Summer 2003
Table of Contents
- 02
- Publisher’s Page
- 04
- Calendar
- 05
- Editorial
- 08
- Intelligent Consumption Douglas W. MacCleery
- 09
- Letters to the Editors
- 14
- Knots and Bolts
- 19
- What’s the Scoop on Poop? Susan C. Morse
- 21
- What Did the Pre-settlement Forest Look Like? Michael Snyder
- 22
- Family Business: New England Sawmill Bucks the Trend Mary Hull
- 29
- Black Ash Virginia Barlow
- 31
- Wee, Sleekit, Cow’rin, Tim’rous Beastie Alan Pistorius
- 35
- Fishing with Grosbeaks Stephen Long
- 37
- Mag with a Mission Catherine Tudish
- 42
- Discoveries
- 44
- Fireflies Virginia Barlow
- 46
- Tracking Where the Wood Goes
- 48
- The Secret Life of Soil Gayle Goddard-Taylor
- 54
- Fair Wood Robert Parker
- 58
- At Work with Orchardist Anton Elbers Peg Lopata
- 61
- Tricks of the Trade Joseph Smith
- 64
- Wood Lit
- 69
- Mill Prices
- 74
- Arbor Day Poster Winners
- 76
- A Place in Mind Kathryn Kramer