Approximately 50 people contribute to the words and images in each issue of the magazine. Here are some of our Autumn 2024 contributors.
Noah Davis (“Deer Drag,” page 10) grew up in central Pennsylvania where he explored the many ridges surrounding his home. His second collection of poems, The Last Beast We Revel In, is forthcoming in 2025 from CavanKerry Press, and his writing has appeared in The Sun, The Christian Science Monitor, Orion, and Best New Poets, among others. He works in conservation. Photo by James Wicks.
Tom McKone (Wood Lit, page 72) has combined his love of reading, writing, and the outdoors by reviewing books for Northern Woodlands since 2014. A former English teacher, principal, library administrator, and longtime Thoreau Society member, in 1971 he became the 35th Appalachian Trail thru-hiker. Photo by Diane Marie.
Betsy Wakefield Gray (illustration for Foraging, page 33) was given a sketchbook for her first birthday by her artist grandfather. Art has always been a part of her life. Focusing mainly on drawing, painting, handweaving, and spinning, she has been a freelance illustrator, a teacher, and a gallery manager. She has a BA in art from University of Maine at Augusta, and her work is in many public and private collections. Photo by Betsy Gray.
Jackie Robidoux (photographs for “Wildlife Rehabilitation: Returning Raccoons to the Woods,” page 38) has been a nature photographer for more than 20 years. She is also a licensed New Hampshire wildlife rehabilitator at Millstone Wildlife Center and an educator at Beaver Brook Association. She runs nature programs on topics that include wildlife tracking, photography, trail cameras, mindfulness in nature, and wildlife conservation. Her passion is educating others on the importance of coexisting with wildlife. Photo by Nancy Daniels.