 2023 Photo: Richard Philben
Natick, MA. “Deer seemed to be playing in the snow.” | Photo: Richard Philben
March 2023 Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Red brain fungus (Peniophora rufa), a distinct crust fungus, stands out against the last of the snow.” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
March 2023 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Colchester, VT. “Hundreds of scaups ’raft’ together on open water on Lake Champlain in March.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
March 2023 Photo: Anonymous
Thetford, VT. An immature bald eagle feeding on carrion. | Photo: Anonymous
March 2023 Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
Richmond, MA. “Blue snow. The Nor’easter this month brought 18 inches of snow to the Berkshires. The snow was glowing blue! Ice crystals absorb the red spectrum of the light and transmit blue, an effect that’s intensified when the snow is deep.” | Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
March 2023 Photo: Ken Hatch
Bethel, VT. “Chickadee in Bethel, Vermont. We didn’t have many species of birds coming to our feeders this winter but we did have a lot of chickadees and it's always nice to have them because they always look and sound happy no matter what the weather is.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
March 2023 Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. “My wife Nancy snowshoeing through a tract of land we call the Pine Cathedral. Our two corgis, Tupper and Dahlia, love these winter adventures!” | Photo: Tom Grett
March 2023 Photo: Sharon Bombard
Adams, MA. “Target canker on a red maple caused by a fungus, leaving bull’s eyes (or target) shapes in the bark.” | Photo: Sharon Bombard
March 2023 Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Merrimack, NH. “Beaver tracks in snow.” | Photo: Jackie Robidoux
March 2023 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Wood ear fungus is aptly named for its frequent resemblance to a human ear.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
March 2023 Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
Quabbin Reservoir, MA. “Birdhouse in a rock wall.” | Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
March 2023 Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Robins are back.” The birds are feeding on clusters of staghorn sumac berries. | Photo: Chantal Caron
March 2023 Photo: Judy Sweet
Ashfield, MA. “First colt’s foot of the season, seen March 30th.” These invasive plants are a common sight along roadsides, and some of the first flowers to bloom in spring. | Photo: Judy Sweet
March 2023 Photo: Travis Cook
Strafford, NH. “Barred owl at sunrise.” | Photo: Travis Cook
March 2023 Photo: Richard Philben
Shelburne, MA. “Sunrise on the morning of the vernal equinox from Wheelview Farm.” | Photo: Richard Philben
March 2023 Photo: Kirk Gentalen
Tenants Harbor, ME. “Backyard coyote.” | Photo: Kirk Gentalen
March 2023 Photo: Ken Hatch
Addison, VT. “Great blue heron at the Dead Creek WMA IBA Brilyea Access.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
March 2023 Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Snowshoeing to the top of Mary’s Knoll.” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
March 2023 Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “High-stepping mallards.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
March 2023 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “A northern harrier hunts low over a field.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
March 2023 Photo: Sharon Bombard
Adams, MA. “Capstone on a stone wall running through the woods - around 10-12 feet long; longest I have ever seen.” | Photo: Sharon Bombard
March 2023 Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Bluebirds are looking for this year’s lodgings!” | Photo: Chantal Caron
March 2023 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “This male American kestrel tolerates a late March snowfall.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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