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The Outside Story

Attack of the Clones

The milkweed in our Vermont meadow droops, yellowing, as hordes of orange aphids huddle on the wilted undersides of its leaves, delicate stiletto mouth parts sucking plant juices as the blades…

Our Place on the Map

Tacked to my office wall is a color-coded map, “World Biogeographical Provinces,” which describes the distributions of plant and animal communities. Unlike conventional maps with…

An Archipelago Of Summits

Just for a moment, imagine what the Northeast would look like if seas were to rise 4,000 feet higher than they are now. Northern New England would be reduced to a series of islands—an…

Mercury on the Move

We have heard from our parents not to play with the shiny little balls spilled from broken thermometers. We have heard rumors of health problems related to dental fillings. And we commonly…

The Eel Deal

Right this minute, in the Connecticut River, is a very large, old eel. She has a snakelike body (yet she is a fish, with fins) and is a greenish-brownish color. She is slimy and will get even…

A Mouth and Stomach on Legs

One summer night, in the light of a half moon, I saw a bullfrog trespass on another’s territory. The owner met the challenge full force. Eight times he inflated his lungs and guts, then…

Hidden Universes

Strange worlds lie secluded within everyday surroundings we know well, yet they often remain overlooked and unappreciated. Evergreen or deciduous, a tree can be wounded when wind tears off a…

Oaks, Mice, Gypsy Moths, and Lyme Disease

I went walking in the woods in Sharon, Vermont, the other day, wearing shorts and sandals – which would have been pretty risky in Connecticut, where I grew up. Lacking protective,…

Know When to Mow

Hey – don’t mow that field just yet! As dairy farms continue yielding to house lots, more and more of us find ourselves in possession of old hayfields and pastures. Since these…

The Brown Bat: Not Just A Pretty Face

I became interested in bats on a warm June night when I was awakened by a fairly large one flying excitedly back and forth over my bed. Heart racing, I bounded out of the room, slammed the…

Exiled From Heart and Mind, Rattlesnakes Live On

I am climbing through the brush with Alcott Smith, a veterinarian who spends more time in the woods than in the clinic, on a pilgrimage to one of the last extant rattlesnake ledges in Vermont.…

Bad News for Bullwinkle

Sorry, Rocky. There is no such thing as a friendly moose. There are several reasons why a moose might appear to be friendly, or at least not afraid of people, says Kristine Bontaites, moose…

The Tall Tale of a Small Squirrel

They say that, back before Europeans arrived in North America, the forest was so thick that a squirrel could have traveled from the Atlantic coast all the way to the Mississippi River without…


I often think back to the time when butternut trees were robust members of the tree community, before butternut canker swept across the tree’s range, infecting nearly every specimen.…

The Return of the Osprey

The spectacle of an osprey—a powerful raptor with a six-foot wingspan—plunging into the water from a height of a hundred feet and emerging with a fish in its talons might suggest…

The Disappearing Wood Thrush

Spring mornings and evenings at my family’s cabin in the woods of Waitsfield, Vermont, are charmed by the ghostly, flute-like song of the wood thrush. In recent years, however, wood thrush…

The Bird-Coffee Connection

Winter’s back has finally broken. Painful memories of sub-zero temperatures are receding as red-winged blackbird and eastern phoebe songs announce the steady march of spring. Yet, far to our…

Highways of Stone

Vermont’s Interstate 91 is well traveled, but it’s a far cry from a busier superhighway close behind our house in St. Johnsbury. This major (but quieter) thoroughfare has two-way traffic…

Snipe Hunting

A few years ago, I took my 6-year-old daughter Taylor on a snipe hunt. Not the kind of snipe hunt that most people are familiar with  a seemingly endless search for absolutely nothing…

For Foxes, Spring is Already Here

Last week, on a dark, late-winter night, one of those all-too-familiar winter nights when the sky is clear and the temperature has fallen well below zero, I heard the call of a red fox –…