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How Do Toads Avoid Croaking in Winter?

How Do Toads Avoid Croaking in Winter?
Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol

I manage a lodge in the Groton forest on behalf of Vermont State Parks. One warm fall day, while standing outside the lodge, I noticed movement inside one of the window wells around the basement. Realizing that something noteworthy was about to happen, I ran inside to alert our guests.

Together we all crouched to watch the methodical shaking of the earth below us. Slowly the ground moved a little to the left, then to the right, then there was a pause, then left again, right again. Eventually something reached the surface. I reached my hand out and gently touched the rough, bumpy, and very well camouflaged back of an American toad. It continued to emerge, fully exposing its body. The guests and I started pondering all sorts of questions about toads and their habits, but the biggest question of all was: where do toads go in the winter?

The American toad, Anaxyrus americanus (formerly Bufo americanus) typically hibernates underground, below the frost line. In the Northeast, toads are driven into their burrows sometime between September and October and re-emerge from April to May. Research suggests that toads may return to the same overwintering sites year after year. They may be loyal, but they don’t appear to be very picky: they live in gardens, forests, fields, and urban places. They also overwinter in a variety of sites.

What they need is loose soil to dig. Toads usually burrow one to two feet into the ground to get below the frost line, although younger toads have been observed burrowing less deeply. They will use existing mammal burrows if available. Ant mounds are also common overwintering sites. In urban areas, toads will often seek out foundations where cracks exist and burrow their way down into those crevices. Some toads overwinter in old tree stumps, and high concentrations of toads are often found under rocks and logs in wet areas around springs. Toads are thought to be solitary hibernators, however, when suitable habitat is scarce, communal overwintering has been documented. Over 600 Canadian toads were found burrowed together in a sandy hillside in Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada.

Toads enter their burrows at the same time they dig them. They back in snugly as their hind legs do the digging. As they recede into the burrow, the opening caves in over their heads. The toad draws its toes under itself, bends its head downwards, and enters into a torpid state. As long as the toad does not freeze, it will wake once the spring temperatures consistently start rising above 40 degrees.

I wondered how climate change might affect toads, so I contacted Jim Andrews, leader of the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas Project, and asked him if toads were resurfacing too early during unseasonably warm winter weather. He hadn’t noticed anything related to this, but he did wonder what a future with less snow cover might mean for toads.  "If snow becomes less frequent, that could affect the depth of the soil freezing temperatures and result in greater mortality in toads and other amphibians,” Andrews said.

The toad mortality rate is impossible to predict in any given winter, but one study in Minnesota tracked 28 overwintering toads and found that 32 percent of them died. It stands to reason that a toad’s risk of becoming a meal decreases in the winter, as many of their predators, including snakes, skunks and raccoons, either hibernate or hole up for extended periods of time.

As I sit here with snowflakes falling about me, I think back to the warm, sunny days with the toads chomping away on insects in the lodge’s window wells. I hope they will survive these cold months undisturbed. But for now, sleep well little toads. We'll be waiting for you in the spring!

Discussion *

Apr 11, 2023

Very interesting article. I always wanted to live in a house that had toads in its yard (since they are my favorite animal), so I was pleasantly surprised when a couple years ago we moved into our current house and found out we found such a house. Me and the kids set off on a mission to try and track if the toads were nomadic or backyard residents. We would take photographs of their back and journal how many times we would see individual toads. It has been fascinating. While most toads seem to disappear after a week or so, several would stick around or reappear after a time of absence. And we’ve seen about three or four who have returned from the previous year (mainly females). It has led me to wonder if males are more nomadic than females.; If any travel to the breeding pools and then return; what happens when we have a warm week followed by a drop in temperatures; and so forth. If anyone has any insight I’d love to know. I am so looking forward to the upcoming emergence of our backyard buddies.

May 31, 2021

Can you please share the article that had the Minnesota toad mortality study?

Tomi Bergstrom
Apr 14, 2020

We have toads in our yard and landscape. We also have an almost 5 year old who asked where the toads are. It is April now so we will keep an eye out for the toads. Your article was informative. Thank you! I also followed the link to vagabond way. When our girl grows up a bit more we may try some of the travel ideas. Thanks again!

Dec 05, 2019

Hi Tiffany,
Found a toad in the yard this morning,  Your info is very helpful.
Also, When I was a kid our first camping trips were to Groton State Forest.  Great memories there.

bill Carroll
Oct 02, 2019

I have five toads living in my basement window well, with no means of getting out. They’ve been in there for a few years. Go underground in winter and there they are again in spring. I’ve taken pictures of them through the window from inside, and have often wondered if they’re happy in there, but don’t know what to do. I just leave them alone and watch. They seem to be a family; two large ones, two small ones, and an odd looking one in comparison that must have been adopted. There’s lots of interaction between them and it’s all really quite interesting.

Dec 17, 2018

We discovered a toad in the city water valve well in our front yard. It has a tight cover and I can’t imagine how he got inside. After reading this article we’ve decided to leave him be until Spring. We will check on him from time to time.

Dec 08, 2018

Found one in our pool in FL. Put him outside the enclosure where bugs also roam. He seemed lethargic. Why was he not burrowed in somewhere. Will it survive in 30 degree weather?

Dec 02, 2018

I just discovered a toad in my basement, no clue how it got there - perhaps when the hatchway was open during recent furnace cleaning. 
He was in front of the clothes dryer and on my approach, hopped underneath it.  I live in a wooded area with pond and fiields nearby. It’s 40 degrees out.  We’ve had some nights in single digits already. Not sure what to do with this guy if I can catch him.  Forecast is for 40’s next few days, and there’s plenty of mole activity around my property, is it safe to put him out?

Sep 13, 2018

Hi Ian - with the disclaimer that it’s best to leave all our native herps outdoors, where you found them - I’m skeptical that the all seasons room will work. The sides and bottom of the aquarium will be chilled, correct? So I don’t think what you’re describing, would have the same temperature moderating effect as a natural burrow beneath the frost line.

Sep 08, 2018

Hi, I’m wondering if my two toads can winter in their aquarium in our all seasons room, given enough soil to dig in to cover themselves? We have kept them since they were very tiny, in the all seasons room, so they would feel the seasons as they occur. Do you have any thoughts on this topic that you would please share with my family? Thank you very much.

P.S. They are very good at burying themselves now, and hiding under the mulch or wood we put in their space.

Sep 02, 2018

I really liked the toad article. I have seen at least 3 types around my yards gardens and sheds. It’s a lot of work keeping my small dog from hunting them and pawing at them. I have to move them to safety constantly, which I don’t mind.

Gloria Flores
May 17, 2018

Nicely written.

Phil Martino Jr
Nov 29, 2016

That was such interesting reading. I have loads of toads visiting my garden in the summer months and they live under the sheds in my garden. I did wonder where they went when it got cold and now I know. It’s funny to think that whilst us humans are trying to keep warm during the winter months, all these creatures are now fast asleep all over the world. Roll on spring.

Sally Jackson
Dec 19, 2014

Thanks Laura. We counted it as good luck we were able to watch these toads and see one get eaten by a snake! It was so intense. Glad you enjoyed.

Dec 06, 2014

What a nice article. It is incredible you were able to witness such a moment. I have never thought about where toads go in the winter let alone witness such.myour writing is very expressive and allows me to draw an image in my mind of what you are saying.

Laura Shephard
Dec 03, 2014

Thanks Jim! I was so curious about the percent of toads that survive the winter as well. I think it would have been so neat to come across 600 toads hibernating in the same location together. I am going to be more keenly observing toads this spring. Thanks for the comment.

Dec 01, 2014

A NICE article about toads that is a bit off the beaten path! I was surprised at the percentage that don’t survive a winter.


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