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A Community of Camera Trappers

A Community of Camera Trappers
Credit: NYS PRHP/

In their early days, game cameras were marketed mostly to hunters looking to get a leg up in understanding the population of specific game species in their favorite (or secret) hunting areas. Landowners quickly took to the technology as a way to get a sneak peek on what’s really living out in or trespassing on their own woods. And it didn’t take long for scientists to catch on to the power of game cameras in conducting all sorts of wildlife-related research, not just on particular parcels but sometimes on a much larger landscape level. One example of the latter is the scavenger-related research being done by Todd Katzner of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center.

With the help of an organized network of citizen scientists who submit images from baited “camera-trapping” sites in their local areas, Katzner and fellow researchers have managed to collect data – and more than 3.2 million photographs – relating to eagles and other raptors and birds, not to mention a number of other animals including mammals such as grey foxes, coyotes, and even spotted skunk and bobcat attracted by the bait. This is a huge project, with cameras deployed from New England all the way south to Florida and from the mid-Atlantic states to the Midwest and beyond. With this massive amount of information, it has been possible to better understand big-picture issues, such as trends in the population and migration patterns of raptors. The game camera network has also provided visual evidence shedding light on specific research topics, like injuries and death to birds caused by porcupine quills.

From a scientific perspective, all of this game camera footage represents a research bonanza. For those who are just interested in seeing a wide swath of wildlife in ways that are rarely possible up-close and in-person, the collection of photos is just plain fascinating. Here is just a small sampling of images from Katzner’s camera-trapping network, these featuring birds in flight – something that’s often missed with ground-focused game cameras. (Thanks to Todd Katzner for sharing some background on each of these shots.)

Community Camera Trappers Gallery

A Community of Camera Trappers Photo: West Virginia Army National Guard/
An adult red-tailed hawk takes off from a camera site in northern West Virginia in January 2017. Red-tails are probably the most common hawk in North America and although they mostly take live prey, they are regular scavengers during winter. Other hawks we’ve caught on camera include red-shouldered and rough-legged hawks. | Photo: West Virginia Army National Guard/
A Community of Camera Trappers Photo: Credit: Gord McMillan/
An adult golden eagle lands at a bait site in central Ontario in early January 2017. Before a few creative people started putting out bait in Ontario, it was assumed that golden eagles all migrated south of the border. What we now know is that there are many eagles that will spend the winter farther north, especially when food is available to them. This bait site attracts both bald and golden eagles, as well as ravens, wolves, and a few other northern species. | Photo: Credit: Gord McMillan/
A Community of Camera Trappers Photo: Credit: Thomas Salo/
A first-winter golden eagle lands at a bait site in upstate New York. The bird on the ground is an adult bald eagle. Bald and golden eagles compete for carrion at these bait sites. Although the two species are about the same size, golden eagles have bigger feet – and the feet are the business end of a raptor. Ultimately though, size of body or feet matters less than hunger and social status – those two factors probably determine who feeds first. | Photo: Credit: Thomas Salo/
A Community of Camera Trappers Photo: Credit: Thomas Salo/
A hungry raven carries a morsel of deer away from a bait station. In the northern Appalachians, ravens are one of the most frequent visitors to these bait stations. Because there are so many of them, it isn’t unusual for one to fly off with food, so it can eat in peace. Ravens also cache food and so this guy may have been off to a secret spot to hide his food for the day when the deer runs out! | Photo: Credit: Thomas Salo/
A Community of Camera Trappers Photo: Credit: NYS PRHP/
A golden eagle flies near a bait station in southern New York. Prior to the start of this project, almost nothing was known about the winter distribution of golden eagles in eastern North America. The presence of these bait stations has provided us a wealth of information and we now know that most winters, the hilly country of the central Appalachians – West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia – are probably the core of golden eagle winter range. Eagles are also prevalent in New York and in the southern Appalachians, but their numbers vary from year to year. | Photo: Credit: NYS PRHP/

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