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Steve Hagenbuch Manages the Forests for the Birds

Steve Hagenbuch began working with Audubon Vermont soon after moving to Vermont in 1998, and he’s remained with the organization for 23 years and counting. A conservation biologist and…

Linda Gibbs: Sharing Special Places

Linda Gibbs is the community programs director for the Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust and has worked as an environmental educator and natural resources specialist since the 1980s. She grew up…

Bill Gould Weaves Baskets – and History – From the Woods

Bill Gould grew up in Hillsboro, New Hampshire, started working in the woods as a teenager, and has been a logger, sawyer, basket maker, and now birchbark canoe maker. Since 1980, he and his…

Sally Naser Captures Wildlife on Hidden Cameras

Sally Naser is the director of conservation restriction (a.k.a. easement) stewardship for The Trustees of Reservations, in Massachusetts. She’s also worked for the Appalachian Trail…

Mary Hull: at Home and at Work in the Woods

As children, Mary Hull and her brothers spent afternoons playing at their family’s Pomfret, Connecticut, sawmill. These days, all three Hull siblings work in the family business, Hull…

Shaun Terhune: Wildlife Through the Lens

As a geologist-turned-professional photographer, Shaun Terhune has traveled extensively, including stints in the Arctic and the western U.S. But the close-knit communities and natural beauty…

Katrina Amaral Sees the Forests and the Trees

Katrina Amaral says she had lots of energy as a kid and expended much of that running around near her Stow, Massachusetts, home with the neighborhood kids or exploring the woods around her…

Luke Groff: Curiosity Leads to Ecology

Luke Groff is a herpetologist for the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife. He and his family moved to Danby in 2019, and although they’re relative newcomers to Vermont, he says…

Roy Amey: A Lifetime Working the Land

Roy Amey grew up on a farm in Pittsburg, New Hampshire’s northernmost town. He learned to work hard at a young age and has spent much of his adult life working in or near the woods. He…

Alicia Brunner Follows the Birds

Alicia Brunner grew up in Wisconsin and spent much of her childhood outside, canoeing and four-wheeling with her family and playing in the backyard. From a young age, she was fascinated by…