Recently, subscriber Diana Hayes encountered a group from the Vermont Loon Conservation Project at Quimby Camp in Averill, Vermont. Diana was pleased to see biologist Eric Hanson in this…
Blog and News
What Will My Woods Look Like?
When she was young, Pam Wells aspired to be a forester. It was the late 1970s, and as she now wryly recalls, “I was not encouraged, as a woman.” So she directed her smarts and…
Food Before Fledging
These photos were taken hours before a nest of yellow-bellied sapsuckers fledged. They were recorded 40 feet up in the canopy with a Canon full frame camera strapped to the top of a tree,…
A Sliver of Hope Regarding Emerald Ash Borer
I’ve been an editor here for 11 years, and one of the most challenging parts of the job is figuring out how to tell stories about scientific research. There’s a lot of good and…
Spittle Bugs
If you've been out in a field recently, chances are you've seen spittle bugs' frothy homes. But have you ever peeked beneath the bubbles? These photos offer a macro view of the…
Welcome Pompy
Recently, our family added a Brittany spaniel puppy. Her name is Pompy after the Ompompanoosuc River near our home, and true to the name, she’s a flood risk. 5 a.m. piddle emergencies…
Good Forestry in Western Pennsylvania
The idea of “good” forestry can be hard for a layman like me to pin down, in part because it occupies a place on a sliding scale that gets adapted to different scenarios. If…
Exploring the Woods and Wetlands along Carroll Stream
Carroll Stream flows clear and cold this time of year through the woods of northern New Hampshire, collecting the spring’s last snowmelt from the western slope of Cherry Mountain. Along…
Eggs in Focus
Our previous photo blog showed male woodcocks at twilight, strutting on their “singing grounds” in between courtship flights. This new batch of images, shared by Dalton, New…
Spring Springtails
This past week, as I was sorting through submissions to our Readers Photo Gallery, I came upon this macro shot of springtails. These not-quite-insects (class Collembola) have an ancient…
Fox Family Life
A fox went out on a chilly night, and five kits followed her, tumbling out from their burrow and scampering up a wooded hill. She stood on full alert as she nursed them, and shook them off…
At Work with Randy Kimball
In our magazine’s spring issue, there’s an article describing forestry operations in Portland, Maine. Author Joe Rankin explores the unique considerations of cutting trees in a…
Woodcock Photoshoot
Now is prime woodcock courtship season – the males are performing their evening aerial displays above fields, town baseball diamonds, and other open spaces. They’re fun birds to…
Dispatch from the Sugarwoods, 2019, Part 2
Last sugaring season started early, and it lurched like a 16-year-old learning to drive a stick. It was too cold, then too warm, then too cold – that cycle over and over. We made syrup…
Spring Springing
Phenology – the study of when things happen in a particular season – is endlessly interesting, but especially so after a long winter, when we’re starved for change. We know…
Dispatch from the Sugarwoods, 2019
Have you ever wondered why we start the new year in winter, in the middle of the season of death, instead of in spring, the season of birth? Or instead of in fall, at the peak of…
Northern Woodlands Woods Savvy Quiz Answers and Winners Announced!
This past October, we put together a quiz that tested readers’ knowledge of topics we’d covered over the preceding year in Northern Woodlands magazine, The Outside Story weekly…
Orchid Overload
The Spring issue of Northern Woodlands just reached mailboxes this week, hopefully providing a welcome change of scenery from the wintery conditions outside your window. Among the most hopeful…
Cold Case
Recently, we discovered this barred owl near the Northern Woodlands office – dead, frozen, and wedged in a tree cavity roughly four feet from the ground. The head was pulled back into…
Murky Waters
Earlier this winter, Paul Smith College’s Adirondack Watershed Institute (AWI) published a report on water quality for 21 lakes in Hamilton County. The county occupies the lower, central…