Our popular What in the Woods is That? contest is a bit different this time around, with a video of editor Dave Mance III quizzing you on your firewood identification skills. Do you know what you’re burning? Find out!
Were you able to identify all five pieces of firewood in our video WITWIT? The answers are in sequential order as they appear in the video. The number to the right of the tree name represents the BTU value (MBTU = One Million BTUs).
Bitternut hickory (23.7 MBTU/Cord)
Butternut (13.2 MBTU/Cord)
Red oak (22.1 MBTU/Cord)
Black cherry (19.5 MBTU/Cord)
Red maple (20.0 MBTU/Cord)
This was a tough one, and there was no one who had all the right answers.
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