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Bugs, Blight, But Less Bites

Inchworms are one of the few creepy-crawlies I let skulk across my bare skin. Who doesn’t delight in the ridiculous arching of the worm’s body, followed by the exaggerated,…

Why Magazines Still Matter

The conventional thinking in the publishing world is that newspapers, books, and magazines will soon all be produced and distributed electronically. No more inky fingers; everything will be on…

When Life Hands You Knotweed, Make Knotweed Crisp

Sure, OK, I love the environment. I want a canopy of green leaves to hike under each spring, blossoming wildflowers, pollinating bees, and bears that have plenty of land to roam. I know my…

Political Gamesmanship

My inbox has been full, of late, with press releases about the Sportsman’s Heritage Act, a hodge-podge of a bill that recently passed the House of Representatives. Some environmental…

Million Dollar Sculpture Discovered in Sugarbush!

When we think of non-timber forest products, we tend to think of wild edibles like fiddleheads, or maybe balsam fir needles for the incense market. We certainly don’t think of a forest…

In Which Dave Finds Himself in Amherst

So, sugaring season ended very abruptly and I'm letting myself off the hook for petering out on my maple blog by concentrating on the reflective nature of that act. Sugaring ended. I…

Climate Change + Poor Sugaring Season = Bad Journalism

There have been several interesting cases involving media ethics in the news cycle of late. In January, theater artist Mike Daisey’s one-man show highlighting unsavory aspects of Apple’s…

A New Book from Northern Woodlands

More than a Woodlot: Getting the Most From Your Family Forest By: Stephen Long With: Virginia Barlow, Irwin Post, Michael Snyder, Charles Thompson and Chuck Wooster Order your copy! The…

Dispatch from the Sugarwoods 2012

February 13 – Day 1 It’s hard to decide when the first official day of sugaring season is. Maybe it’s in November, when you walk your sugarwoods and inventory the line…

Victory in Victory

There’s not much I’d rather do during my treasured weekend hours than make my way through some stretch of woods, just to see what I can see. In the green and humid glory of a New England…

The Ice-Fishing Muscle

Move your hand to your groin area and trace your inner thigh to where your leg becomes torso. You’ll feel a cord-like muscle there that seems to attach your upper and lower regions…

Of, By, For the People

“Government” is a dirty word these days. As the election cycle ramps up, so does the anti-government rhetoric from the Republican candidates for President. Not to be outdone,…

Your Thoughts on Woodstoves

I have a friend who’s in the process of trying to buy a woodstove, and like many of us in this down economy, money’s an issue. The new stoves that sit gleaming on the showroom…


Most people, myself included, make sense of the world by looking at what’s right in front of their face. We know our own lives, after all. And we know our little slice of the world. I…

The Acorn Fairy

Last night a friend from the next town over asked me whether I’d noticed an abundance of oak seedlings this fall. “Noticed?” Hell, I’ve been going nuts trying to figure out how oak…

Dispatch From Camp: November 15, 2011

We opened camp this year on Friday in the midst of a snow squall, though it took less than 24 hours for the weather to devolve into what has passed, in recent years, as the same ol’, same…

Seven Billion and Counting

When we think about human overpopulation – the ticker hit 7,000,000,000 this past week – we might think globally first: to ship breakers in Bangladesh, or the slums outside Sao…

A Hunting Story

As the mobs of cars around wildlife check-in stations suggest, moose season is underway in Vermont and New Hampshire. Maine’s between seasons at the moment, but hunting will resume in late…

Weight Bearing Trees

Soon after the ice storm in January 1998, I passed through an apple orchard on my way uphill to an ice-shattered woodlot. The birches surrounding the orchard were bent into, the maples were a…

Northern Woodlands Welcomes New Assistant Editor

Hi there. I’m Meghan Oliver, the new assistant editor at Northern Woodlands. I couldn’t be happier to be here, assisting in the daily behind-the-scenes action it takes to produce this…