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Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York

Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York
Courtesy of the Zadock Pratt Museum

Since the dawn of history, humans have made great use of leather. They’ve worn it, walked on it, sat on it, wrote on it. Turning animal skin into a durable product requires processing, and in primitive times, hides were tanned using animal brains, dung, urine, ash, and smoke. As our understanding of chemistry evolved, these materials were replaced by vegetable, mineral, and then nonorganic ingredients.

Today, synthetic materials have replaced leather in many shoes and boots; nylon and reinforced cotton have replaced leather in coats; and a cow hide is more likely to become gelatin than it is a saddle. All of this can make it hard to remember that at one time the manufacturing of leather goods was an economic engine sustaining many communities in the northeastern United States.

From a forestry perspective, it’s also worth remembering that eastern hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis) played a crucial role in the early hide-tanning industry. In the industry’s 19th century heyday, as many as 64 tanneries were operating in the Catskill region of New York, and estimates hold that 70 million hemlock trees were harvested for their bark. This story played out across the Northeast and helped shape the forest that we know today.

The tanning process
In colonial America, the creation of leather from animal skins was a crucial part of life. Back then, almost every farm and homestead prepared its own leather from slaughtered domestic or wild animals. With the rise of cities and the specialization of work, leather tanning quickly developed into its own industry.

The Dutch built New York’s first large scale tannery in 1638 in New Amsterdam, in an area later known as “The Swamp” near the present-day Brooklyn Bridge. This was an ideal location because hides could be shipped in from foreign sources and water was readily available. The area soon became concentrated with tanneries and leather-goods manufacturers, gaining its name from the large quantities of wastewater filled with organic matter and the constant odor of curing animal hides. What New York City lacked, however, were large groves of hemlock, which grew farther upriver in the Catskills, Adirondacks, New England, and Pennsylvania. Coupled with rising displeasure with the horrible conditions of “The Swamp,” this led to the development of tanneries across much of the Northeast.

In the 19th century, the process to convert animal hides into useable leather involved several steps. After the hide was taken off the animal, it was covered with salt, which simply acted as a preservative. After being shipped to a tannery, the hide was soaked in water until it was soft and any last pieces of flesh and fat were removed. Next, hides were soaked in lime for several days. The lime solution dissolved the hair and epidermis and caused the hide to swell, which opened the fiber bundles in the dermis layer for later penetration by the tanning material. After swelling, the hides were scraped, neutralized with vinegar, shaved into uniform thickness, and often split in half lengthwise for ease of handling.

At this point, the hides were ready for tanning, a process that involved soaking the hides in vats of tannic acid, a colorless – though not odorless – astringent made from plant tannins. While historically many plant species have been used to make tannic acid, hemlock bark was the preferred source of tannins in the Northeast because of its high tannin content of 10-12 percent. Tannins bind the collagen proteins in the leather, making them less water-soluble and more resistant to decomposition. Hemlock tannins give leather a distinctive, deep reddish-brown color. Other tree species, such as oak, the mainstay of the southern tanning industry, produce a lighter, yellowish-colored leather. In the early days of the industry, a hide spent about six months curing in the bark solution.

Using hemlock for tanbark
Hemlock is native to North America, forming dense stands up and down the eastern seaboard. It is often the dominant conifer along streambanks and the lower slopes of hillsides. It will grow in dense shade and is a major component of many forests, growing alongside maple, cherry, and white pine. It can be very slow growing, as in swamps, or grow rapidly in open areas with well-drained soil, where it often reaches heights of 70 to 100 feet. Hemlock trees can live for over 250 years, or in very rare cases, over 800 years.

Early tanbark harvesters obtained hemlock bark in two relatively straightforward ways. Some girdled trees in the spring when the bark was loose, or “slipping,” then returned later to harvest the loosened bark “on the stump” – an act that left gleaming, barkless trees beneath the dark hemlock canopy. The more common method was to cut down the tree and then peel the bark off as far as practicable, cutting it into four-foot strips. The tree’s trunk was sometimes sawn into boards, but since hemlock is inferior to white pine for building purposes, lots of wood was left to rot in the forest. The bark was the only desired product.

After the bark was removed, it was placed on the ground with the inner, or flesh, side facing up to hasten drying and prevent formation of mold. Bark was then stacked in large piles off the ground for further drying and to await transport to the tannery. Shipping long distance in the 1800s was costly. Bark was heavy and bulky and had to be hand-loaded onto wagons or sleds pulled by horses to the tannery. In contrast, salted hides were lighter and easier to maneuver, so the hides were, in effect, brought to the hemlock, and tanneries were built close to hemlock stands.

At the tannery, conveniently sited on rivers or lakes, the bark was ground or shredded and placed in a series of hot-water filled tubs. Using a passive method, it took about four days for the tannins to leach out of the bark – steam infusions halved the time. The resulting tanning liquor was then circulated through the tanning vats in increasingly acidic solutions. Spent bark was dried and used for fuel to heat the vats.

The rise of tanneries
In the mid 1800s, fortunes were made and lost as entrepreneurs took advantage of the lucrative trade in leather. Tanneries spurred the development of communities, some of which still exist today. William Edwards was the first large-scale tanner in the Catskills. Raised in Massachusetts, where he had made and lost several fortunes in the tanning business, Edwards built a tannery in 1817 on the Schoharie Kill, at what is now the village of Hunter. Business was good, but Edwards expanded too quickly and took on too much debt. In 1839, a mere 20 years after starting, Edwards was once again in dire straits, filing for bankruptcy and closing the plant. In spite of his flamboyant behavior, he did bring several mechanical innovations into the industry, including a hide mill that was used to soften hides and a roller mill that was used for finishing sole leather.

Soon, other towns in the Catskills developed around the industry. Tannersville, today a popular vacation spot, was originally a home for many of the immigrant settlers who found work harvesting hemlock and working in the local tanneries. Rufus Palen constructed a tannery at the present day Palenville. Zadock Pratt established the largest tannery in the Catskills, and the town of Prattsville survives today, though the tannery lasted only 20 years (1825-1845). During that short time, about 2,000 people lived in Prattsville and were employed at Pratt’s tannery. In 1868, an estimated two million hides were tanned in Sullivan, Greene, and Delaware counties.

The local forests soon felt the effect of the tanbark rush. Hemlock stands were quickly cleared, bark stripped, and most of the wood left to rot. Historical texts state that two men could fell trees and peel two or three cords of hemlock bark per day. Bob Steuding, in his book The Heart of the Catskills, estimates that in its 20-year history, the Pratt tannery alone used 100,000 cords of hemlock bark from an estimated 400,000 trees.

When the easily accessible hemlock stands in the Catskills were exhausted, tanners looked to the Adirondack foothills for further supplies. Here, water was plentiful, and the Erie Canal and emerging railroads facilitated the shipment of both hides and leather. In wet areas, hemlock logs were used to make plank roads on which a horse could pull the heavy wagons or winter sleds loaded with bark. Similar situations existed in New England, where early tanneries near the seacoast gave way to newer ones farther up into the mountains. In all areas, communities sprang up around the tanneries. In Hides, Hemlocks and Adirondack History, Barbara McMartin wrote that the Adirondack region had 153 tanneries in 1850. By 1880, the number had shrunk to 112, of which roughly half were also large manufacturers of finished leather goods. Johnstown and Gloversville still retain some of this leather manufacturing, although the tanneries have long since disappeared. Tanneries operated in almost every county in northern New York. Major concentrations could be found along the Black River and West Canada Creek in Warren and Saratoga Counties and as far north as Essex County.

Life in a tannery town was tough. The work was hard manual labor. Living next to a tannery meant the constant stench of curing leather and stagnant pools of waste material. Streams became heavily polluted as tanning liquors, lime solutions, flesh, and hair were discharged directly into them. Hillsides were stripped of hemlock. On the other hand, the tanneries provided a livelihood, often for immigrants, and gave local farmers a market for the hides of slaughtered animals. Some of the tannery workers owned farms and worked in the tanneries part time or seasonally. Others lived in boardinghouses at the tanneries, where they worked 12-hour days with only Sundays off. Besides the men directly employed at the mill, the industry indirectly employed many others, including the bark peelers, who sold their bark by the cord or contracted their labor by the day. The bark peelers would set up camps in the forest during the spring peeling season and strip trees from dawn until dusk.

An industry in decline
By the 1900s, the tanning industry was changing and people’s attitudes towards heavily polluted streams and obnoxious odors were also changing. In the coming years, many factors would combine to spell the end of the hemlock tanning industry. The depletion of accessible hemlock was an important one. This was overshadowed, however, by better transportation by rail and highway that lowered the cost of shipping bark and freed tanneries from locating close to a bark supply. Beef farming also consolidated and moved west, which increased shipping costs for hides. Tanneries began to import bark from tropical species, yielding leathers with different colors and properties that suited the changing tastes of consumers. Chromium, oils, aldehydes, and synthetics began to replace plant tannins, and these chemical processes tanned hides much more quickly than the tree-bark method. The mechanization of manufacturing placed leather tanning, with its heavy dependence on manual labor, at a disadvantage. The economic conditions of the late 1800s were another reason for the demise of the tanning industry in the Northeast. Depressions and skepticism had set in, capital was harder to obtain, and businesses were closing. Although some plants in New Jersey used bark until the 1920s, the hemlock bark-tanning industry had largely ended by the beginning of the 20th century.

And what happened to the hemlock? Early writers saw denuded hillsides, with rotting hemlock trees stripped of their bark, and bitterly lamented the destruction of majestic hemlock forests that had stood for hundreds of years. Their fear fed into the popular view, at the beginning of the 20th century, that the country had lost its forests forever. Indeed, hemlock forests that were ruthlessly clearcut did not regenerate quickly. Many tanneries left eroded soil, silted streams, and sometimes piles of hemlock bark rotting in the woods. On rare occasions, one can still see the remains of these abandoned bark piles.

Despite all this, hemlock came back. Today hemlock timber is harvested for lumber and wood pulp. Although the wood is difficult to finish, in a rough state it makes good construction timber. Hemlock’s use for wood pulp is a fairly recent development, but Finch Paper Co. in Glens Falls, New York, has based its entire paper-making operations on hemlock, which is much cheaper than other species and produces paper of good quality. Hemlock from New York and New England is also going to Canada for both pulpwood and lumber.

Today, one can travel almost any road in Pennsylvania, New York, and across New England and spot the distinctive hemlock trees peeking out of a mixed northern hardwood forest. Hemlock thrives in moist areas, where it’s found in almost pure stands – its dense canopy blotting out the sun and sheltering mosses and lichens, brook trout and salamanders, among other species. A hemlock swamp is a familiar sight to anyone who has hunted deer or trekked through our woods and mountain areas. That the hemlock has returned is a testament to the inherent biological ability of the species to survive.

Hemlock & Hide Gallery

Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: The Adirondack Museum Collection
Wheelerville, New York tannery. Note bark sheds in foreground. | Photo: The Adirondack Museum Collection
Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: The Adirondack Museum Collection
Peeling hemlock for the Emporium Lumber Company. | Photo: The Adirondack Museum Collection
Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: James Fynmore, courtesy of the Adirondack Museum
Stripped hemlock logs in Herkimer County. | Photo: James Fynmore, courtesy of the Adirondack Museum
Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: Frank J. McCormick, courtesy of the Adirondack Museum
Bark sleds near Tupper Lake, circa 1905. | Photo: Frank J. McCormick, courtesy of the Adirondack Museum
Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection
Fresh hides await processing. | Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection
Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection
Frank Nitsche in the “dry loft.” | Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection
Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection
“Beamers” at work fleshing hides in the Wilcox Tanning Company, Wilcox, PA. | Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection
Hemlock and Hide: The Tanbark Industry in Old New York Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection
Tom Redmund and Dave Zimmerman run fresh hides through a fleshing machine. | Photo: The Jones Township Historical Interest Group Collection

Discussion *

Apr 07, 2023

I am a direct descendant of Zadock Pratt. Totally separate, land we own in NE PA has in the deed the right of the prior owner to come upon the property to strip hemlock bark.

Rudolph S Houck
Jan 11, 2023

Enjoyed the article … I inherited the family home in an old Tannery town. As a child I visited my grandparents here in the 1940’s & early 50’s, we got use to the smell. My grandfather retired from NOXEN TANNERY but he still remained here. Several hotels in town housed foreign workers, many farms in the area too but when Tannery closed population dropped. Also the closing of lumber mills & ice harvesting business left the town with no businesses & only about 900 people. Great place to retire to with beautiful mountains & a creek to enjoy.

Sandra lee
Dec 11, 2019

My family contracted with tanneries in Johnston, NY until the seventies. We specialized in reptile leather and goatskins.

His original business was south of the Brooklyn bridge in the swamp area.

Thanks for your article.

Martin Joffe
Apr 30, 2019

I remember back in 1973,delivering mink,rabbit,and deer hides to an old tannery in Gloversville.Inside were huge wooden vessels and machinery that looked like it was from the 1800’s.The smell was of hides and chemicals was unbearable.This in January or February.I couldn’t imagine how rough it must have been in the summer.It was not for the faint of heart!

Clifton Jamison
Jan 21, 2019

Today while looking through census from 1880 in Franklin County, someone listed thier profession as “Bark dealer”. You answered my question and more, thank you!

Laurie Donohue
Sep 27, 2017

Christiana in CT.  In Northampton, Mass, William Edwards used water power for grinding the bark instead of using horse power.  That was his first innovation.  After that, the application of heat to the tanning process sped up the process.  He invented and patented a copper heater as well as a rolling machine used to finish the tanned leather.  These advancements stood as the standard for many years and were the first innovations in the tanning trade for centuries.

Barbara Pelissier
Feb 16, 2017

I am an asst. historian and have a family name that goes back to the Tannery Business. Horton Tannery, I believe, was in Sullivan Co. N.Y. My grandmother was of the Horton Family lines. Also High View had a tannery that made drum heads. Rogers Tannery and one Rogers family buried in Or. Co. Bloomingburg Rural Cemetery.
This was a delight.

Gwen Gillen Deserto
Apr 12, 2016

Fascinating article!! I have lived in Gloversville, but saw the radical decline of the leather industry. As I was doing research on Ancestry, one of my relatives listed his profession as a “BLOODER” in a skin mill. I have asked around, even to the historical society, and they’re unclear as to what this profession would entail. If you could help me out, I’d greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much.

Leslie Brown
Feb 20, 2016

This site was so interesting! My son in elementary school is doing a project on rivers and the mills that used to use these rivers for power.  A local river in CT used to have a tannery by it.  My question is the following: we know that the river water was used to soak and clean the hides, but was the water converted into power in the tanneries? If so, what was the power used for? I am guessing it was used to grind the bark, but we have not been able to find an answer to this question.  We know that the river water was used to soak the hides, but we have not yet found a source that says whether tanneries were converting water power into power to operate something in the mill.  Could anyone answer this for us? It has turned out to be a very interesting project, for both kids and parents!

Feb 18, 2016

A friend’s grandfather was a “knee staker” in a leather factory. What did he do?

Barbara Greaves
Aug 14, 2015

Apparently from my own research, Hemlock bark harvesting preceded the major commercial timber harvesting at least in north central PA. Hemlocks that still stood stripped or were downed and yet not rotted were harvested for crate and cheap reconstruction lumber during and after the civil war.  My interest was none of this but I was led here because of a writer named J. C. French who wrote in some detail about the (extinct?) Passenger Pigeons preference for nesting in hemlock stands in north central PA. I have often heard about how the early railroads brought the market hunters to the nesting sites. But the decline preceded somewhat the deforestation of mast trees. Destruction of favored nesting may account for this disparity. This also explains why there are some fairly old hemlock stands in comparison to the age of more commercial timber stands in the same vicinity. I have spent many days hiking and hunting thru vast hemlock stands in PA on a particular property of 50,000 acres formerly owned by a paper company. It appears the only trees unharvested thru the 20th century until today were the hemlocks. Alas, I have yet to see a passenger pigeon there, but you never know. Thank you so much for this informative site.

Joe Gallo
Mar 12, 2015

When my grandfather was 15 years old, around 1875, he supposedly was running a little business selling hemlock bark to tanneries in NE Pennsylvania. Later he made considerable money in Minnesota (1890’s) operating white pine lumber camps. Then he lost his money. So here I sit.

Bill McGrath
Dec 08, 2014

I’m doing research for a novel and wonder if you have any information on what a tanned buffalo hide would cost in about 1840-1845.Thank you.

Betty Hartman
Nov 07, 2014

Thanks for writing this article.  It is very interesting and the photos are great. Do you happen to know where the tanneries procured the large amounts of animal hides needed for the larger operations in the early 19th century?  Were they contracting with large scale cattle operations or could they have been contacting large numbers of small farmers to fill the demand? 


Mar 27, 2014

My family operated at least one tannery during the mid - 1800’s on property that is now known as Peck’s Lake, near Gloversville. The remains of a fairly large tannery remain along the bank of the stream exiting the Lake that flows into the Garoga Creek. Do you have any information?

Thank you.

Geoffrey Peck
Feb 06, 2014

This article assisted me greatly in understanding the process of the tanning industry, most especially as it relates to the industry of my hometown ( ironically within miles of the author). I have been researching the evolution of industry and community development for our historical society as we are developing a park where once (early 1800’s) stood a Hemlock stand.
Well done!

Kim Perry
Jan 24, 2013

I am interested to know about the degree to which our local creeks were polluted by the tanneries here, and if remaining sediment poses a danger to the local populace from tainted water and wells.

Teresa Monteleone
May 15, 2012

I own a property where a tannery once stood.  Whenever I dig near that sight I smell a distinctive noxious odor.  Could that be from residue of the hemlock tanning process that was dumped there? Is it hazardous or just obnoxious?  It was probably active in the late 1800’s.

Dave Rice
Apr 16, 2012

Hi.  Thanks for the great article.  I am interested in using some of the photos of hemlock bark logging and leather tanneries for an interpretive sign panel I am developing as part of an Interpretive Media course at the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point.  The sign may potentially be published at the Van Vliet Hemlocks natural area in Vilas County, Wisconsin.  Who should I contact about acquiring permission for these photos?  I am particularly interested in the photos of the hemlocks laying on the forest floor, and the one of the tannery workers striping hides.

Thank you very much!

Aug 16, 2011

Not sure, Larry. I’d love to see pictures of those chambers, though. If you have any, send them along to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Aug 15, 2011

I have recently become involved in the investigation of the numerous stone chambers in Putnam County NY and environs, and during my first tour of around 12 chambers, noticed that many were directly adjacent to a swamp, and many others directly adjacent to a road. One was on a hillside, with stone wall enclosures going down the hillside to the edge of a swamp. My thought is that the chambers along the swamp would take advantage of hemlock growing in the swamp, and the use of the swamp’s water as well for tanning purposes. Would this be a feasible explanation? Thank you.

Larry Mulligan

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