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Northern Woodlands Field Day

Thank you so much for the wonderful day!
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Thetford Academy
304 Academy Road, Thetford, Vermont

Join us for a fun summer celebration of northeastern forests! Featuring:

  • Prominent authors, naturalists, and foresters
  • Hands-on workshops and woods walks
  • Social Hour with the Caterpillar Lab, and more!

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Rain or shine - come dressed for the elements. Includes many outdoor experiences on trails rated moderate. A brown bag lunch will be served.

Registration: $75 per person - includes all sessions, lunch, and social hour.

Workshops are selected during registration.

This event is made possible thanks to generous support from the Bailey Charitable Foundation.

Health and Safety Measures

Given on-going COVID-19 concerns, to ensure the health and safety of participants, staff, and speakers:

  • Sessions will be outside or in well-ventilated indoor spaces.
  • Masks optional, encouraged indoors (subject to change).
  • Vaccination or negative rapid test result required by affirmation of participant at registration.

Refund Policy: requests for a full refund (minus fees) will be honored until August 5, 2022. Refunds requested after August 5 will receive a 50% refund (minus fees). Refunds cannot be offered after August 15.

Please Note: participants will be asked to sign a liability waiver prior to the start of the event.

If you have any questions, please contact Emily Rowe: emily(at) or 603-795-0660.

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