Leaping lady’s slippers! In June, a favorite photo subject was early summer wildflowers. Baby moose and fisher kits followed their mothers, a young fawn rested in the tall grass, and heron chicks welcomed a parent’s return. Another favorite subject this month: evocative landscapes, ranging from a sublime valley in Cambridge, Vermont, to an eerie “bent forest” in Newfoundland. This summer’s prize for best dressed insect goes to: the rosy maple moth.
June 2019

Hopkinton, NH. Writer Laurie Morrissey recently contributed this essay to our Outside Story series. https://northernwoodlands.org/outside_story/article/lovely-lupines. Here’s her photo of wild lupine growing in the Concord, New Hampshire pine/scrub oak barrens. She notes, “it is the only food of the federally endangered Karner blue butterfly caterpillar.” | Photo: Laurie D. Morrissey