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The Secret Life of the Mourning Dove

The Secret Life of the Mourning Dove
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol

There was a time when I considered the mourning dove to be too commonplace and familiar to be worthy of much attention. All of this changed one winter when I began to notice that some birds at my birdfeeder had frostbitten toes and missing toenails. I looked into the matter and learned that mourning doves were originally a southern bird, and they’re not well adapted to our harsh winters. Suddenly, the mourning dove went from being ordinary and familiar to being unusual and interesting. I began to wonder what other secrets the mourning dove had to share.

When Europeans first arrived in the New World, mourning doves probably existed only in scattered locations throughout North America. But that would change. As the settlers modified the land to suit their needs, they ended up suiting the mourning doves’ needs as well. Both humans and doves like open and semi-open habitats: neighborhoods, parks, open woods, grasslands, and farms.

Today, the mourning dove holds the distinction of being the only native North American bird to breed in every state, including Hawaii. Their U.S. population is estimated at more than 400 million. Despite their numbers, their lives tend to be short and difficult. In any given year, more than half of the adults and two thirds of first-year birds will die. Nationwide, hunters take more than two million birds annually, though the mourning dove is not a legal game bird in Vermont or New Hampshire. Around here, predators and bad weather are the limiting factors.

While observing the birds, it is possible to tell the difference between males and females, although the difference is subtle. Males are a little larger, their breasts are rosier, and their heads are a more iridescent and brighter blue-gray. If you’re watching a nest, note that males do most of the incubating from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, while females typically take to the nest in the early morning, evening, and night.

As is the case with most members of the dove family, females lay two eggs. Both male and female provide their hatchlings crop milk, a rich mixture of cells sloughed off from the crop wall. Crop milk is the consistency of cottage cheese, and is extremely nutritious, having more protein and fat than mammalian milk. On crop milk, the young grow quickly fledging in about 14 days. But what may be more interesting than what is fed to hatchlings is how dove hatchlings eat. Instead of mom and dad placing food into the hatchlings’ gaping mouths, the opposite happens. Parents open their beaks, and babies stick their heads into the open mouths to consume food right from the parent’s crop. Young doves feed this way on both crop milk and seed. In the Northeast, mourning doves may raise up to three broods a year, although two is more common.

While mourning doves are common at the bird feeder all year round, the doves you see in winter are not the same as the ones you see in summer. Mourning dove’s migration is a complicated affair called “differential” migration and is related to a bird’s age and sex. They begin to move south to the mid-Atlantic and southern states in late August and early September. The young leave first, then the females, and finally the males. Some birds, most of them males, don’t migrate at all but remain in the north. If you look closely at the mourning doves at your winter feeders, you will find that they are predominantly males. It’s worth it to these males to brave bad weather and frostbitten toes to get a head start on establishing a good breeding territory early in the spring.

If you’ve ever startled a mourning dove, you undoubtedly caused it to blast off into the air from its perch, making a whistling sound as it goes. This high-pitched whistle – sometimes called a whinny – does not emanate from the bird’s syrinx; rather, the high-pitched noise comes from the bird’s powerful wings. It is believed that the whistling is a built-in alarm system, warning others that danger may be near, while simultaneously startling a would-be predator (and giving the dove the precious seconds it needs to make its escape).

The more I learn and the more I look, the more I see that the common mourning dove is not so common at all. This winter I’ll be watching them very closely; there may yet be more secrets to learn.

Discussion *

Feb 13, 2023

I always enjoyed the mourning doves when they came to my yard here in Concord, but was shocked this afternoon when one that had been sitting on the wires above my driveway suddenly swooped down toward the ground and leaving small feathers flying every which way flew off with a small bird in its beak! Examining the feathers I’m guessing it must have been a titmouse that was attacked.  Never thought of a dove as a raptor!

Susan Hilpert
Jan 31, 2023

I usually don’t see Morning Doves until the spring. However, this winter I’ve see seveal in my yard and on high wires while driving in my car. Where do they roost during the cold weather at night if they don’t migrate?

Gee Cee
Feb 14, 2022

Mourning Doves I have feeding here in western Maine mountains (around 10 pair) are not bullies at all. Jays, Finches and Sparrows do the majority off bullying and hogging the feeder or ground seed. Why would anyone favor a raggedy Robin over a beautiful and glowing Dove?

peter huston
Jan 02, 2022

We have three different types of feeders and a double suet cake feeder in our front yard. Kitchen and living room overlook the yard. Regarding winter, we’ve on occasion had as many 30 morning doves ground feeding the fallen seeds on top of the snow. We have not seen one instance of bullying ever. The real bullies here are the common English sparrows, nipping and snapping with each other and coming into all the feeders like piranhas. And, they come in large flocks, emptying the tube feeder in one day causing me to leave it empty for two or three days on purpose as it takes a few days before they come back after filling. They test the patience of the bigger birds like Cardinals and red headed woodpeckers until they fly off for a quieter feeder I’m supposing. Three pm now and it’s swarming again with dinner time sparrows.

Nov 25, 2021

I’ve always had at least one pair of mourning doves around year round, normally 4-8 pair, more in winter. I just walked outside and no exaggeration at least 50-60 doves were hanging in yard- and quickly took flight at once causing me to get startled as they being such a huge group were loud.  Can anyone tell me why?? I’ve never had an issue of them being bullies, always peaceful and considerate of other birds. But a bit worried that they called all their friends and will take over. It was an amazing sight!!

Aug 27, 2021

Marc Parill—- I agree with you on the mourning doves being bullies. I have had a flock of them come in and chase away all but my small birds: goldfinches, sparrows and black-capped chickadees. I am really upset about this as I have counted up to 29 species that USED to visit my feeders. Now it’s just the doves and the small birds. At this rate, I will probably stop feeding my birds for awhile just to see if the doves will go away.

Jun 06, 2021

We have a pair of mourning doves that have made a nest in our garage
on top of the garage door opener and light. We have left our garage door open since they laid their eggs. How long does it take before the eggs hatch once laid ??
We would like to close our garage door, but don’t want to,until the chicks are able to make it on their own.

Debi Wolfe
Apr 20, 2021

Today my daughter was standing beneath a tree talking to a friend when a morning dove laid an egg on her head. The egg bounced to the driveway and cracked. The egg was still soft and warm. Has anyone heard of a dove laying an egg without a nest?

Feb 22, 2021

I’m afraid I have to agree with Bill up above. These birds are bullies to other small birds. One or two of them will crowd out a feeder and threaten other birds who show up by puffing up their chests and lunging at them. They will eat until everything is gone. So they are not welcome. all I have to do is open my front door and off they fly. The smaller birds (chickadees, titmice, finches, wrens, etc.) immediately fly back to the feeder. So I suppose that, other than Bill, no one else has noticed this?

marc parrilli
Dec 29, 2020

I loved your reading your piece on Mourning Doves. I have been watching them for several years now, ever since they laid their eggs on the beam under our eaves. That first time, I found two eggs smashed in the driveway. I looked up to see three twigs on the beam. My husband quickly tacked pieces of wood on either side of the beam, so they might be more successful in their next attempt, and they have had many hatchlings since then. I’ve never heard the cooing sound of doves, except in the spring and summer, signaling their return to the nest. Imagine my surprise when I heard it again last week—in the middle of winter. Since then, I saw them mating on a telephone wire, and they are now back, taking turns on the nest. During this difficult time for our country, it is a very bright spot for me.

Jul 30, 2020

A pair of mourning doves have nested in one of my hanging geranium baskets on my front porch for two summers now.  The second of two chicks just left the nest today.  It has been so interesting and heartwarming watching the mother and father care for their two babies.

The parents even became used to me watering the the geraniums in their basket while sitting on the eggs….....not even moving when I was doing so.  Amazing!  (Of course I was careful to try and not flood the nest)

Just another of our Creator’s amazing creations!

Jul 22, 2020

Really enjoy reading the comments.
I happen to have Mourning Doves nesting just below the gutter at my front door (first noticed them 7/6/20). Recently placed a birdbath nearby; neighbors both have feeders out. Read elsewhere that they get their water from the bugs they eat (kinda gross!). Am excited to see when their chicks (?) hatch!!

May 21, 2020

I was so saddened to return home after a birding walk to find my just-hatched doves without the mother returning for the night. They’re set low in a box planter so I covered the box with a heating pad set on low They actually settled down as soon as I did so: prior to that they were squirming as if to find warmth from the other’s body. I’ll set my alarm for 4 am to be prepared to remove the pad before—hopefully—the father returns.

Judy Chucker
May 14, 2020

Hi! Thanks for the info, I took noticed of the mourning doves around here when I saw how through all weather the mourning doves will still come to my feeders. It could be pouring down outside all day and my doves will bear the weather to come eat. Love their dedication, usually won’t see other breeds out during the thick of a storm but will see my doves also love how they are always in pairs. It’s very sweet to me to watch them stick together during all actions. They don’t ever stray too far from each other. Love your info!!

May 09, 2020

Last year I had a robin build a nest on top of a ladder on my covered patio. She had a nest there the year before, and the babies fell out onto the patio and died. She had more, and the same thing happened. So when she came to build her nest again last year, I took it down. She immediately started another one. I moved the ladder. She never went back to the nest. I felt bad, so attached a plastic basket up high under the covered patio for her. She never nested there. This year I have a mourning dove nesting in the basket. Looking forward to babies!

May 05, 2020

I have a mourning dove nest on the wreath of my front door. For almost a week now a dove has been in the nest. I have to use that door because it’s the only access to my house. When I open the door the dove just looks at me and remains calm. Tonight the dove got startled and flew into my house but flew back out. I’m concerned because she has not returned to the nest. Will she come back, her eggs have not hatched yet?

May 05, 2020

I have always loved mourning doves.  Their haunting song transports me back to my early childhood when I first heard it.  It’s my favorite very sound in the whole world.

K. Lane
Apr 23, 2020

Thank you for this very interesting information on mourning doves! I have a pair nesting in a tree next to my house and I keep a close eye on them and pray for them often! You’ve taught me a lot about what I’ve seen and what to expect! Thank you so much!

Feb 16, 2020

I love watching mourning birds, but I have never seen one with anything but a white chest.. I am wondering how many types of them are there. And as this is February, it is refreshing to hear them, as in winter we usually only have sparrows and owls. The occasional woodpecker is heard and seen as well. I live in rural north western South Dakota. In the summer it is full of so many types of birds. Love em!

Joanie Moore
Sep 08, 2019

I m not so much in love with these birds. Mine are as big as chickens. I fill up my feeder and it last a week, since the doves arrived it’s empty in one day. I’m not going to fill it up again until it gets cold out. I can’t afford to feed the birds if these doves hang around.

Aug 23, 2019

I love Mourning Doves.  They nested in our backyard Christmas tree this spring.  The first set of babies grew and flew off to their new adventure.  Then, they had another set of babies, but from what I could see, they stayed very small and then today, the nest was empty.  I feel sad…something must have attacked their nest??  Mama dove was sitting on our roof watching the tree…but the babies were gone.  Hopefully, they will return and nest again.  Thank you for your article on Mourning Doves!

Aug 22, 2019

These morning doves are amazing! I had two hatch in my flower pot and they are back again.
What disheartens me is people’s comments on here, one in parties by Gary- who hunts them. I suggest that he keeps his selfish remarks to himself about these beautiful birds. He is another low life person who doesn’t value nature. Shame on Gary Bobseine. You do not belong on this site.

Denise Kelly
Jul 07, 2019

I am very familiar with Mockingbirds breeding on my property over the recent years, but for the first time I am observing a Mourning Dove couple.
Sure enough, they built a flimsy nest in a small tree, which I assume contains two eggs now.
I worry, though, about their safety. 
Between the large, terrifying hawk lurking, and all the crows and squirrels, I think I may ultimately be heartbroken.

Jun 10, 2019

We’ve lived in Northern I’d. since 2001, we have cold winters.  I have two large feeders and enjoy watching our morning doves so much. 

We have lived through at least 5 years of summer fires. It is smoky all summer.  I noticed this past few weeks that the morning doves are sadly gone.  Your article was very informative,  I wondered if the smoke harmed these sweet birds.  I miss them and hope some more will find us.  We live on the Pend Oreill River in the country.

Carol Hammond
May 15, 2019

The Doves set up their nest on the fence next to my a/c unit, laid 2 eggs, hatched, fed them and just before they were ready to leave them to fend for themselves a larger bird scared the father away and took one of the chicks. The other one got away it was forced out of the nest to the ground where the mother is now sitting on it. I hope it can make it. I know that only about a third of the chicks survive. It’s a shame as these birds are so nice and friendly.

Feb 14, 2019

I’m so heartbroken. In southern California, the houses are surrounded by clear glass wind barriers. I just started feeding birds this winter and many finches and a mourning dove couple eat at my feeders.

The male dove got spooked and flew into the glass and died almost instantly. I’m devastated. I can’t believe my carelessness was responsible for killing one of the mates. Will the female be able to find another mate?

I’m so upset. I love animals so much and I can’t believe I’m responsible for a beautiful dove dying. What could I have done to prevent such a horrible tragedy? The feeders are around 4-5 feet from the glass and the glass is around 4 feet tall. I may stop feeding the birds. I feel so bad.

Feb 11, 2019

Hi,we were just watching these pretty birds this morning around our bird feeder.(its Feb.12/2019)We didn’t see them since summer and started to wonder, where they suddenly came from? So I decided to learn more about them and came to your interesting article. Thank you so much, I am sitting here and we will definitely look at these birds differently.

Oct 18, 2018

I agree with all that is written. Dreadful that these gentle birds are hunted. Two doves raised 6 babies on top of my air conditioning unit this summer. Almost at eye level. I placed cameras there and could watch them come and go and raise their young. It was indeed a privilege. While they nested no air conditioner. I would scatter seeds on the lawn but the doves were getting hit by raptors. I built a tall sguare open bird feeder, squirrel proof with a plexiglass roof to help protect the seeds from rain. The thing is full of doves and blue jays. Not sure if the doves will stay the winter
I lost about 4 doves to local cats and raptors so the attrition rate is high. A few doves are still round the feeder. The question remains who will stay the winter and will they be back to nest. I did save the old nest, if it could be called that a bunch of twigs. We shall see.

Jul 15, 2018

I first noticed while visiting my daughter in FL that mourning doves had a 3-syllable call. I assumed it was a different species from MDs we have here in the Midwest in MO. We have had record high temps this year, and I am hearing the same 3-syllable call. So I am thinking now it is the same bird species, but changes its call according to temp differences. I can’t seem to find research on this.

Charlene J. Bruns
May 27, 2018

I have MD in the gutters of the garage.  Have seen most of what your are describing in the preceding posts.  No cooing while nesting for these. Love them.  Hope they return or raise more babies.  This is the first time I have seen this happen.

May 27, 2018

I always loved the cooing if doves…For the last month we have been keeping watch over a pair that built a nest on our porch light. They were there so long I thought the eggs might not be good. I also worried that the sitting bird might starve until I saw the other one fly in and trade places. Yesterday we finally saw the hatch-lings though they must be at least a week old because they are very big and very hungry! I got a good video of the two hatch-lings feeding and have shared it with all of my friends and posted on fb. I am so happy for the success of the hatching and hope they will survive to start their own lives!

Annette Snyder
May 18, 2018

We live on a farm and had morning doves around for years. They seemed to have disappeared. We haven’t had any for 2 going on 3 years. We really miss their gentle cooing. Any thoughts on why they aren’t around.

Janet Taylor
May 16, 2018

This is my first time having mating doves, watching them build their nest, and now sitting on their 2 eggs. At first we were sad when moma bird left the first egg, but after reading your posts, now I understand she wasn’t going to incubate until the second egg came along.I have learned so much from everyone els’s posts, thank you all for sharing your stories. We’ve given her seeds and water, and she looks happy. She even let me sit out on the porch with her for a few minutes. They are so beautiful !

Mar 06, 2018

A pair of MD’s have been returning to nest on our firescape for 10 years.  She (or he) has been sitting on an egg for 5 days, she appears to be motionless.  He has not appeared in 5 days.  How can we tell if she is still alive?  What can we do?

Feb 11, 2018

I heard cooing about seven this morning for a short period of time and questioned my phone (Siri) as to whether or not doves migrated. I enjoyed reading all of the comments and questions on this site.

Ed Fahy
Jan 07, 2018

Nice article, however MD’s did not get to northern NE until the mid 1900’s.  Did our feeding them tend to keep the males here all winter? What other food could they get?

Frederick Gralenski
Oct 20, 2017

We are retired and live on 5 acres of land retained from our farming years.  We are blessed to have Mourning Doves every year.  This year we had about 100 of them here and absolutely loved it!  Now, in October, we have had some cold temps, they are gone.  We truly miss them.  My husband takes such delight watching and listening to them.  I do also.  We miss them during the winter months but look forward to having them back next year!

Apr 28, 2017

If anyone searching on the internet happens to come here wanting to know the answers to some of the questions people have asked, here are my thoughts.

1. If the eggs have died from lack of incubation, will the parents eventually give up?
Ans: Yes.

2. Why are their nests so small and weak?
Ans: I don’t know that anyone really knows, but doves are large birds, easy to spot, with few defenses, and building a nest can draw the attention of predators. I’ve seen recommendations to help them by putting wooden platforms or hardware cloth (steel mesh) and nesting material in trees or buildings. In my experience, though, climbing trees draws predator attention, and wooden platforms in particular are obvious and completely defenseless.

3. What about doves nesting in hanging plants?
Ans: This seems to happen more and more often. If your doves succeeded in this way, great! But if you’re looking to help doves nest, I wouldn’t go out and buy a hanging plant. I’ve compiled a small amount of statistics on this, and hanging plants too often result in nest failure, or worse, the death of a parent. Most hanging plants are placed within reach of humans, which means they are within reach of cats and other ground predators. Height is very important. If you want to help them, I’d start by getting your neighbors to keep their cats indoors.

4. Why did my dove call at night?
Ans: Hey, I don’t know everything!

5. Do other birds pay attention to chickadees?
Ans: Anyone with sense pays attention to chickadees. They’re small and scouty and smart and their calls tell other birds about predator motion and threat level. Everyone is safer with chickadees around.

6. Why did they abandon the nest?
Ans: Probably predators. In Dixie, snakes are big. Tree squirrels are another, for those of you squirrel feeders. Ground squirrels less so, I think. Cats are significant near civilization. When I see a mess, I suspect a cat because they like to play with their prey, leaving more feathers. Raptors and crows seem more surgical to me. Insects, especially fire ants, are also killers.

7. Lisa in Oregon: Of course insecticides aren’t good for birds, and there are alternatives, although maybe not easily available. But the doves probably didn’t leave because of the spray. Why did they leave? First, it sounds like there were a lot of wasps nearby. Second, they didn’t have eggs yet, so there wasn’t much to lose. Third, from what I gather, someone was rummaging around just after dark, which is a scary time for nesting birds; a predawn raid would have been smarter. But don’t beat yourself (or your husband) up over it. No eggs were lost, and doves often try more than one site before settling on one. If you’re nice to them, there’s a chance they’ll nest there for their next clutch in May. But porches don’t tend to be very good sites to begin with. They’re too low (meow) and have little transit cover (caw). Oh, and if by any chance the nest is on your light fixture, disconnect it at the switch, and use LEDs. Incandescents are hot enough to ignite nesting material, and subsequently, your house.

Apr 03, 2017

The same mourning dove couple that had two babies here on our porch last year just returned about a week or two ago. We had left the nest so they built it up a little more and hung around for a week and a half. Two days ago the wasps started up on my front porch and my husband sprayed a chemical on the stairs leading up to the porch to kill them since my grandsons were staying with us. The mama dove was sitting in her nest but no eggs yet. Later that night, they took off and we haven’t seen them since. I hope the spray did not scare them away. They were such a joy for us to watch. I just feel terrible. Do they ever go away for a few days and return? I remember them doing that last summer but it was in July or August. Thanks for your response.

Lisa A Hass
Mar 13, 2017

Thank you for this informative article. My children and I are having a nice time observing the mourning doves that have begun visiting our home…now we have a clearer picture of their world. Cheers!

Ma Meeks
Feb 28, 2017

I observe doves all day long. They even nest in my courtyard. There are aspects of their behavior I’ve havn’t found anywhere. During the day when the male is on the nest and the female is feeding in my yard and there happens to be a single male, it seems to leave the female alone and the female also will show some aggression towards the male if it happens to be standing a little too close. Where as single females are constantly taunted by single males. Never understood how a male can get a female by annoying it severely. Is it like breaking a horse, you ware the female down to the submissive state?  Another thing is I’ve heard two different calls coming from the male. The typical cooing seems to happen during mating season. The other call, a sad short two phrase call I’ve heard when the parents loss their nest to a predator. Has anyone experienced this or know anything about their calls that could shed some light on this. It’s the little things I find interesting in birds. Thank you.

Diana Long
Feb 20, 2017

Ever since I was a child, I’ve loved the morning calls of mourning doves. Not quite sad, but very peaceful and calm. I love how the song is fleeting as well—a handful of minutes, perhaps, and that’s it for the day. But I’ve never in all my years heard them in winter… perhaps it’s a sign of our changing climate, who knows? But I’ve heard the mourning doves these past four mornings, right in the middle of the city of Providence. A sign of spring? Have they been here all winter but only warm enough now to sing? I’m fascinated…

Feb 10, 2017

Thank you for this helpful info about mourning doves. I have been surprised to find first one, then four, and today eight mourning doves hanging around our backyard feeders on Cape Cod. The morning after our first snowstorm this year, I startled one who had taken refuge in our front door alcove. A few days later, I saw four pecking on the ground under the feeders. Today (after yesterday’s blizzard) four more have appeared and they are huddling together along the top of the fence. They seem like a new winter time addition. Haven’t seen them in past winters. I enjoy their company and am happy to help them endure the winter until they can start setting up their breeding grounds.

Jan 19, 2017

Hi, I have seen morning doves here on the feeders in my yard all winter. This morning there must have been over a dozen of them.  Don’t recall seeing them this time of year before.

Robin Lauezzari
Oct 11, 2016

I have morning doves on my patio it’s October should I stop feeding them so that they can fly south?

Jul 05, 2016

We see three doves at our acreage almost every day. They come to eat the seeds we put out!

Bill Fox
Jun 23, 2016

I was so happy when I noticed two mourning doves on my 2nd floor fire escape in Brooklyn making a nest. They made a beautiful nest in my planter underneath the stairs that are covered by a plank. For 2 weeks I’ve watched them happy that they chose my fire escape. I have grown to love them and wake up and say hello and at night I say goodnight. So today I saw the Papa bird and said good afternoon and then like an hour later I look and they’re gone!! No sign of my bird or the eggs. I live on the 2nd floor no snakes, squirrels or other predators. I didn’t see them on the ground or any egg shells or feathers or anything. Just vanished. I’m so sad. Can anyone tell me if they moved their eggs or what could have happened?

Shaun Williams
Apr 28, 2016

I think mourning doves are amazing creatures!

Ellie Sandwell
Feb 25, 2016

25 Feb - 8, instead of 2 mourning doves at feeder today - so thanks for the educational material!

Jan 02, 2016

Hi there,

I found a mourning dove sitting on the snow covered ground this morning.  Still alive, but it did not flee, despite my leashed dog.  The bird seemed cold so I brought it in, thinking it would soon die.  To my surprise, it seems to be sleeping/recuperating.  I have no bird experience and am willing to help the bird through the winter if necessary. 

I would like advice or at least a resource for care and feeding.  Thank you


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