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The Truth About Praying Mantises

The Truth About Praying Mantises
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol

If you’ve been to camp or a business seminar recently, you may have played an icebreaker called “Two Truths and a Lie.” The rules are simple: tell two truths and one lie about yourself and everyone guesses which is which. If insects could play, a praying mantis might fool the group by saying, “I’m a beneficial insect, I’m the only one of my kind in Vermont and New Hampshire, and I’m not native to North America.”

Can you pick out the lie?

The part about being one of a kind in Vermont and New Hampshire is a truth. The animal’s scientific name is Mantis religiosa, and its common name is praying mantis, though just about every one of the 20 or so mantis species that live in the United States are called praying mantis, because they all have “praying” front legs. It’s sort of like calling every kind of soda a Coke.

“It would be even better to call our mantis the European mantis,” said Don Chandler, professor of zoology at the University of New Hampshire and curator of its insect collection.

The species is native to Europe, Chandler explained, but has been found in the wild in this country – particularly in the northeastern U.S. – for over 100 years. Gardeners likely introduced it on purpose. Vermont and New Hampshire are at the northern edge of the praying mantis’ range. “People have tried to introduce it to Canada,” Chandler said, and it is found in southern Ontario and southern Quebec.

While the praying mantis is found in Vermont and New Hampshire, it isn’t found here often. Alan Graham, an entomologist with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, has lived in Vermont for 20 years, but has only seen six or seven praying mantises in that time.

If you would like to see a praying mantis, this is the best time to look. In the spring, they hatch from egg cases that look like Styrofoam, emerging as tiny versions of their adult selves. They grow throughout the summer until they are two to three inches long.

There are other, sometimes larger, mantis species that are native to other parts of the country, such as the Carolina mantis, which is found as far north as New Jersey. Another introduced species, the Chinese mantis, survives in the wild as far north as southern New England, and at about four inches is the largest mantis species in North America.

“The best place to find praying mantises is in disturbed areas with lots of weeds,” Chandler said. Vacant lots, roadsides, and the edges of parking lots and parks are places to look.

But while searching for praying mantises, don’t be fooled by the mantis fly (a.k.a. mantidfly). These insects are neither mantises nor flies, but members of the same insect order as lacewings and ant lions. Mantis flies have “raptorial” front legs that look just like the praying front legs of a praying mantis.

“The legs developed differently, but they look similar,” said Chandler. There are three species of mantis flies in New Hampshire, he said – one is common, the other two are rare.

In other parts of the world, mantis species may be confused with stick insects (a.k.a. walking sticks). Both types of insects are large, slim, and masters at camouflaging themselves as twigs or leaves. New Hampshire is home to just one species of stick insect, the northern (or common) walkingstick, but it doesn’t look much like a praying mantis.

If a stick insect, which is an herbivore (or vegetarian), encountered a praying mantis, it should watch out. Praying mantises will eat anything they can catch, even if it is their own size, and that means they eat each other, too.

That ferocious and general appetite is what makes them a “neutral,” rather than a beneficial predator of insects – the lie in our game. “They are as likely to eat a honeybee, which we consider good, as a grasshopper, which we consider bad,” Chandler explained.

Asian ladybugs, which were imported to North America to rid gardens of pests (much like the praying mantis was) have turned out to be pests, spoiling wine by getting mixed in with grapes , displacing native ladybugs, and invading houses. But the praying mantis is not as hardy as the Asian ladybug, so there are not enough of them to have a negative impact on the environment, Chandler said.

Because praying mantises quite happily eat each other, Graham noted, they are unlikely to become over-abundant.

At least one biological control company gives the news to its customers straight. Its website reads, “Please note: Praying mantises are cool, but as biocontrols they are not very effective. Order them as a showy novelty, symbol, or pet, but not for pest control purposes.” That, at least, is no lie.

Discussion *

May 24, 2023

Hi there! Thank you so much for all this info. I have always loved nature and all it’s wonder. I just wanted to mention that I see Praying Matis’ every year. Maybe since 2005. Some years more seem to be around than other years. I will say I see 2 to 10 almost every summer to fall. I wonder if people think they are few and far between because no one really reports these sightings anymore?? Also, I see different colored ones. They tend to be any color from brown to gray/brown to green. If we see them, should we call the fish and wild life people. so they know? Or does this not matter?
Thanks so much

Aug 15, 2021

I discovered a preying mantis in my driveway perched on a pigweed. I pulled the weed and relocated the mantis to another plant without injuring the mantis. I understand mantis were introduced to this area a few years ago.

Ross Chapman phD
Jul 27, 2021

There were maybe one or two seasons when they were everywhere around where I lived on the south shore of Montreal. That was around the late sixties or early seventies. I’ve seen very few since then. Maybe not even one in decades. I wonder what changed.

Oct 20, 2019

Researching the praying mantis brought me to this website and even though I’m out on Long Island the geographical location for the chinese and european types I imagine are just like what you folks up north have. Since I was a kid I’ve always had a deep fascination for insects, primarily the praying mantis and I used to keep them as pets. Around my home, having lived here the past twenty years, I’ve never seen a praying mantis until this past week. I almost step on the first one as I was trimming the hedges along my walkway. It was a good 4 1/2 inches at least. Then the next day a little one was scurrying through the grass when I was mowing my lawn. And this morning I saw a good sized one, at least six inches long hanging vertically off a cinder block.  It was definitely a pleasure to see these praying mantises, all brown btw, around my yard, bringing back sweet memories from my youth.

Aron J Lacson
Sep 20, 2019

I often find at least one while mowing my lawn, thinking they are good bugs I always scoop them up and toss them where I have already mowed. I mowed my front lawn last week for the first time this season and saw at least a dozzen green and brown ones mostly around the foundation.  ? The difference between them brought me here

Randall Mayse
Jan 27, 2019

We used to find praying mantises as well as walking sticks every summer when I was a kid around 1980 in Nashua NH. I have not seen either one in my adult life.

Feb 02, 2018

Collect mantis cocoons during the winter fr my garden. Not for pest control but because they are so cool to watch. One day my girlfriend came in from doing some weeding and asked. “How often do butterfly’s shed their wings” I laughed and said every time the mantis eats one. I looked and there were about thirty yellow and white wings around one bush.

Fred Uhlman
Oct 19, 2015

I photographed a praying mantis on the leaf of a house plants I left on the front porch recently.  It was very green and I’d say at least four inches long. The abdomen was very large.  It was very curious and watched me intently while I took its picture. It’s the second one I’ve seen this year.  The other at the beginning of summer was climbing over my herb plants.

Carol Kindt
Oct 08, 2013

I have an unbelievable amount of Praying Mantis around my house! I have been watching them through out the year from the time they were nymphs to grown adults.

I have at least 2 different species, the European and I believe the Carolina mantids. At any given time you can root around the perimeter of my house and find at least 2-6 crawling about. This past weekend I had the pleasure of watching a female lay her egg sac in one of my bushes.

It always takes me an extra hour or so to mow the lawn, because I am always looking out for Mantids and the box turtles that call my yard home.

Brandon Hanson
Sep 11, 2013

It has been a banner year for the praying mantis in the fields around our house in Monkton, Vermont. Within 15 minutes of looking for them this past weekend, to share the spectacle with friends, we found 8 individuals. Two were light brown in color and the remainder were green.  The brown individuals were feisty, moving arms and legs and head rapidly and hopping around from arm to hand to ground and were 1/2 inch to 1 inch larger than the green ones we found.

Earlier this summer the brown mantis’ I saw were smaller (1 to 1-1/2 inches) than the green ones I saw, at the same time, so I thought they might be juveniles that would turn green with age.  Now all the brown we see (about 1 brown to every 5 green) are 2 to 3 inches long, and one nearly 4-1/2 inches.

In the last 3 weeks, my husband and I have both seen (on separate occasions) a very large (3 1/2 - 4 inches) praying mantis that is completely BLACK!  We refer to it as the “Ninja Mantis”. Now we make sure we have a camera with us whenever were out so we can get a photo document of this unusual specimen.  I have been searching on line for more information on the mantis, but it has been difficult to find any scientific information referring to a black mantis. Is it possible that we saw a mantis after shedding its “skin”? One of the stories I’ve read online said that they are black for a short time before they recover their green skin….

Now, when I mow the walking paths around our fallow fields I see (guesstimate) 20 or 30 individuals, running toward the tall grass to escape the mower. I wonder if they feel the vibration of the mower and sense danger or if they actually hear me shouting “Hey, clear the path!” and have learned that I will stop to give them a chance to reach safety. Honestly, I don’t mind that it takes 10 times as long to mow the paths, it’s amazing to see so many of these little creatures! 

If you know of any reputable web sites or individuals I can contact to find out more about the praying mantis in Vermont please share the info here.  Thank you!

Roxanne Shuell

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