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Bluebirds in Winter

Bluebirds in Winter
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol

On Valentine’s Day, as I sat down to write, I noticed a burst of blue outside my upstairs window. Looking out with my binoculars, I counted six eastern bluebirds. Clustered on and below my suet feeders, they were a wonderfully pleasant surprise on a chilly February morning. As I watched, the bluebirds briefly fed on the suet before finding perches in a red maple above the feeders. Within a few moments, they were gone entirely, an ephemeral splash of color amidst a snow-covered Maine lawn.

With their vibrant colors, bluebirds are easy to identify. Males sport a rich blue head and back with a rust-colored breast. In contrast, females are gray-blue with lighter breast coloration. The birds have small, round bodies, dark eyes, and a short bill. Bluebirds usually weigh about an ounce and are anywhere from 6 to 8 inches long.

Eastern bluebirds can be found throughout northern New England and parts of southern Canada during the breeding season. Historically, birds breeding in these regions have wintered in the southeastern United States and Mexico, but their year-round range has been shifting toward the north in recent years. The year-round population now extends from Central America to as far north as parts of New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. Once a harbinger of spring, eastern bluebirds may eventually reside in the north woods throughout the year.

Flocks of bluebirds travel together during the cold-weather months seeking both natural and supplemental sources of food and will feed on a variety of wild fruits including sumac, winterberry, poison ivy, and wild grape. At feeders, bluebirds will consume suet, mealworms, and certain fruits. According to ornithologist Stephen W. Kress in his book The Audubon Society Guide to Attracting Birds, eastern bluebirds may eat raisins and currants placed “on a conspicuous surface such as a flat rock or table feeder.”

During the spring and summer, eastern bluebirds primarily eat insects, including crickets, caterpillars, beetles, and grasshoppers. Bluebirds also eat snails and spiders and may even consume lizards and small amphibians on rare occasions. Feeding typically occurs on or near the ground, but bluebirds can take insects in the air as well. They eat natural fruits in the trees or shrubs found in preferred habitats.

In the Northeast and elsewhere, eastern bluebirds live in open areas such as orchards, fields, parks, rural backyards, golf courses, and farms. Favored nesting sites include tree cavities, previously excavated woodpecker holes, and nest boxes of suitable size. Inside the cavity, the female bluebird constructs a nest of grass and other items. Bluebirds may have up to three broods during the breeding season, as local conditions permit.

Although eastern bluebirds are currently thriving in much of the United States, the situation was not always so rosy. According to American Bird Conservancy, “Eastern Bluebird populations plunged in the early 20th century, when non-native House Sparrows and European Starlings were introduced into the United States. Both of these invasive species are also cavity-nesters and much more aggressive than bluebirds, so they quickly took over suitable nest cavities and habitats.” Thankfully, increased public awareness and the proliferation of artificial nest boxes in the late 20th century have given eastern bluebirds a boost.

The recovery of the species is a well-documented conservation success story. Once on the brink, the eastern bluebird has become relatively common in suitable habitat throughout its range. With a North American population currently estimated at 20 million, the future looks bright. However, continued habitat loss and pesticide-related threats still pose dangers. To support bluebird conservation, bird watchers may install an appropriately sized nest box or leave local snags standing as natural nest sites.

A favorite of backyard bird watchers, bluebirds are a welcome sight at nature preserves and along roadsides. Like cardinals and orioles, these colorful birds seem to inspire much admiration, and the eastern bluebird is the state bird of both New York and Missouri.

I hope the bluebirds who visited my feeders in February will return soon. My suet feeders are stocked, and I’ve added raisins to the tray feeder. Even if they don’t pay me another visit, I appreciate the bluebirds’ sudden, colorful appearance during an ordinarily drab time of year.

Discussion *

Jan 22, 2023

It is mid January in NH. In the past 2 weeks I have heard bluebirds in the forest behind my house. I thought bluebirds migrated south and was surprised they were visiting me. Your article was extremely helpful explaining about their extended winter and now likely year long range. On this snow covered day I can go find some raisins and cranberries for a nice winter’s treat. Thanks!

Mar 29, 2021

Robert, thank you for the feedback. Collin, now (late March) is a good time to install the boxes. Periodically check them to make sure other birds haven’t taken over.

My tray feeder is protected by a baffle. Otherwise, the squirrels would be having a field day. Good luck.

Lee Emmons
Mar 21, 2021

I enjoyed this article very much. It was well written and gave me a much welcome overview of the life of this species, while at the same time sharing with readers the writer’s enjoyment of this creature.

Robert Sheridan
Mar 16, 2021

Thanks for the story Lee. My son and I just built two companion nest boxes out of rough cut hemlock to put up in the swampy outskirts of our yard. Two questions: 1) Is there a time of Spring I should put these out to encourage bluebirds taking to it over tree swallows (or other undesired nesters)? and 2) How did you prevent the squirrels from taking all the raisins at your feeding tray? As soon as I put out any food that’s NOT in a squirrel-proof feeder, the critters have a feast on it long before most of the yardbirds even discover it’s there!

Mar 15, 2021

Hi Lee, very nice article. I have been helping Bluebirds for over 40 years, providing nest boxes, and creating “Bluebird Trails”.  I have found that a club in Michigan, has some wonderful information on Bluebirds. Their website is They have some great bluebird box designs, and I have found that the most successful design is the Gilwood Slot Box. The bluebirds love it, and the House Spartows don’t.  Thanks for a great article, take care. Gib

Gib Geiger

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