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Extra Calcium Boosts Maple Health

Extra Calcium Boosts Maple Health
Wollastonite pellets dropped from a helicopter carpet the forest floor. Photo by The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation.

The results are in from a long-term study that has been measuring the response of sugar maples to calcium addition at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire. They confirm scientists’ suspicions that depletion of soil calcium, which is due in large part to acid deposition, is a leading cause of sugar maple decline.

Combustion of fossil fuels loads the atmosphere with acids that fall to earth in snow, fog, or rain, resulting in acid deposition. The problem is particularly acute in the Northeast, where weather systems concentrate pollution emitted from power plants and vehicles in the West and Midwest. Acid deposition causes a host of problems, including acidification of waterways. Even worse, acids in rainwater leach base cations such as calcium, crucial to plant health and not quickly replaced, from the soil.

In 1999, scientists at Hubbard Brook, where sugar maple growth has declined over the past 25 years, set out to discover what would happen if enough calcium to emulate pre-industrial levels was added back into the equation. Pellets of calcium, in a mineral form known as wollastonite, were dropped over the entire watershed from a huge hopper attached to a helicopter. The scientists, led by a team from Cornell University, published their results in the May 2006 issue of Ecology.

Leaves of canopy sugar maples in the study area showed increased concentrations of calcium in just the second year after the wollastonite application. In the fourth and fifth years, leaf manganese concentrations declined, which is another positive result. (Acid rain increases soil manganese, which can be toxic to maples at high concentrations.) By the sixth year of the experiment, the crowns of study-area sugar maples were noticeably healthier than those in nearby, untreated areas.

The researchers also noted significantly more sugar maple seedlings in the treated study area in comparison with the reference, untreated area. They attribute this to either higher germination rates, better survival, or both; the seedlings from the treated area were consistently about a third more substantial than their untreated partners, and they had greater chlorophyll concentrations in their leaves.

Finally, the team discovered that colonization of sugar maple seedling roots by beneficial mycorrhizae (fungi that make soil nutrients readily available, thereby helping maples grow and thrive) was significantly greater in the treated area. Even the relationship of mature maples with their mychorrhizal partners was enhanced, though to a somewhat lesser degree.

This study strongly supports previous work demonstrating the link between acid deposition and tree decline (especially of sugar maples) throughout the Northeast, though the mechanism of decline is not fully understood. The authors suggest that calcium may ameliorate manganese or even aluminum toxicity, but they note that the complexity of the interactions between trees, soil mineral availability, and mycorrhizae precludes an easy answer.

Discussion *

Jul 05, 2012

Hi Bruce,

Unfortunately the tree may be too far gone to help. If there are no visible culprits causing the decline (bugs, for instance, or recent construction that disturbed the roots), it was probably road salt. Sugar maples are very intolerant to salt.

If you want to try to help it anyway, i’d prune the dead branches and use a balanced fertilizer. The general recommendation is 2 to 4 lbs fertilizer per inch of tree diameter (0.35 to 0.7 kg per cm of tree diameter at 1.5 m above ground), or so says this ag bulletin:

If the tree doesn’t bounce back you might consider planting a new one nearby so it can get a jump start on establishing itself as this one slowly dies. If you think road salt is the issue, black ash, cottonwood, tamarack, northern red oak, balsam poplar, gray dogwood, staghorn sumac, choke cherry, and serviceberry are all relatively salt tolerant. You might consider one of these species instead of a hard maple.

Jul 02, 2012

Dear Sir or Madam,
I would appreciate it if you could help me in regard to the following:
I have a beautiful maple tree on my boulevard which has maple tree
decline. I would like to save this tree.
I have found research on the internet which indicated that the addition of calcium to the soil could halt this decline.
Last year and this year I added gypsum to the soil along with liquid
gypsum this year.
This year with our early Spring and Summer the leaves have started
falling off the tree.
I would like to know what source of calcium to add and how long it
will take to see results. Also, how much?
Is this an excerise in futility or could it possibly work?

Bruce Stutzman

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