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Crab Spiders on Miterwort

Crab Spiders on Miterwort
Photo by Mary Holland.

Miterwort (Mitella diphylla), also called bishop’s cap, is named for the resemblance of its two-peaked fruits to the hats (known as miters) worn by bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. This spring wildflower produces miniature five-pointed snowflake flowers that beg to be examined with a hand lens. Gnats, small bees, and syrphid flies all seek out miterwort for its nectar. Because its nectaries are located just below the stamens, the flower is pollinated by the mouthparts of the pollinators, which brush against the stamens when collecting nectar, then transport that inadvertently gathered pollen to other miterworts. Predators, such as the goldenrod crab spider pictured here, know that potential meals are plentiful near these delicate flowers.

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