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Woods Whys: Acorns and Weather

Woods Whys: Acorns and Weather
Image courtesy of

Last fall when acorns were falling out of the oak trees by the thousands, a neighbor said we could expect a hard winter. Presumably the deer needed lots of acorns to last them through the winter. Well, the hard winter did indeed come, and I’m curious to know how the oak trees get the advance word and produce lots of acorns?

It seems that acorn production is one of those bits of folklore that was once used to predict the severity of the coming winter. In reality, though, it is a reflection of past weather (and other factors) rather than a predictor.

Research foresters have studied seed events extensively; one recent paper, for example, documented that from 2007 to 2011, six species of oak found growing on Long Island had between one and three good seed years, and that the one total bust year (2011) came on the heels of a significant drought. But while reports like these are long on numbers, they’re short on explanations. How do bumper crops come about, and why is it that so many trees in an area often produce bumper crops at the same time?

The synchronous, periodic production of large seed crops within tree populations is often called “masting.” How it happens can be explained by external environmental (mostly weather-related) and internal physiological (mostly energy-related) factors. Typically, each species responds to a particular set of weather conditions that triggers an expense of energy for seed production. Often, the weather at the time of bud formation (the previous growing season) is critical; it determines whether buds will develop into vegetative (leaves and shoots) or reproductive (flowers and fruits) structures. When conditions are just right (usually some temperature optimum), more reproductive buds are formed. Of course, weather conditions may continue to influence seed crop size by reducing the number of flowers and fruits that make it to viable maturity. Think late frosts, high winds, prolonged drought, or heavy rains.

It might be tempting to leave it there, concluding that it takes a lot of energy for a tree to produce flowers and fruits and that, well, gee, the more favorable the growing conditions (climate, moisture, light, nutrients), the greater the flower and seed crop. Turns out it isn’t that easy. Why groups of trees exhibit masting is far more complicated – and it might be connected to deer (and all the other critters that eat tree seeds).

Ecologists have speculated – and put forth supporting data – that masting is an adaptive reproductive strategy. The so-called “predator satiation” idea holds that trees starve would-be seed predators during lean years and overwhelm them with seed during bumper years. The lean years keep populations of seed-eating insects, mammals, and birds low enough that they cannot eat all the seeds during bumper years, so an excess is available for the regeneration of trees. Supporters of this theory point to long-term seed production records and note that in some tree species, seedling establishment is virtually confined to mast years. They also argue that the tendency for synchrony of seed production among trees in the same area is consistent with the theory. That is, genes of trees that produce seed out of synchrony with others would eventually be removed from the population by the voracious feeding of the otherwise starving seed predators.

The predator satiation theory has many supporters, and over the years they’ve tested it and refined it, adding new elements to the case. Some scientists, for example, have suggested that the interval between mast years may also be necessary for trees to recover their energy and mineral reserves from the last high-output year and to accumulate enough for the next one. More recently, pollination efficiency has been counted as another advantage of masting. The idea is that masting – especially when many surrounding trees are also doing it – increases the effectiveness of wind pollination. The more trees that flower at once, the better the chance for pollination, and the greater the proportion of filled, viable seeds that result. It’s an economy of scale, favoring large, occasional outputs of seed rather than frequent, small ones.

In its evolved form, the predator satiation theory provides a satisfying combination of the why and the how. If true, it would mean that trees have inherent cycles of seed production that have coevolved with seed-eating animals and that these built-in patterns are modified by the influence of weather conditions on tree physiology.

Discussion *

Jul 16, 2018

This was fascinating. I am further wondering how the trees know of animal predators? What senses do they employ to be aware of the external world? I assume trees do not have eyes as I would understand them to be. And, although I love Tolkien, I have never heard of there being Ents in the world. As I said, this was quite fascinating and brings up so many more questions.

Nov 10, 2015

Thank you Mr. Snyder for a most concise and informative article. My home town is known as the ‘City of Oaks’ and will typically produce very high quantities of acorns. Last year was an exceptionally high yield. This year, almost none. The stark contrast is quite remarkable.

Another point of interest, gleaned from these comments, is that while some areas of the country are very low yields this season other areas are most abundant.

Nov 07, 2015

We too were inundated with acorns last season… Almost three acres of what seemed to be ball-bearings covering our yard to the extent that one put themselves at risk approaching the hillsides. 

We had an outdoor wedding in October and I blew all of the acorns to the edge of our woods offering up a virtual smorgasbord for the deer. 

The larger oaks are giving up their leaves earlier than usual this year and my husband has been out with the blower and leaf collector daily for over a week…lots of leaves for compost, but not one acorn!  Thanks for your explanation but I will continue to tell grandchildren that the seeds are for our plethora of squirrels to get them through the winter.

Nancy Hensley
Nov 03, 2015

After reading your article and the comments afterwards, I can only say we’ve had a wet and cold spring, a so-so summer and so far a warmer fall than usual.  After years of having acorns bombard our house it has been absolutely quiet this year.  Went out to rake leaves -  not one acorn (last year you couldn’t even walk in the yard for all the acorns).  So, I will be watching our weather extremely closely this winter.

Oct 25, 2015

I can not remember an acorn harvest like this year’s.
I find the variety fascinating. One species has a tiny and very delicate tip.., it resembles the shape of a candy kiss.
Some retain their caps better than others, and some are more colorful, or more striped, than others. Some caps embrace their acorn nut, and some have a fuzzy flare.
The beauty of their creation is certainly no (accident).
Thank God for these little delights of nature.
Squirrels are smiling all the way to their winter nests.

Oct 12, 2015

My oak is having a mast year and has more acorns than in the last 10 years. However, the last year was a terrible oak moth year. We lost many oaks in the area due to drought and the caterpillars. I’ve seen the caterpillar (oak moth) wave come and go and know that is natural. The resulting acorn abundance, while we’re still in a drought, is interesting. Maybe the trees think they are dying?

Roca Welch
Aug 21, 2015

Many thanks, Mike, for yet another thoughtful and well written piece. I always enjoy them and appreciate the knowledge I gain that helps me see this remarkable world of ours more clearly—even if we don’t necessarily have “the answers!”

John Snell

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