Mitch Ryerson is an artist, designer, and craftsman of fine furniture. In recent years, he has also created play structures for schools and parks. He uses Berkshires-sourced black locust for this purpose, taking full creative advantage of the trees’ twisting growth patterns.
“I have giant, crazy trees shipped to my field,” he said. “I chainsaw and grind them and re-saw them to my heart’s content.”
Ryerson’s experience with regionally grown wood and his keen interest in his own land (he manages 17 mostly forested acres for wildlife habitat and sawlogs) inform his work as an instructor at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. There, he teaches introductory classes in woodworking and includes in his lessons readings on forestry topics.
“A lot of these kids are urban kids who are inclined toward environmentalism quite strongly,” he said. “They’re learning that taking care of forests is a good thing.”
This past autumn, Ryerson’s class focused on a semester-long group project: the design and construction of a conference table for the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF). In the end, the students opted for a modular design comprised of eight different tables, and five – all regionally sourced – native species of wood. This photo series chronicles the project.
Captions draw from an interview with Ryerson and written comments by Carolyn Lowell, a graduate student in the class. Most of the photos in this series are by student Olivia Wiktor, with contributions from Carolyn Lowell and Nicole Garcia.

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Students at Massachusetts College of Art and Design documented their project for the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) by taking photographs at every stage of the design process. Below is a slide show from that process, and here is a power point presentation: Sustainable Furniture Fabrication: New Table for the New England Forestry Foundation.
We also asked the class to weigh the table components by species, in order to estimate how much carbon is sequestered in the final form: 348 pounds.
Thanks to Carla Fenner at NEFF for reviewing our calculations.