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April 2022

As happens every spring, we received an April flood of great photos, many showing birds. In Biddeford, Maine, Paula Jean Schlax discovered a summer tanager in the process of growing in its spring feathers, and in Alexandria, New Hampshire, Ronald Maclean took a feeder photo of male goldfinch looking less-than-ready to impress a mate. In Ferdinand, Vermont, John Predom discovered a male black-backed woodpecker, and pretty much everywhere, readers found bluebird pairs setting up nests.  Other images in this gallery include equine forest bathing, a mason bee with a risky home choice and a child’s inspection of beaver works at Cranberry Bog Conservation Forest in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.

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This gallery is made possible through generous support from the Larsen Fund.

Hepatica Photo: Susan Fly
Middlebury, VT. “Hepatica & trout lily, blooming in abundance along the Otter Creek Gorge Trail.” | Photo: Susan Fly
Bloodroot Photo: Mollie Babize
Ashfield, MA. “I was surprised, reading Meghan McCarthy McPhaul’s piece on bloodroot, that this industrious bee was not gathering nectar, simply pollinating.” The reference is to a recent essay in the Outside Story weekly series. | Photo: Mollie Babize
Moth Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Hamden, CT. “Photograph captures a female (left) and a male (right) Promethea moth in close proximity.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Spring runoff Photo: Richard A. Philben
Leyden, MA. “Spring runoff-the Green River on the Vermont-Massachusetts border.” | Photo: Richard A. Philben
Song sparrow Photo: Ross Lanius
Hamden, CT. “When I was out photographing great blue herons, this song sparrow landed on a branch not 30 feet away and began to sing loudly.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Leatherleaf Photo: Sophie Zyla
Framingham, MA. “Leatherleaf in bloom.” | Photo: Sophie Zyla
Gull Photo: Don Wharton
Stony Creek, NY. “Waiting for a bite, St. John Lake, Adirondacks.” | Photo: Don Wharton
Goldfinch Photo: Ronald Maclean
Alexandria, NH. This male goldfinch seems to still be working on his spring molt. | Photo: Ronald Maclean
Beaver tree Photo: Nicholas Anderson
Cranberry Bog Conservation Forest, Chelmsford, MA. “Those dam beavers sure are hard workers.” | Photo: Nicholas Anderson
Happy horse Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. Equine forest bathing? “Gideon, a 3-year-old Arab/quarter horse cross enjoying a delightful roll on an early spring morning.” | Photo: Tom Grett
Elderberry buds Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Red elderberry buds or Greek mythology’s Medusa?” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Hawk Photo: Cindy Morin
Pownal, ME. “A broad-winged hawk taking flight. It flew quite low to the ground before landing in a distant tree.” | Photo: Cindy Morin
Fish jump Photo: John Predom
Orleans, VT. “Fish jumping at Willoughby Falls.” | Photo: John Predom
Black bear Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
Conway , MA. “This large, presumably male, black bear was seen approaching houses in broad daylight quite casually, as it appeared to be habituated to easy food sources. A wound on its right hip suggested a wound from a firearm. It wandered into this willow swamp.” | Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
Eastern newt Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. An eastern newt “out for a spring stroll.” | Photo: Larry Litke
Woodpile Photo: Rodney Johnson
Lake Luzerne, NY. “Lots of guys say stacking wood is a pleasant task; me, not so much! April 5th and I’m getting ready for winter.” | Photo: Rodney Johnson
Woodducks Photo: Paula Jean Schlax
Dresden, ME. “Wood duck on Dresden Bog.” | Photo: Paula Jean Schlax
Heron Rookery Photo: Sheri Larsen
First of two images. Grand Isle County, VT. “Great blue heron rookery in early April.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Great heron Photo: Sheri Larsen
Grand Isle County, VT. “A great blue heron on its nest.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Tom Turkey Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. A mature Tom turkey. Toms are conspicuous in fields and forest openings now, making courtship displays to attract females. | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Beaver Photo: Paula Jean Schlax
Greene, ME. “Beaver on Hooper Pond from a kayak (very cropped).” | Photo: Paula Jean Schlax
Bluebird Photo: Tina Richard
Clinton, ME. “I captured this cute photo of a male blue bird while walking on my favorite trail.” | Photo: Tina Richard
Bobcat Photo: Amy Quist
Heath, MA. “Easter Sunday morning did not bring any bunnies, but it did bring a bobcat to the yard!” | Photo: Amy Quist
Troutlily Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Montoursville, PA. “It's trout season so trout lilies are in bloom.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Owl pellet Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Merrimack, NH. “Owl pellet.” | Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Mason bee Photo: John Snell
Montpelier, VT. “We know how vital solitary bees are but how about the electrician bee?” | Photo: John Snell
Woods spring Photo: Ron Becker
Highland Forest, Fabius NY. “A stone lined spring in the woods upslope from the site of a long-ago country schoolhouse.” | Photo: Ron Becker
Mink Photo: David Gottshall
Jeffersonville, VT. “This mink was photographed in April.” | Photo: David Gottshall
Kestrel eggs Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “We are off to a great American kestrel season here in northeast Ohio. It's not often to find a nest with 6 eggs!” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
Winter moss Photo: Jen Adams
Campton , NH. “Juxtaposition of spring and winter (taken 4-19-22).” | Photo: Jen Adams
Blue cohosh Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
Greenfield, MA. “The blue cohosh plant unfurls its unique yellow flower before its purple stems and leaves fully open. The contrast of colors of this plant among the other spring ephemerals is striking. Photo is taken in the backyard wildflower garden at home in Greenfield.” | Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
Kinglet Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. “Male ruby-crowned kinglet foraging in a larch tree.” | Photo: Larry Litke
Mayflower Photo: Deb Clough
Holderness, NH. “Trailing arbutus or mayflower, heavenly scent of spring.” | Photo: Deb Clough
Bluebirds Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven , CT. “A bluebird and a tree swallow fighting over a nesting box. Unfortunately the tree swallow won.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Spring beauty Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Spring beauty (Claytonia caroliniana), the first spring ephemeral wildflower to bloom in our rich mesic forest.” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Warbler Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “They're back! A yellow-rumped warbler by Silver Lake.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Polypore Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Littleton , NH. “Cinnabar red polypore mushroom.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Spotted salamander Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Spotted salamanders spend most of the year underground or beneath logs and rocks before breeding in seasonal pools in March and early April.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Goose nest Photo: Nickolay Burnin
Windsor, VT. “A Canada goose laying eggs on Lake Runnemede.” | Photo: Nickolay Burnin
Woodpecker Photo: Wesley Ives
First of two: East Dummerston, VT. “Backyard pileated woodpecker caught by trail camera.” | Photo: Wesley Ives
Woodpecker woods Photo: Wesley Ives
East Dummerston, VT. “Foraging pileated woodpecker caught on trail camera.” | Photo: Wesley Ives
Vernal pool Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “A quiet little vernal pool which contains spotted salamander egg masses.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
Bluebirds Photo: Glenn Foster
Penobsquis, New Brunswick. “Eastern bluebirds.” | Photo: Glenn Foster
Ramps Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Tis the season for ramps! There is nothing like pesto from freshly emerged leaves and hickory nuts I gathered last autumn.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
Maple flower Photo: Deb Clough
Grafton, NH. “Red maple flower.” | Photo: Deb Clough
Turtles Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. “Painted turtles doing what they do the most - warming in the sun.” | Photo: Larry Litke
Summer tanager Photo: Paula Jean Schlax
Biddeford Pool, ME. “Summer tanager visiting Biddeford Pool Maine.” | Photo: Paula Jean Schlax
Tamarack Photo: Sue Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Beloved tamarack.” | Photo: Sue Lichty
Black birch Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
South Hadley, MA. “A black birch so large it resembles an ancient oak found in South Hadley at Bachelor brook. Looking up at smaller branches confirms the identity of the tree.” | Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
Spring beauties Photo: Rob Reiber
Lincoln , VT. “Spring beauty, a sure sign of the season.” | Photo: Rob Reiber
Bluebird Photo: Karinne Heise
Contoocook, NH. “Bluebird perched in a red maple.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Trillium Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “The only reason this white trillium is alive is that it's behind a deer-resistant fence.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Ash tree Photo: Teddy Hopkins
Readsboro, VT. “Very large ash tree #3.” | Photo: Teddy Hopkins
Warbler Photo: Rich Scales
Perth, NY. A yellow-rumped warbler. “Migrating warbler stopped at my feeder and lit on an ash stump.” | Photo: Rich Scales
Female mallard Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Merrimack, NH. “Female mallard taking a bath.” | Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Fox Photo: Richard A. Philben
Shelburne Falls, MA. “A fox on the hunt.” | Photo: Richard A. Philben
Spruce grouse Photo: John Predom
Ferdinand, VT. “Female spruce grouse.” | Photo: John Predom
Tom turkeys Photo: Jaska S. Plumb
Andover, VT. Tom turkeys display their feathers. | Photo: Jaska S. Plumb
Red squirrel Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “Hungry red squirrel.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Wood frogs Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. “Wood frog sunbathing in a vernal pool.” | Photo: Larry Litke
Osprey Photo: Karen L. Bruder
Cumberland Center, ME. “Fast food.” An osprey makes a catch. | Photo: Karen L. Bruder
Moose Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Small bull moose strikes a pose...only to get photo-bombed by a whitetail deer!” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Woodfrog eggs Photo: Sue Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Wood frog eggs in hand.” | Photo: Sue Lichty
Bluebirds Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “A pair of bluebirds on the Robert Porter Allen Natural Area. Robert Porter Allen was born in South Williamsport PA and became famous for his work in saving the whooping crane and roseate spoonbill from extinction.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Squirrel corn Photo: Sophie Zyla
Framingham, MA. “Squirrel corn beauty.” | Photo: Sophie Zyla
Scarlet cup Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “I enjoy looking for scarlet cups in early spring. Their brilliant color really pops among the green and browns of the forest floor.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
Skunk Photo: Sheri Larsen
Swanton, VT. “Skunk looking for food in the grass. (Picture taken with a telephoto lens at a safe distance away!)” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Eagle Photo: Tina Richard
Clinton, ME. “I captured this eagle enjoying the sunshine from my favorite trail I walk.” | Photo: Tina Richard
Birdhouse gourds Photo: Jim Buckley
Sandown, NH. “Lasts falls birdhouse gourds ready to be hung.” | Photo: Jim Buckley
Porcupine Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Amherst, NH. “Porcupine climbing tree.” | Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Maple flowers Photo: Karen Goulet
Epsom, NH. Red maple flowers. | Photo: Karen Goulet
Sapsucker Photo: Lee Emmons
Newcastle, ME. A yellow-bellied sapsucker on a birch tree. | Photo: Lee Emmons
American kestrel Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “American kestrel (Falco sparverius), the smallest falcon in America, on the lookout for songbirds.” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Bluebird family Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “Mr. and Mrs. eastern bluebird enjoying a meal of dried mealworms.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Beaver Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Merrimack, NH. “American beaver, early morning grooming.” | Photo: Jackie Robidoux
Goose Photo: David Gottshall
Jeffersonville, VT. “This goose photograph was taken on a beaver pond.” | Photo: David Gottshall
Woodpecker Photo: John Predom
Ferdinand, VT. “Male black-backed woodpecker.” | Photo: John Predom
Boulder field Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Grampian, PA. “The boulder field at Bilger’s Rocks.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Trout lily Photo: Deb Clough
Alexandria, NH. “Trout lilies pushing through the moss on the woodland trail.” | Photo: Deb Clough
Woodcock Photo: David Gottshall
Jeffersonville, VT. An American woodcock. The birds perform their aerial courtship displays at twilight in early spring. | Photo: David Gottshall

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.