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The Winter Life of the Skunk

The Winter Life of the Skunk
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol

In summer, you always know when a striped skunk has been around. But in winter, these animals make themselves scarce, hunkering down to wait out the onslaught of ice and snow.

Unlike most rodents and birds, which hoard food for the cold months, the striped skunk will have spent the fall eating as much as possible so it can stay warm during mid-winter dormancy. This binge eating creates thick layers of fat underneath the skin– a winter jacket, of sorts. The skunk metabolizes this fat during its dormant rests, though at a much slower rate than in summer.

Striped skunks use different den sites at different times of year, so their winter burrow will usually not be the same place where they raised their young. While capable of digging their own winter burrows, skunks are more inclined to seek residency in spaces that belong to someone else. For example, they find comfort underneath human-built porches or decks, a fact that some of us (and our noses) may be all-too-familiar with. Those skunks that live away from residential areas will often commandeer burrows dug and deserted by other outdoor dwellers, such as woodchucks or foxes.

Once colder temperatures set in, a skunk will prepare its den by blocking off the entrance to its burrow with leaves and grass to keep the cold air out. It isn’t uncommon for striped skunks to burrow with each other for extra warmth – these cohabitating skunks have the advantage of social thermoregulation, where they use each other to stay warm. Males sometimes den communally during winter, but are not tolerant of each other during other seasons.

Winter denning season in Vermont and New Hampshire typically runs from November through March, but this isn’t to say that skunks aren’t active during winter. Settled into its winter home, the striped skunk becomes dormant, but does not enter a full state of hibernation. Instead, skunks enter a state of torpor – a sort of deep sleep from which they awake from time to time. During torpor, which is influenced by the temperature and food availability, their body temperatures can drop 20degreesand their metabolism slows.

As the season changes from winter to spring, skunks will emerge and seek a mate. Striped skunks are a polygamous species and a male will take multiple mates over the course of late February through April; a female will only mate once. After breeding, both males and females seek to rebuild fat reserves, having lost, on average, about 30 percent of their body weight during winter. Females will establish maternity dens, sometimes communally. Males spend the warm months alone.

The arrival of spring brings not only warmer weather, but new food sources. The omnivorous skunk goes from a lean winter diet of carrion, fruit, and seeds to a summer diet rich in insects, small mammals, and sometimes our trash. As bee keepers are well aware, skunks have a fondness for bees and will consume honey, larvae, and adults.

The scientific name for the striped skunk is Mephitis mephitis, meaning “bad odor.” The word “skunk” itself is one of the few Algonquin Indian words to enter the English language.

Discussion *

Apr 01, 2024

I have a skunk in my crawl space. If I leave it alone will it leave the same way it got in. Thanks

May 23, 2021

Hello, I have a live sunk under my building in which I run my business so it is a truly terrible situation. Any loud noise and the smell is immediately horrendous and I am forced to close my store for several days or more. I’ve had several wildlife control experts come out and they can find no entry or exit points around my building. My business is on a street close right on the sidewalk. it is in a very old historic district. my question is…can there be access under my building several yards from a sewer system running under the street? No one has been able to determine how it is getting in the crawl space! We are facing having to tear up our floors.
Live Traps have been set around the perimeter to no avail. Please provide any opinions on my terrible problem. Thank you

Martha Keats
Mar 15, 2020

Though skunks don’t hibernate, they can burrow in their dens during especially cold spells. This means you would see them most before and after long periods of snow cover.

Mar 11, 2020

Skunks are nocturnal, usually active from early evening through the night. They usually spend their days sleeping in dens, although during the warm months they may bed in vegetation. Dens are usually below ground but may be found in a stream or pond banks, lumber piles, or beneath porches or in crawl spaces.
Dec 17, 2019

There is a skunk somewhere on my property. I have two dogs and they have both gotten sprayed, separate times, in my yard. I thought, considering it’s Winter, the skunks would not be around. Nope!  My entire house wreaks. I’m going to look for their tracks in the snow. Sadly, if I trap it, there really isn’t anywhere to bring it. I also don’t want to stress it out and kill it. But, on the other hand, this thing has tortured me. Are skunks considered rodents?

Dec 05, 2019

We had one cousin, whom had never smelled a skunk…called the fire department, they came, and died laughing when they found out what it was…we have never let her forget it….when we smell skunk, we usually say…quick call the fire department…lol

Evelyn Jepson
Nov 27, 2019

I feed skunks all year and there the most cutest creatures, first of all there almost blind, I didn’t notice anyone saying that in these comments if you all didn’t know, there so harmless, and in the 4 years I have been feeding them I only smelled them once because a fox was bothering one of them, I feed many animals and they all basically get along, coons, opossums, fox, feral cats, I saw a fox nose to nose with a feral cat once, it looked like there were kissing lol

paul c paci
Nov 17, 2019

I didn’t check to see if the guy who asked about skunk legs growing back posted on April 1, but I hope so. Lizard legs do NOT grow back and neither do the limbs of any vertebrate. Amazing how often vets get asked this question. Should’ve paid attention in biology class, pal.

Mike Anderson
Nov 09, 2019

Last year we had a large white skunk visiting our apartment complex here in NH every night into early morning digging in the yard..This year, he/she isn’t anywhere ( maybe he died?) Last night I went out for a cigarette and caught some eye-shine from a small skunk ( size of a kitten) and when I came out this morning it was still out there digging for grubs. How old are they when they leave mom and venture out on there own and could this be a baby of our albino skunk? Why isn’t he out all summer long and why start foraging now when it just started snowing ? ( Our first snow was yesterday November 8, 2019) Thank you.

Kathy Kelley
Jul 23, 2019

I now have a skunk living in my garage wall. The door is next to the den and when I leave, I open the door a crack and if it’s there, I tell it to “go hide in your den” and it does. So then I can leave w/o fearing to surprise it and risk being sprayed. Ha! I fear it won’t be able to stay there this winter though, it’s too cold. Chipmunks have tried last year and didn’t make it.

Anne Cyr
Feb 26, 2019

I miss my skunks!  I used to have pet ones that had the run of our farmhouse and slept with me at night. 

Jeanne Small
Feb 26, 2019

Hello Deborah in Texas, I am a professional animal damage control agent and I regularly trap skunks for people. I use cooked chicken bones (left over scraps) in my live traps and usually catch them right away. Just be sure to have your trap in a black bag or a blanket because if trap is covered they will not spray when transporting them. I will be posting a video this week on the process start to finish on our HardCore Scripture Outdoors (youth mentoring program) website and Facebook page.

Jan 31, 2019

The skunk stink is hard to bear and embarrassing when we have company. We cannot find an opening where a skunk could get under the house, but one got under there. How can we lure it out? It is January.

Dec 28, 2018

I am 88 years old and have never seen such a gigantic a skunk walk through my garden this year . It was as big (but not as high) as a St Bernard dog. My daughter in Amherst says they see gigantic skunks constantly, one looked as big as one of her daughters. What is going on? We have always had skunks and their babies walk through our yard but they were normal size. This is beyond belief to explain.

Elna Nugent
Dec 19, 2018

I have pet skunks. Legally owned. In Oregon. They started this Torpor in November, but they were crazy for more food from September to October. Now they just come out to eat 2 times a day and go back to their skunk bunk. In the summer they each sleep in their own, now its December and they are sleeping together. Both females. They sleep in my closet in a large dog carrier with no door and stuffed full of fuzzy blankets. I noticed the younger one wants to come get in bed with me when it’s really cold out. They have been de-scented by the way. They eat mealworms and scrambled eggs. Vegetables nuts and fruits. Chicken and bits of dog food for treats. Cat food is not good for skunks.

Brenda Watts
Oct 16, 2018

What a great site.  We unfortunately have a raccoon and skunk rabies warning…we stopped feeding the birds as our dog will chase anything.  Love nature and dislike urban and suburban encroaching on their space.

Nov 14, 2017

I noticed a strong skunk odor coming from inside my shed. I opened the door and discovered a couple potheads.

Nov 04, 2017

We’ve always had skunks in our neighborhood but for some reason this year they’ve been really heavy in population. They always came near our townhomes because they like to eat birdseed that spills from the feeders. My wife and I have seen about 15 “regulars” this year and enjoyed watching the kits grow to juveniles to young adults. To identify most of them we’ve given them nicknames usually based on physical attributes but we’ve really enjoyed naming some based on their personalities we’ve learned.

I know it likely aggravated some neighbors but we’ve spent a lot of money feeding them from buying bulk items at the grocery store like brittle, nuts, berries, and banana chips. We’ve got hours of entertainment watching them do naturally cute and goofy things this year and never once have they sprayed out front of the house where we feed them. The occasional skunk has sprayed lose by but never in an area where we likely attracted them to. One advantage is our’s and all our neighbors’ garbage has been torn up less this year because they get their food from us.

I hate to sound all “Harry Potter Game Keeper” and stuff but skunks are seriously misunderstood creatures. They do only spray as a last resort and watching the baby kits stomp when they want something to leave is about one of the most adorable things in nature to see. They really don’t bother anyone and another cliche ‘are more afraid of you than you are of them’.

If you want a skunk to leave your area, deny their food source. Please don’t trap them as this stresses them out and if left for more than a day can actually kill them from this stress. Most of us likely have skunk visitors late at night and never even know it as they don’t stink 24/7. Like all wildlife you leave them alone and they will do the same in kind.

Tim O’Donnell
Oct 03, 2017

Have been feeding 9 skunks making peanut butter sandwiches but it’s getting expensive and so darn messy is there a less costly and easier option? I just wouldn’t feel right stopping altogether as they ( the same gang ) have been coming for months now and expect their pb&j sandwiches. What about peanuts in the shell ?(unsalted of course) thanks for your help in advance !

Melba Patrick
Mar 05, 2017

Is it possible for skunks to spray under your home (I’m guessing they may be denning there for the winter) when it’s 3°f? I know their metabolism slows but there’s nothing about spraying during the winter.

Feb 12, 2017

Does anyone suspect it may be the smell of propane leaking?

Cindy greiner
Feb 04, 2017

Super serious question.  Do skunks go south for the winter?  Also if they lose a limb will it grow back like a Lizard?  If they do not, anyone have some good skunk soup recipes.  Thanks in advance

Best Regards


Jan 25, 2017

I don’t know about you guys I could do without the skunks. One have squirted and it really is strong and offensive.

Aug 06, 2016

I’ve got two pet skunks that were rescued from wild as orphans. My little one was found clinging to it’s dead mother. They make awesome pets, though they’re not for everyone. I spend a lot of time with them, and they both sleep in bed with my wife and me. They haven’t been de-scented, but only the little one has sprayed when the cat jumped on his back.They’re a riot to have around. Don’t let the wild ones eat too much cat food, the high protein is bad for their kidneys. Great little animals to have around.

Stan Kemble
Mar 05, 2016

We have a six foot stockade fence around our back yard. In the fall around dinner time, my husband was out cooking on the grill, I was pulling weeds out of the garden, as I stood up I saw a huge plume of a skunk tail about 2 feet from where he was cooking. I screamed “Skunk”. He very slowly backed away, the skunk never sprayed. Now that winter is here, we have been smelling skunk scent almost every morning from our basement bulkhead -  frequently the smell resonates into our kitchen upstairs. We do not see any large holes around the bulked. We do have a shed, near the fence, but do not smell anything in that area. Looking for advice. Thanks

Feb 20, 2016

Under bright moonlight I observed what I thought to be a nearly all white skunk. Just a little black on its back near the tail.  How common is this coloration?

Feb 16, 2016

My skunk lives under the shed but seems to emerge pretty often as he (she?) sets off my outside motion sensor light in the middle of the night w/ his wanderings. Plus I can track his rounds through his prints in the snow. Maybe he didn’t eat enough this fall?

Nov 23, 2015

We live on a 100 acre farm and I put scraps/food out in the evenings for our skunks (most I’ve counted was 10 during summer) 2 gray foxes and an opossum.  I have a “critter cam” set up where I put the food and then upload pics to my computer.  It becomes very addicting to see what goes down outside in the middle of the night. 

All species get along great, even though I’ve read fox urine will chase off skunks because they prey on them…. NOT lol.  The foxes are petrified of the skunks (and their own shadows).  Also, I’ve read a lot that skunks don’t drink much but that’s not the case here.  I have a birdbath on the ground out by their food.  If it gets dry they will revisit it 10+ times a night to see if more water magically appeared. 

There’s a small opening under an old corn crib here and I’ve caught the skunks, opossum, groundhogs and rabbits all going in and out of there.  There’s plenty of groundhog holes under there so I’m sure that’s where they are.

I haven’t seen the foxes in about 2 weeks and the skunk numbers are dropping every day.  Last night was the 1st time I’ve had nobody show up to eat…. so crows took advantage this morning.  Last nights’ temp was the coldest and with 12mph winds.  So I guess they are hunkering down for the winter.

Nov 12, 2015

I had three skunks under my storage shed and shop since July. They were raiding my cats dish on my front porch. I got to going out in the evening and setting when they came out and talking to them. They finally got so I could pet on them. They are still wild but somewhat tame. I don’t see them as much since it has started into winter.

Oct 19, 2015

I think it’s always a bad idea to feed wildlife, Sandy. You’re training the skunk to associate humans with food, and your neighbor might not have the same tolerance that you do. If you want to encourage skunks in your yard, encourage beetle larvae in your lawn. Leave your garden a mess so the skunk can glean leftovers. Creating habitat will help skunks and other wild animals; turning wild animals into trained dogs who come in for dinner is just asking for problems. My two cents.

Oct 13, 2015

I have been feeding my skunks chicken, ears of corn some this a healthy diet?

Sep 27, 2015

I’m watching a skunk burrow his winter den under a storage container right now. I wanted to know what all the rustling outside was at 5am - turns out he’s pushing leaves in front of the hole. This page was super helpful, thanks!

Sep 24, 2015

I had several skunks that visited in the summer/fall of 2014, but had no skunks this year. We had a terribly cold winter with too much snow. Do you think they all died?


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