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Decorative woodsy background

May 2023

Your May images showed spring in full fling. In Rockingham, Vermont, Chantal Caron observed a downy woodpecker chick (no doubt complaining about its parents’ slow food service) and in Bowdoinham, Maine, Laurie Haines enjoyed her first-ever sighting of fringed polygala. Meanwhile, in coastal Connecticut - on two separate occasions - Ross Lanius set off to take photos of one species, only to have those species’ predators change his photography plans. Check out Pat Liddle’s before-and-after images of a gray fox track and her plaster cast of the track – and if you’d like to learn how she did this, see her article in the spring issue of Northern Woodlands magazine.

This gallery appears in our bi-weekly e-newsletter. Sign up here!

This gallery is made possible through generous support from the Larsen Fund.

Yellow warbler Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “Yellow warbler singing in the breeze.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Red squirrel Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. “Red squirrel - reaching for high c.” | Photo: Larry Litke
White Oak Photo: Collin Miller
Tompkins, NY. “BEWARE! The white oak monster.” (Is it singing, too?) | Photo: Collin Miller
Woodpecker chick Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Downy woodpecker chick.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
Rainbow Photo: Ken Hatch
Bethel, VT. “Rainbow on the first day of May.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
Bull moose Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Bull moose spotted right after sunset on a warm May evening as he headed to the beaver impoundments at a cedar bog.” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Poplar mosaic Photo: George Briggs
Leicester, NY. “Colorful poplar wood.” | Photo: George Briggs
Fringed polygala Photo: Laurie Haines
Bowdoinham, ME. “While walking at Center Point Preserve, I saw my first ever fringed polygala, aka bird-on-the wing, aka Polygala paucifolia. They were in sunny spots at the side of the trail.” | Photo: Laurie Haines
Orb Weaver Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “One of the first spiders of the year: a six-spotted orb weaver.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Black bear Photo: Amy Quist
Heath, MA. “A bear came around the yard just as I was headed out the front door. Timing is everything!” | Photo: Amy Quist
Fox tracks Photo: Pat Liddle
First of two images. Canaan, NY. “Gray fox track.” | Photo: Pat Liddle
Gray fox cast Photo: Pat Liddle
Canaan, NY. “Plaster cast of gray fox print.” | Photo: Pat Liddle
Bluebird Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “This bluebird has landed with a worm for its brood.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Lunch break Photo: Don Wharton
Johnsburg, NY. “Lunch break at Adirondack trout pond.” | Photo: Don Wharton
Bunchberry Photo: Stephen Fox
Canterbury, NH. “Bunchberry.” | Photo: Stephen Fox
Jack in the pulpit Photo: Bekky Honkala
Wilmington, NY. “Jack-in-the-pulpit.” | Photo: Bekky Honkala
Baltimore oriole Photo: Sheri Larsen
Colchester, VT. “An immature male Baltimore oriole visible from the trail around Colchester Pond Natural Area.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Marsh marigolds Photo: Bob Schatz
Addison, VT. “Marsh marigold.” | Photo: Bob Schatz
Grackle Photo: Peter Hollinger
Sharon, VT. “Subtly beautiful grackle.” | Photo: Peter Hollinger
Birch catkins Photo: Debra Clough
Grafton, NH. A birch tree laden with catkins on Rattlesnake Mountain. | Photo: Debra Clough
Bobcat resting Photo: Barry Wicklow
Francestown, NH. “Bobcat resting on a patch of moss.” | Photo: Barry Wicklow
Lady slippers Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. A pink lady’s slipper, discovered blooming in the northern Adirondacks. | Photo: Tom Grett
Gall midge Photo: Deborah DeSalvo
Bedminster, NJ. “Maple with chicken pox?” A maple eye-spot gall midge infestation. | Photo: Deborah DeSalvo
Blue cohosh Photo: Judy Sweet
Buckland, MA. “Blue cohosh’s intricate tiny flowers in various stages of bloom.” | Photo: Judy Sweet
Common yellowthroat Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. “Common yellowthroat among apple blossoms.” | Photo: Larry Litke
Painted trillium Photo: Laurie Haines
Bowdoinham, ME. “While walking at Center Point Preserve, I saw my first ever painted trillium which was standing tall in a mixed forest at the edge of the trail.” | Photo: Laurie Haines
Pink striped oakworm Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Pink-striped oakworm moth (female).” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Downy woodpecker Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Downy woodpecker on an old fence-post.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Tadpoles Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Tadpoles galore! They even have a floating isopod snack bar nearby (lower right-hand corner)!!” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Red winged blackbird Photo: Ross Lanius
Hamden, CT. “While I was photographing geese on Lake Whitney this female red-winged blackbird was catching dragonflies and landing in this bush near me. This went on for at least 10 minutes. While I did not see the nest, I suspect she was feeding her brood.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Rare trillium Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “A rare patch of white trillium -- also known as wake-robin.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Hummingbird egg Photo: Jay Remington
Bedford, MA. Summer treasure. | Photo: Jay Remington
Gopher Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. “My nemesis.” | Photo: Jen Danly
Trout lilies Photo: Jen Adams
Campton, NH. “Early May trout lilies.” | Photo: Jen Adams
Tree swallows Photo: Sheri Larsen
Williston, VT. “Tree swallows staying close to the nest in a box at Catamount Community Forest.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Maidenhair fern Photo: Mary S. Landon
Colchester, VT. “Discovered this maidenhair spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) at Niquette Bay State Park. Although common, this miniature fern is a favorite find.” | Photo: Mary S. Landon
Lake scene Photo: Leif Tillotson
Swanton, VT. Lake scene. | Photo: Leif Tillotson
Red trillium Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. Red trillium, also known as purple trillium or wake robin. | Photo: Tom Grett
Coyote Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “While sitting photographing a turkey, out of the corner of my eye I see this coyote heading towards the turkey. She passed very close to me, the picture was not cropped. She wanted a meal but the turkey saw her and flew away.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
Catbird Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Gray catbird.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
Wild chokecherries Photo: Mary S. Landon
Shelburne, VT. “The wild chokecherries (Prunus virginiana) are in bloom.” | Photo: Mary S. Landon
Chipping sparrow Photo: Amy Quist
Heath, MA. “A chipping sparrow gathers nesting material.” | Photo: Amy Quist
Witch hazel seeds Photo: Judy Sweet
Buckland, MA. “Native witch hazel leafing out, while last year's slowly maturing seed casings share space on the branches.” | Photo: Judy Sweet
Ovenbird nest Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Muncy, PA. “Ovenbird nests are very well concealed -- I almost stepped on this one.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
May loon Photo: Laurie Haines
Bowdoinham, ME. “We have a pair of loons on Caesar Pond who will hopefully have a successful nesting season.” | Photo: Laurie Haines
Swallowtail butterfly Photo: Sharon Bombard
Lanesborough, MA. “Swallowtail butterfly on the honeysuckle that seems to be blooming just about everywhere right now.” | Photo: Sharon Bombard
Baskettail dragonfly Photo: Ken Hatch
Hartland, VT. “Baskettail dragonfly at Eshqua Bog.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
Hummingbird Photo: Barry Wicklow
Francestown, NH. “Female ruby-throated hummingbird in flight showing white tips on outer tail feathers.” | Photo: Barry Wicklow
Pheasant back mushroom Photo: David Porter
Brooklin, ME. “This pheasant back mushroom has fruited every year on this stump for the past 15 years.” This fungus is also called dryad’s saddle. | Photo: David Porter
Thirsty duckling Photo: Richard Philben
Plainfield, MA. “Gosling seems to be going for a drink of water on Plainfield Pond.” | Photo: Richard Philben
Pink trilliums Photo: Bob Schatz
Addison, VT. “White trilliums turn pink just before dropping their petals.” | Photo: Bob Schatz
Sandpiper Photo: Larry Litke
Jeffersonville, VT. A beautiful image of a solitary sandpiper. | Photo: Larry Litke
Black bear cubs Photo: Sandy Dannis
Dalton, NH. “We see you! One of two black bear cubs momma stashed 50 feet up a hemlock tree. We could hear her in the brush so we didn’t hang around for a better photo!” | Photo: Sandy Dannis
Magnolia warbler Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “A magnolia warbler.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Common morel Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Every spring a small section of my property sprouts a handful of common morel mushrooms.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Opossum Photo: Sheri Shaw
Middleton, NH. “Opossum foraging in the early morning. It was seen with two other opossums.” | Photo: Sheri Shaw
Grouse Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
Quabbin Reservoir, MA. “Grouse came out of the brush along the dirt road where I was walking.” | Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
Moth caterpillar Photo: Scott Wasserman
Putney, VT. An Io moth caterpillar (watch out – they sting!). | Photo: Scott Wasserman
Great horned owlets Photo: Deborah DeSalvo
Oldwick, NJ. “Great horned owlet, getting big!” | Photo: Deborah DeSalvo
Hobblebush Photo: Judy Sweet
Buckland, MA. “Hobblebush beginning to bloom in early May.” | Photo: Judy Sweet
American redstart Photo: Sheri Larsen
Essex Town, VT. “A female American redstart on top of her nest in Woodside Natural Area. The nest was visible from a trail at Woodside. Materials from nearby cattails seem to have provided nest material.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Third quarter moon Photo: Amy Quist
Heath, MA. “Third quarter moon and its craters.” | Photo: Amy Quist
Red baneberry Photo: Mary S. Landon
Charlotte, VT. “Red baneberry (Actaea rubra), found in shady woods, will develop highly poisonous red berries.” | Photo: Mary S. Landon
Scarlet tanager Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “While on our daily woods walk my wife and I were enjoying watching a scarlet tanager doing a vigorous preening job.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
Vibrant trillium Photo: Tom Grett
Northern Adirondacks, NY. An especially vibrant specimen of painted trillium. | Photo: Tom Grett
Box elder samaras Photo: Anonymous
Thetford, VT. Boxelder samaras. | Photo: Anonymous
Bald eagle Photo: Richard Philben
Plainfield, MA. “Seemed appropriate that I should celebrate at least part of Memorial Day weekend with a bald eagle on Plainfield Pond.” | Photo: Richard Philben
Bracket fungus Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
Quabbin Reservoir, MA. “Laetiporus, genus of bracket fungus.” This is probably chicken of the woods mushroom. | Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
Eastern phoebe Photo: Chantal Caron
Rockingham, VT. “Eastern phoebe.” | Photo: Chantal Caron
Yellow lady slipper Photo: Ken Hatch
Hartland, VT. “Yellow lady’s slipper at Eshqua Bog.” | Photo: Ken Hatch

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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