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Bats on the Brink: White-nose Syndrome Hits Home

If this story were a movie, it might best begin with a flashback. After the opening credits, perhaps backed by an ominous soundtrack, we’d be transported back two years, to a happier…

To Tap or Not To Tap?

When visitors arrived at Ed Lanigan’s 309-acre tree farm in Alton, New Hampshire, he waved them over to a row of sugar maples he had tapped a couple of weeks earlier. The March breeze…

At Work Procuring Wood for Biomass Plants with Hunter Carbee

Every community has its hubs: those people who tie disparate strands of the network together, who collect and distribute information. For the forest products industry in northern New England,…

Flower Show in the Woods

For six wintry months, trees have appeared as woodblock reliefs or iron sculptures, their bare limbs framed against a cold horizon. But as spring unfolds, stark branches morph into soft…

Little Brown Birds

For those of you struggling to learn bird identification, here’s an innovative system to help you name any species you encounter. That’s right. No more pesky field guides. Your…

Giant Ichneumon Wasp

When an insect develops on a single host, and kills the host in the process, it is called a parasitoid. Parasites, on the other hand, tend to nibble on their hosts without killing them. And…

What Is Forest Stand Structure and How Is It Measured?

Once upon a time, forest stand structure meant age structure. Areas of forests containing similar-aged trees were called even-aged stands, and areas with trees of multiple ages were considered…

The Long View

Let’s go back to the good old days. Let’s go back to the days when all was well, when life was pure, when music filled the air. Chances are good that every one of us is drawn to an image…


From the Center

For some time now, the board and staff of the Center for Northern Woodlands Education have been working on a plan to increase our organization’s capacity so that we can reach many more…

The Wood Chemical Industry in the Northeast: An Old Industry with New Possibilities

With the discovery that crude oil could be refined into a seemingly endless variety of products, petroleum became one of the most important substances on earth. Now, more than a century later,…

Tapping Trees

The act of tapping a maple tree is a fairly simple task, yet it’s one that’s often done incorrectly. Improperly tapping a tree can lead to lower sap production and, worse, poor…

Do Tree Stems Freeze in Winter?

Trees are about half water, maybe a little less in winter. And if the temperature drops low enough, the water in even the most cold-hardy tree will freeze. Since ice crystals can shred cell…

At Work Guiding in the Adirondacks with Lynn Malerba

In winter, Lynn Malerba’s peak experiences don’t occur on mountaintops. Her idea of a great February weekend is to teach a small group of novice explorers how to thrive on the…

Which Bird Made That Nest?

The diversity of behavior among bird species is nowhere so dramatic as in their nest construction. Each species builds a specifically precise nest that differs in functional ways from those of…

Mill Prices

These prices are for #1 hardwood logs, at least 8 feet long, with three clear faces and a minimum 12-inch top diameter. In the timber world, this is a log of average quality, not a prime…

Wood Lit