Deputy Director The Center for Northern Woodlands Education seeks an experienced and talented full-time Deputy Director (DD) to work closely with the Executive Director (ED) and the Board of…
Vermont Baitfish Regulations
The State of Vermont instituted new baitfish regulations in April 2008 to prevent the spread of viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) to Vermont. Ice fisherman should be aware of these…
A Little Bit Lost
When I was very young I used to scare the heck out of myself by getting lost in the woods near where we lived. Instead of going to scary movies, like some kids, I’d head off again and…
Selective Harvesting
Over the years in Northern Woodlands, we have revisited the subject of “selective cutting.” When loggers advertise their services, they often use the phrase, selective harvesting or…
Captive Hunting in Vermont?
While browsing a newspaper recently, I was encouraged to read the headline: “State moves to regulate ‘captive hunting.’” It detailed the fact that after 10 years of debate, the Vermont…
Coal in My Stocking? Thanks!
A non-profit group in the Adirondacks, the Adirondack Council, is making it possible for ordinary folks to do something proactive about global warming. For a minimum of $25, you can purchase a…
Harvesting in Lean Times
Our Autumn 2008 issue features a beautiful photo essay on our forest friends building their food reserves for winter called “Harvesting in a Time of Plenty”. Our website now boasts a…
Vanishing Track
I cut a mature buck track walking a scrape line opening weekend – a deer heavy enough that he left deep imprints in the soggy forest floor. He was headed uphill to bed, and because of…
Illegal Logging
A few weeks back, The New Yorker ran a fascinating story on illegal logging, with a focus on the trade in stolen logs in China and Russia. This clearly is a huge problem rife with underworld…