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Catherine Tudish

It’s always a treat when one of your alumni makes good. That’s how I felt when I just read a glowing review of Catherine Tudish’s new novel, American Cream.

Catherine worked at Northern Woodlands for about 2 years. She left in 2003, when she was awarded a prestigious grant that allowed her to pursue her fiction writing full-time. Catherine parlayed that gift of time into a very well-received book of stories called Tenney’s Landing, and now her novel. And then in the midst of all that creative energy, she has taken a position at Dartmouth College, where she teaches literature and fiction writing.

She is such a graceful writer and a natural storyteller. She did wonderful work for Northern Woodlands, and it’s fitting that she’s receiving such good notice for her fiction. I love both the story collection and the novel, and so will anyone interested in well-told stories about real people living rural life.

Read the review, and see if you can resist picking up a copy of American Cream.

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