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Mud Bug Trouble

Mud Bug Trouble
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol

I can’t stop thinking about butter sauce. I guess that’s no surprise. When we think about crayfish, if we think about them at all, it is often as either a New Orleans-style feast or as fish bait. Not being a bass angler, when I think about crayfish, my mind wanders toward Cajun cuisine.

Maybe, though, it’s the crayfish’s resemblance to a lobster that has me thinking about butter sauce. Both lobster and crayfish are crustaceans – having a hard body-covering. Both are also decapods – having ten legs, with the first pair of legs bearing large claws. The resemblance is not superficial. On the great family tree of life, lobsters and crayfish are practically cousins.

The difference is in size and where they live. Lobsters are much larger and live in the ocean. Crayfish live in freshwater and are rarely more than a few inches long.

North America is the world’s crayfish diversity hotspot. There are about 390 species of crayfish native to this continent, which is about 75 percent of the world’s species. The red hot center of crayfish diversity is the southeastern United States, where it is not unusual to find a species of crayfish that is native to a particular river or watershed and is found nowhere else.

Having limited ranges makes these species of crayfish vulnerable to extinction. Four of them are on the federal endangered species list.

Here in Vermont and New Hampshire, the situation is different. There are just seven crayfish species in Vermont, and three or possibly four in New Hampshire (outside the Connecticut River.) James Haney, chairman of the zoology department at the University of New Hampshire, says a graduate student recently identified three crayfish species in 50 New Hampshire lakes, with one of those species found in 30 of the lakes.

In Vermont, the few crayfish species are similarly widespread. When Mark Ferguson, a zoologist with the state’s Nongame and Natural Heritage program, surveyed crayfish in the Connecticut River watershed, he was surprised to find that all seven species identified in the Lake Champlain watershed were also found across the mountains in the Connecticut.

You can call them crayfish, crawfish, crawdads, or mud bugs. It doesn’t matter. Most people don’t call the different species of crayfish by different common names, perhaps because the only sure way to tell some crayfish species apart is to closely examine the male genitalia. I’m sure I’m not alone in finding this, umm… unlikely, which means your average bass angler or butter-sauce dipper remains blissfully ignorant of the different species. That there are different species, however, and that some are native species adapted to specific locations, is incredibly important.

Of the seven species in Vermont, three of them are possibly introduced. Of those, one definite non-native is also a definite troublemaker: the rusty crayfish.

Originally from the Midwest, the rusty crayfish moves in and out-competes the natives – pushing them out of habitat and eating up more than their share of the food – with a noticeable impact on aquatic plants. Though looking at male genitalia may be the only way we can tell the species apart, the difference to other forms of life in rivers or lakes is dramatic. There is less food, or a very different type of food, available. Introduced crayfish have the ability to skew the whole aquatic ecosystem.

Ferguson found rusty crayfish in a stretch of the Connecticut River from Orford to Bellows Falls and up into the White River system. He reports finding higher concentrations of rusty crayfish at public access points along the rivers. This is no accident. While aquaculture and the live-food trade introduce crayfish to new habitats in some parts of the country, around here crayfish travel in bait buckets.

The good news from Ferguson’s survey is that the rusty crayfish is not found throughout Vermont. It’s not too late to stop its spread. All that is required is more careful handling of live bait.

Thomas Jones, a fish health specialist with the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is not particularly worried about the crayfish (or other bait) that makes it onto your fishing hook. If it escapes, it is doomed anyway, he says, because the hook puncture will eventually be fatal. It’s the bait that is left alive in the bucket when the fishing day is over that causes the problem. In this case, being kind to your bait or providing free fish chow makes things worse for a whole natural system in the long run.

“Never discard unused bait in water,” Jones says. “At the end of the day, dump that bait bucket on land, or discard the bait humanely, by freezing them and then disposing of them.”

He didn’t mention cooking them and enjoying them with butter sauce, but that would work too.

Discussion *

Jun 30, 2018

I was running the other day and thought I saw a leaf moving on the road. As I got closer I realized it was a crawfish. There is a stream and a Pond near the road but was startled to see this! I didn’t touch it or move it but later I wondered if that gave it a death sentence. It was probably 50 feet from any water. Should I have moved it?

Aug 20, 2017

Brendan of Concord, NH. If you have a canoe or small boat, you could visit Mount Williams Pond in Weare, NH.  I would use a minnow trap with discarded chicken fat or skin and drop the minnow trap down to the bottom of the lake….tie a rope to it first. Wait about a half hour before bringing the trap back to the surface. It’s also great trout fishing while you are waiting. I have put crayfish in an aquarium and have grown them to 8 inches. However, when crayfish molt they are vulnerable to cannibalism by other crayfish. As a youth, I used to spend my summers on my grandfather’s farm in southern Quebec where we would catch crayfish by the hundreds in the Nicolet River. They are delicious in seafood salads. enjoy!

Francois Ledoux
Jun 25, 2017

My family and I are moving to Concord, New Hampshire in a couple weeks and my 5 year old son really wants to explore and find crawfish. Can anyone offer some tips about where and how to find them in the area? Any help is much appreciated.

Jul 26, 2016

As long as the crayfish are coming from clean water that you can catch and eat fish out of then you are fine to eat them.  Do not eat them from any questionable water as they feed on anything including dead plants and animals/fish. 

Sep 01, 2014

I have a pond down the street that is clean and deep, it also is loaded with crayfish.  If I were to havrest some would they be safe to boil up and eat?

Aug 06, 2012

I grew up here in Mt. Holly and never have seen these crawfish - ever!
This summer the Mill Brook is full of them.  I was wondering if hurricane Irene could have been the cause.  If anyone knows anything please let me know.

achel Manuel
Sep 04, 2011

I found one this morning it was blueish white and about 3 inches long, is this the same species that you found?

Jul 25, 2011

I have eaten quite a few this summer. They are delicious and have not made me sick. They are actually very nutritious.

Sam Duffy
Jul 01, 2011

Hi Mary, we don’t see any reason not to eat them! They will probably be delicious!

Emily Rowe
Jun 30, 2011

I was fishing lastnight with my children and boyfriend on the Missisquoi River her in Vermont and I was looking for frogs along the bank while my boyfriend was fishing and I spotted a crawfish and caught it. The kids were thrilled and wanted to keep it as a pet. I got curious and started checking along the entire bank with a flashlight and spotted them everywhere so I grabbed a bucket and gloves and caught about 50 in three hours. My boyfriend used a couple for bait and caught two huge fish right off the bat. The biggest fish I have seen in cauht in the river in my 30 years of life. Anyways after the night was over we packed up and I brought the crawfish home and put them in my kitchen sink for my children. This morning my oldest children got the idea to have me cook them and eat them so I did. I am just wondering if it is actually alright to eat them from the river? I know people eat them all the time in the bayou in Louisianna, but this is Vermont. Are they the same kinda crawfish or are they differant? I am just afraid my children and myself are going to get sick. Maybe I worry too much, but I would rather be safe and sure than have my children and myself in the hospital from eating the wrong food.

Mary Kelly

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