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Decorative woodsy background

June 2022

Many of you took your cameras into the bog this month, emerging with colorful images of flowers and insects. Fishing scenes, caterpillars, and baby birds were also common themes. In Windham, New Hampshire, Danielle Durocher captured an image of an ovenbird in flight, and in Plymouth, Vermont, a painted turtle rewarded Kelly Stettner and other volunteers’ work removing invasive phragmites. Check out Don Wharton’s image from Stony Creek, New York, of an impressively sized yellow birch burl.

This gallery appears in our bi-weekly e-newsletter. Sign up here!

This gallery is made possible through generous support from the Larsen Fund.

Trout camp Photo: Thomas Ames
Canaan, VT. “Fish and Wildlife Biologist Jud Kratzer surveys Clay Brook with teenagers as part of the annual TU [Trout Unlimited] Vermont Trout Camp.” | Photo: Thomas Ames
Monarch on milkweed Photo: Brinna Sands
Norwich, VT. “Monarch in the making 6/19/22 - found on a milkweed plant near our driveway.” | Photo: Brinna Sands
Loon family Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. “Common loons – family portrait, feeding time.” | Photo: Larry Litke
Beaver slap Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “On a foggy morning paddle, a curious beaver swam up to my canoe then slapped his tail on the water.” | Photo: Tom Grett
Pitcher plant Photo: Karinne Heise
New London, NH. “Pitcher plant leaf ready to trap prey.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Swallowtail caterpillar Photo: Ronald Becker
Fayetteville, NY. “A swallowtail caterpillar. An example of snake mimicry. This is a late instar stage just before pupating.” | Photo: Ronald Becker
Wood frog Photo: Tristan Phillips
Hartland, VT. “Wood frog near Eshqua Bog.” | Photo: Tristan Phillips
Wren mama Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Wren hard at work feeding the babies.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
Eastern pinesap Photo: Crystal Phillips
Hartland, VT. “Eastern pinesap near Eshqua Bog.” | Photo: Crystal Phillips
Bug friends Photo: Andrei Burnin
Enfield, NH. “Making friends.” | Photo: Andrei Burnin
Pitcher plant Photo: Sheri Larsen
Colchester, VT. “Pitcher plant flowers at Colchester Bog. The photo is of the underside of the flowers. I had to crouch down on the boardwalk and use the selfie setting on my cell phone to take the pic!” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Vernal pool Photo: Amy B. Eilertsen
Lebanon, NH. A vernal pool on Burnt Mountain. | Photo: Amy B. Eilertsen
Scarlet tanager Photo: Cheryl Metcalf
Tunbridge, VT. “A male scarlet tanager peers down from the branches of a maple tree.” | Photo: Cheryl Metcalf
Snapping turtle Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. A snapping turtle. | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Luna moth Photo: Becky Silvis
Russell, NY. “Luna moth on barn door.” | Photo: Becky Silvis
Fisher family Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. A mother fisher and her two kits, “foraging in the woods.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Ovenbird Photo: Danielle Durocher
Windham, NH. “Ovenbird.” | Photo: Danielle Durocher
Skimmer Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. A skimmer, perched between flights. | Photo: Chantal Caron
Birds nest Photo: Robert Lord
Buckland, MA. “Wood thrush nest with four eggs.” | Photo: Robert Lord
Showy ladys slipper Photo: Crystal Phillips
Hartland, VT. “Enchanting showy lady’s slippers at Eshqua Bog.” | Photo: Crystal Phillips
Robin in flight Photo: Colleen Crawford-Steinbeiser
Epsom, NH. “Robin in flight.” | Photo: Colleen Crawford-Steinbeiser
Bee on milkweed Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “Bumble bee pollinating a very fragrant smelling common milkweed plant. Later in the season the monarch butterflies will stop to pollinate.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Gray tree frog Photo: Deborah DeSalvo
Oldwick, NJ. “Gray tree frog on stone.” | Photo: Deborah DeSalvo
Deer fly Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Ouch!! A deer fly up close and personal just before it tried to get a meal from my arm.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Fledgling cardinal Photo: Kathleen Bross
New Vernon, NJ. “Fledgling northern cardinal.” | Photo: Kathleen Bross
Polypore Photo: May Wang
New Hope, PA. “Hexagonal-pored polypore (Neofavolus alveolaris) takes hold at Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve.” | Photo: May Wang
Hummingbird moth Photo: David Harris
Littleton, NH. “Hummingbird moth on lilac.” | Photo: David Harris
Bear Photo: Jaska S. Plumb
Andover, VT. “Checking out what's for lunch on the deck.” | Photo: Jaska S. Plumb
Jewelwing Photo: Frederick G. Thurber
South Dartmouth, MA. “Ebony jewelwing damselfly tangled in some spider web on my wife's back.” | Photo: Frederick G. Thurber
Northern flicker Photo: Janet Bissell
Rangeley Plantatian, ME. “Northern flicker with chick on birch tree outside our window on Mooselookmeguntic Lake.” | Photo: Janet Bissell
Crab spider Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Circle of life! A camouflaged flower crab spider (Misumena) successfully ambushes pollinator on common buttercup (Ranunculus acrid).” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Tuberous grass pink Photo: Jonathan Schwartz
New London, NH. “Calopogon [tuberous grass pink – Calopogon tuberosus] at the Philbrick-Cicenti Bog.” | Photo: Jonathan Schwartz
Tent caterpillar Photo: Crystal Phillips
Walpole, NH. “Forest tent caterpillar.” | Photo: Crystal Phillips
Indigo bunting Photo: Peter Hollinger
Sharon, VT. “Indigo bunting.” | Photo: Peter Hollinger
Partridge berry Photo: Bill-lee Abbott
New Boston, NH. “Partridge berry blossom.” | Photo: Bill-lee Abbott
Milkweed Photo: Judy Sweet
Conway, MA. “Vivid in the morning sun, a little fly enjoys a rest on a milkweed leaf.” | Photo: Judy Sweet
Adirondack paddle Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “Misty morning Adirondack paddle.” | Photo: Tom Grett
Common yellowthroat Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. “Common yellowthroat - male.” | Photo: Larry Litke
Common butterwort Photo: Sheri Larsen
Stowe, VT. “Common butterwort in flower. I've only seen this plant in two places - Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland and Stowe, VT! It's an insectivorous plant that grows in acidic soils with low nutrients.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Eastern pine elfin Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. “Eastern pine elfin butterfly caught by a crab spider.” | Photo: Jen Danly
Sunset Photo: Richard A. Philben
Shelburne, MA. “Sunrise on the summer solstice as seen from Wheel View Farm. Mt. Monadnock is to the right of the sunrise.” | Photo: Richard A. Philben
Moose Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Bullwinkle enjoying some newly-created wildlife habitat at an historic farm. No sign of winter tick damage. Looks like he'll be a big boy!” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Logging Photo: Alex Barrett
Jamaica, VT. “Loggers taking a break in a group selection with reserves.” | Photo: Alex Barrett
Fledgling bluejay Photo: Kathleen Bross
First of two: New Vernon, NJ. “Blue jay fledglings.” | Photo: Kathleen Bross
Fledgling bluejays Photo: Kathleen Bross
Continued: New Vernon, NJ. “Blue jay fledglings.” | Photo: Kathleen Bross
Painted turtle Photo: Kelly Stettner
Plymouth, VT. “Peekaboo! This adorable little painted turtle was just trying to catch some sun while I paddled around Amherst Lake after cutting and digging invasive Phragmites reeds with 8 other volunteers.” | Photo: Kelly Stettner
Killdeer Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. Photo from Brickyard Point. “A killdeer nesting in the middle of a trail. The nest and eggs blend in very well with the gravel path.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Boatlanding Photo: Leif Tillotson
Swanton, VT. Boat landing scene. | Photo: Leif Tillotson
Ruffed grouse Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. “Ruffed grouse atop an old stone wall.” | Photo: Jen Danly
Fishing Photo: Tristan Phillips
Alstead, NH. “Fishing in fog on Newell Pond.” | Photo: Tristan Phillips
Nursery Web spider Photo: Louanne Nielsen
Jericho, VT. An American nursery web spider, protecting its egg case. | Photo: Louanne Nielsen
Turkey hen Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. A turkey hen and her poults. | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Mourning cloak butterflie Photo: Caroline Tricker
Stowe, VT. Mourning cloak butterfly. | Photo: Caroline Tricker
Lily pads Photo: Stephen Fox
Boscawen, NH. “Lily pads and fragrant water lilies.” | Photo: Stephen Fox
Brown thrasher Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Brown thrasher on the nest.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
Fawns Photo: Kathleen Bross
New Vernon, NJ. “New fawns.” | Photo: Kathleen Bross
Showy ladys slipper Photo: Sheri Larsen
Hartland, VT. “Showy lady’s slippers at Eshqua Bog, which is a protected bog [co-owned by The Nature Conservancy and The Native Plant Trust]. Such amazing flowers!” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Partridge Photo: Matt Wamsganz
Hampton, NY. “A follow up to the partridge [ruffed grouse] nest photo I sent in the last month. All 11 eggs hatched successfully!” | Photo: Matt Wamsganz
Robin Photo: Peter Hollinger
Sharon, VT. “Robin heading for its nest with a mouthful of worms and caterpillars.” | Photo: Peter Hollinger
Fox Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. A red fox peeks out of its hideout. | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Maidenhair fern Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Maidenhair fern (Adiantum) fully unfurled.” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Chestnut warbler Photo: Peter Mutolo
Underhill, VT. “Rise and shine. A chestnut sided warbler shakes the dew off its feathers in the morning sun.” | Photo: Peter Mutolo
Tulip blossom Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “Tulip poplars first bloom in late winter. Nature has insurance, a second set of blossoms bloom in June after the chance of a late frost.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Happy tree Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
Nipmuc Trail, Tolland County, CT. “Some very clever trail work.” | Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
Catbirds Photo: Frederick Thurber
South Dartmouth, MA. “Catbirds in their nest.” | Photo: Frederick Thurber
Kingfisher Photo: Sheryl Gebauer
North Clarendon, VT. “Belted kingfisher about to have dinner after catching a fish out of our pond and beating it on the fence.” | Photo: Sheryl Gebauer
Lupine Photo: Susan Lichty
Lempster, NH. “A lupine from the top.” | Photo: Susan Lichty
Dead porcupine Photo: Tristan Phillips
Walpole, NH. “Dead porcupine.” | Photo: Tristan Phillips
Painted turtle Photo: C.J. Frankiewicz
Bennington, VT. “Painted turtle laying eggs.” | Photo: C.J. Frankiewicz
Iris Photo: Thomas Ames
Norton, VT. “Blue flag irises on the Coaticook River in northeastern Vermont.” | Photo: Thomas Ames
Loons Photo: Peter Hollinger
Averill, VT. “Loon with two chicks on Forest Lake.” | Photo: Peter Hollinger
Rosy maple moth Photo: Susan Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Rosy maple moths.” | Photo: Susan Lichty
Birch burl Photo: Don Wharton
Stony Creek, NY. “Burl on yellow birch, Adirondacks, Harrisburg Lake.” | Photo: Don Wharton
American woodcock Photo: Susan Elliott
Chittenden, VT. “American woodcock at Leffert’s Pond in Chittenden, VT, Green Mountain National Forest.” | Photo: Susan Elliott
Ladys slippers Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “Lady’s slipper in the northern Adirondacks.” | Photo: Tom Grett
Ants and aphids Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Ants tending to aphids on a milkweed plant.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Broad winged hawk Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Broad-winged hawk takes a break from hunting along a back road to check out an intrusive photographer!” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Mt Abraham Photo: Sheri Larsen
Lincoln, VT. “Hiker nearing the summit of Mt. Abraham, a 4000 footer in VT.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Red eft Photo: Michael Gow
Newfane, VT. “I took this picture of a red eft on the trail that I made for our 23 acres of the woods of our house.” | Photo: Michael Gow
Skunks Photo: Jim Buckley
Sandown, NH. “I noticed a rather large hole excavated in my backyard so I put the game camera on it. We have new neighbors, a mother skunk and three babies.” | Photo: Jim Buckley

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.