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Dragonflies on the Move

Dragonflies on the Move
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol

A “swarm migration” of dragonflies is impossible to ignore – if you’re lucky enough to see one. In a swarm migration, thousands or millions of these swift and colorful insects fly in one direction, usually toward the southeast, in the autumn. They may form a thin sheet of flying bodies, a thick ribbon 50 yards across, or even a cloud. They are as thick as locusts.

People who generally ignore dragonflies are so amazed by the phenomenon that they search the internet and report their experiences to Michael May, an entomology professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey and founder of the North American Dragonfly Migration Project. It’s a good thing too; while he is one of the leading scientific researchers of dragonfly migration, May has only seen one swarm migration himself.

That’s because even though scientists know a lot more about dragonfly migration today than they knew 20 years ago, they still can’t predict swarm migrations – which happen on the East Coast about once or twice a year – reliably enough to be in the right place at the right time to see it for themselves.

But there is little doubt that dragonflies migrate. There are reports dating back to the nineteenth century, and recent research also verifies that dragonflies return northward in the spring, though not as commonly in large swarms.

“Dragonfly migrations are not like bird migrations,” says Mark A. McPeek of Dartmouth College’s Department of Biological Sciences. “For bird migrations, all individuals of a species move south in the fall then move north in the spring. In contrast, most individuals of a ‘migrating’ dragonfly species do not migrate, since most are aquatic larvae at the time migration occurs.” Within the same species, therefore, some individuals migrate and some don’t.

For those that do migrate, the flight south is a one-way trip. In this way dragonfly migration resembles monarch butterfly migration. The monarch that returns to our region in the spring is a descendant many generations removed from the monarch that left in the fall. Similarly, the dragonflies that fly north in the spring are the progeny of those that departed in the fall.

While dragonfly migration resembles monarch butterfly migration biologically, in sheer mechanics it has more in common with hawk migration. In fact, most of the data on dragonfly migration comes from hawk watchers who have noticed that a good day for watching hawks is usually also a good day for seeing dragonflies.

Both hawks and dragonflies are driven by cold fronts in the fall. Both take advantage of air currents and ridgelines. And both tend to cluster in large groups before their migration route passes over a large body of water. This is why Cape May, NJ; Long Island, NY; and Cape Cod are hot spots for both large kettles of hawks and large masses of dragonflies.

The chances of seeing a swarm migration in our area are slim because we are missing that large body of water. Certainly large migration flights that are not swarm migrations are possible, although none have been reported. Keep in mind that not every swarm of dragonflies is a migrating swarm. Dragonflies sometimes gather in swarms while feeding, and few species “hilltop,” or gather on the tops of hills to mate.

Dragonfly migration season runs from July to mid-October, with its peak in September. Several of the key migrant species are present in our region, including the wandering glider, the spot-winged glider, and the common green darner, which is the most widely distributed dragonfly in the United States and the most frequently reported migrant.

A good observation day is one with a south-moving cold front that covers most of the weather map. Even better is when two big cold fronts come through within a few days of each other, with a north-moving warm front in between them. This weather pattern seems to concentrate the dragonflies, although there are no sure bets when it comes to dragonfly migration.

Keeping your eyes open for dragonflies is never a waste of time, though. At this time of year the small (inch-and-a-half long) meadowhawks are out in force, patrolling our meadows. These gorgeous red dragonflies are not known to migrate long distances, but they participate in a reliable short-distance migration: from the bodies of water where they hatch from larvae to the meadows where they cruise as adults. The final destination of the long-distance migrants is not yet known, though many biologists believe that Florida and the southern U.S. states are the likely destinations.

To find out more about dragonfly migration and to see color photographs, type “North American Dragonfly Migration Project” into your web browser. More observers are needed to help biologists better understand this elusive phenomenon.

Discussion *

Jul 19, 2024

On 07/8/24 at 0750 hrs I was walking along the path at Cedar Beach Long Island and for the entire hour I was walking a steady stream of dragonflies (after researching I believe they were farmers) were migrating eastward. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It was really amazing to witness.

Oct 11, 2019

3 days ago at sunset thousands flew over.  They were spread out not in a thick swarm.  Just like 20 flying over and another 20-30 and then another bunch one right after the other.  Some hit the ground and a few hit the carport.  Noticed them earlier in the day on the feeder road of I10 near Mont Belvieu, TX. Since it was sunset couldn’t tell the color.  They were flying North from Trinity Bay.

Sep 12, 2019

While swimming off the beach at Williams Avenue in Strathmere N.J.on 09/12/19 (1:30 p.m.- 4:10 p.m) there was a constant movement of dragonflies and butterflies coming off the ocean from an ENE direction. It seemed that the dragonflies and butterflies would fly over us in clusters.
At the time that we left the beach at approximately 4:00 p.m., the packs of green darners coming off the ocean made us stop and stare in amazement.

Robert Krsnefeld
Sep 11, 2019

There’s a massive group of green darners that have been zipping around an area about 60 square feet for the last hour.  It’s amazing and I’ve never seen anything like it! Based on your description of migration times, I suspect that’s what we’re watching.

Kimberly Toomey
Oct 06, 2018

We are currently sitting on our patio watching an amazing display of migrating dragonflies.

Janet Marley
Sep 19, 2018

September 19, 2018 7:00 a.m. Sitting in my northwest entry way I started noticing what appeared to be dragonflies coming from northwest traveling overhead to southeast…and they kept coming for over twenty minutes.  I have never seen anything like this for dragonflies;my curiosity lead me to look into it..thank you for this infor…a cold front is predicted in the next 24 hoursten

Rebecca J McGregor
Sep 01, 2018

I am always delighted to see the dragonflies.  I love the ones with black and white winds.  Sometimes I forget their names, but thanks to the internet I refresh my memory.  Our state is full of them at every park I visit.
Happy end of the summer 2018.

Libertad Brito
Aug 10, 2018

I am very fortunate to have found this webpage!  On July 29, 2018, my wife and I (and hundreds of others) witnessed a dragonfly migration on the beach in Truro, Cape Cod. Truly an amazing experience!  In this instance, they were flying parallel to the shoreline in a northwestward direction.

Oct 21, 2017

Maybe the dragonflies are gathering there to feast on other insects that are coming for a sip of nectar?

Jul 21, 2017

Not sure if it’s a swarm, but dozens of dragonflies have been seen on our flowering Mimosa tree in our front yard. This is the 2nd year we’ve noticed them. There are Hooded Orioles, Anna’s Hummingbirds and some kind of bee also eating from the flowers. The dragonflies don’t seem to land and their flight pattern is fast and erratic. Would love to know what kind they are and what they’re doing.

Eileen P
Apr 18, 2017

I was walking my dog on the Chesapeake Bay in fall of 2012 when I was standing in the middle of millions of dragonflies going south. 

The best part about it is they flew right around me & my small dog without even hitting us.

I consider this one of the greatest events in my life!!!

Laurie Fay

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