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Decorative woodsy background

From the Center

Earlier this year, we decided to experiment with the “NPR funding model,” seeking underwriting support from organizations that share our educational mission. The results of that decision appear in this issue. On page 50 is the first of four “Field Work” articles. Supported by Wagner Forest Management, this series depicts the variety of ways people make their livelihoods from the Northeast’s forests. A second series, supported by the Northern Forest Center – see page 58 – profiles manufacturers in the Northeast that use regionally sourced timber.

Both of these series celebrate the connections between people and the woods, and thereby promote awareness that forests are not only good for bugs, birds, and photogenic fuzzy creatures, but also benefit individuals and communities.

We’re grateful to Wagner Forest Management and the Northern Forest Center for helping us to fund these stories.

Also starting this fall is a new partnership in Massachusetts between Northern Woodlands and the state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). On September 28, the DCR, Massachusetts Forest Alliance, Bay State Forestry Service, and U.S. Forest Service will be hosting a conference celebrating “100 Years of Town Forests.” In conjunction with this event, Northern Woodlands is providing educational materials through the DCR and magazine subscriptions to Massachusetts conservation commissions. Town forests offer many benefits across our region, serving as hands-on nature classrooms, recreational centers, water and habitat reserves, and renewable sources of local wood. Sounds like a reason to celebrate to me!

Finally, as school starts up this fall, please note that we have expanded our fundraising program for schools and environmental education groups to serve all of New England and New York. If you are struggling to find funding for nature education, we may be able to help you. Visit our website or give us a call.

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