Approximately eight years ago, my dogs, husband, and I held a meeting. By unanimous showing of hands and paws, we agreed it was time to end our pattern of bouncing around cities and find somewhere more permanent to live. In March 2005, we bought an old farmhouse in Thetford, Vermont, complete with a hundred acres.
Soon after, I got a subscription to this magazine, and I’ve been a loyal reader ever since. For me, finding a new issue in my mailbox has always felt like getting a present. It’s a “stop everything” event, prompting me to curl up in my favorite chair and pore through the pages, cover to cover.
As the new Executive Director of the Center for Northern Woodlands Education, I now have a close up view of the hard work that goes into creating that reader experience, as well as other educational efforts to promote appreciation of our woodlands heritage. We couldn’t do this without the ongoing support of individuals and institutions. A critical part of that support is financial. As in previous winters, a roster of names appears at the back of this issue, recognizing everyone who donated to the nonprofit in the past fiscal year.
There are other important contributions deserving ink space here. Like-minded groups across the region have shared this magazine with their members. Advertisers have been remarkably loyal, despite the economic hard times. A number of our writers and illustrators have donated time or provided their services at discounted rates.
On an ongoing basis, Northern Woodlands’ Board of Directors provides dedicated and thoughtful leadership. This fall, two board members completed their time on the board. Tom Colgan, President and CEO of Wagner Forest Management, Ltd., served for seven years, acting as board treasurer for the past two. Henry Whittemore, Director of Timber Investments and Acquisitions for Four Winds Capital Management, served eight years, most recently leading the Board’s nominating committee. Northern Woodlands owes them both profound thanks.
There is yet another important way that individuals have helped Northern Woodlands pursue its educational work this past year: by sharing their love of this magazine with others. It is always gratifying to hear of a new woodlot owner who talks to one of our readers and decides to obtain a forest management plan, or a teacher who uses the magazine to encourage a child’s interest in the natural world. Over time, person by person, such efforts make a big difference. Thank you.